I wonder if they're gonna show Nat Turner kill women and children in this movie

I wonder if they're gonna show Nat Turner kill women and children in this movie.

I'm already seeing posts from black people and others hyping his movie up and calling Nat Turner a hero and a symbol of freedom.

This board used to be good. Nice post. I hope you can articulate and contribute more in your next ones.

Can we be sure he actually did that personally though? Afterall he was a man of God. They will probably show some of the slaves he riled up killing women and children and him trying to stop them.


>muh women and children
>muh honor

Nat Turner testified that he did kill one woman.

Turner thought that violence would serve to awaken the attitudes of whites to the reality of the inherent brutality in slave-holding. Later said that he wanted to spread "terror and alarm" among whites.

So, it looks like he condoned it.

>"The children who were programmed to continue fucking up woke up one night digging Paul Revere and Nat Turner as the good guys. America stripped for bed and we had not all yet closed our eyes."

Redpill me on what actually happened

nice contribution
Really upping the discussion and quality of the board with your post friendo

>heh, fucking sheep dont know that morality isnt real, im going to call it a spook and constantly remind people of it
>then theyll see how smart i am

>take people from Africa away from their families
>do not give them education besides giving them bare bones understanding of English
>bulk them up
>have them preform manual labor without any kind reimbursement for their work, just you're lucky we don't kill you
>treat them as property, tell them as such
>said people actually end up getting really pissed and tired of living that way
>leave guns and tools lying around

Lack of hindsight to future consequence of what they were actually doing happened.

Spotted the soft millennial faggot whose probably never even seen a bar fight

> going to bars like a basic bitch instead of spending your time wisely
> getting in fights with the local peasantry

Stay pleb.

Nice try, my property but "fedoras" are a spook.

I'll bet you'd get your ass kicked because you'd be too spooked go for the balls or the eyes.

Are you proud of being a violent fool?

No but it's a natural reaction to the cruelty of slavery. Should have spared the children but the women were very complicit in slavery, read some Frederick Douglass to see how cruel they can get

Did I say killing is justified?

Stop being knee jerk

Well he was a hero and symbol of freedom.

Let me know whem movies start depicting George Washington raping British children.

>Hero and a symbol of freedom
Maybe to radical black Nationalists
Also Washington never raped any British children, the fuck you on about?/

>Washington never raped any British children

Maybe not in the radical white nationalist classrooms you learned history in.

Didn't mean to reply to the first post about slavery

I've never heard anything about Washington doing this. Do you have a link to an article I can read on this?

I'm pretty sure that's just not a thing in any history books, really. Plus, he was fighting in his own territory, not Britain's. Where the fuck do you figure he would find British children to rape. Also remember that he didn't have any grudge to settle as a mistreated slave would.

Which classroom did you learn that in?

A better example might have been Jefferson potentially raping his slaves. Not sure why you leap to Washington raping British children.

>tfw no John Brown movie

Love or hate him, the guy had a profound impact on the country. Much more so than Nat Turner.

It's also irresponsible as fuck to promote this movie when racial tensions are at a high. Fuck progressives.

>tfw will never get a movie about the raid on Harper's Ferry from Lee's perspective as he has to stop a religious madman who believes God entrusted this task to him

Didn't Hemmings willingly stay with him even though she had the chance to run away in France?

Nowadays bar fights don't happen that often, you fight outside of the bars so they don't see you on cameras.
Violent troglodytes are the future of humanity, like it or not.

People always say it's edgy to think morality doesn't exist, but it's really not clear to me that it does.

What makes you think that morality is actually a thing?

Why are people so buttblasted about this movie before it's even come out? Are there people seriously trying to act like the slaveowners were the good guys just because what nat turner did was too extreme?

who dat nigga?

>Maybe to radical black nationalist
It's radical to revolt against slavery? Should he have politely asked for them to free their slaves?

>It's radical to revolt against slavery?
Slave is natural role of negro.

Who is Negro?

tell that to mansa musa, the richest motherfucker in Islamic history.

In today's uncivilised times full of chaos and plebs in positions of powers they're called "niggers".
So what? It doesn't change the natural predisposition of negroes to be enslaved.

>So what? It doesn't change the natural predisposition of negroes to be enslaved.
[citation needed]
are you that guy who starts shouting in capital letters and uses outdated US crime statistics to back up your claims?

>[citation needed]
Why do you think majority of American negroes are descendants of slaves? Same with Carribeans? Because they were shitty slaves? Because it was completely against their nature(see natives)? Nope. They are good material for slaves, that's why.

Will the media jew show whites being killed by blacks in historical glorification? Tough one.

>outdated US crime statistics

Not even him (nor do I support his argument) but you're a bona fide retard if you really think that black people don't commit a disproportionate amount of crime for their percentage of the general population


It can be argued that it is because of other social factors instead of their race, but to deny that such correlations exist is just dishonesty.

>People always say it's edgy to think morality doesn't exist
Nah, people start tipping when they see an underage fag that is at "babby's first nihilism book" stage.

Jesus Christ, this board is a couple months old and there's already annoying faggots yearning for the old days.

Yearning for the old days is a constant in any community, anywhere.

Well, I've been called edgy for questioning whether morals actually exist in some fashion.

That's pretty much the go to insult for anyone who has no answer.

From what I gathered reading The Confessions of Nat Turner:

>Nat Turner was a literate slave who was owned by a small time farmer/craftsman in Virginia; pretty comfy conditions for a slave. Nat is also a preacher.
>Nat would later admit himself that his master was a kind and fair man who treated him well (Though his wife and son were bastards when he wasn't home).
>Nat is very intelligent, knowing how to perfectly play whites and put up obfuscating stupidity/ignorance.
>Nat isn't quite right in the head, he has long standing resentment of white (moreso than any slave would have) and plots to kill them all; he sees it as a divine mandate.
>Using his clout as a preacher along with his charisma, he organizes a rebellion with dozens of other slaves.
>They rampage across the county for a while, murdering mostly innocent people (Nat admits to personally killing a young girl he knew, she was only 18) until the state militia finally shows up.
>Nat's rebelling btfo
>Nat flees to a cave until eventually being discovered.
>Surrenders without so much as a shot fired.
>Those of his group not killed in the fighting are all either executed or sold to the Deep South.
>Nat given proper trial, less to find if he is guilty as it is obvious he is, more to find his motive.
>Found guilty of murder and executed.

Slaves never have choice

If they had any balls at all they would show in graphic detail Nat Turner bashing in Margret Whitehead's head with a fence post, and also the white militias killing 200 random black men and women in the surrounding counties.

>when Jefferson and Sally Hemings were still in Paris, she became pregnant with his child. Based on Jefferson's promise to free her children when they came of age, she returned with him to the United States from France, where slavery had been banned

Slaves never have choice.

Nice platitude.

But all men have a choice

The motive is pretty obvious.

>Bitch you run away and I'll beat your kids
>But come back with me and I promise I'll free them
Not saying this is how it happened, but I'm gonna need a little more than that to believe she had a choice

Its no platitude.
Free men do.
The choice of slaves is never meaninful.
The power is to imbalanced.

>man is enslaved
>told he is property and less than human
>man gets chance at freedom
>get this nigger of my TV screen

Seriously faggots. If you made me your property and I had revolted, I would have done the same shit. Not that I advocate for the killing of women and children, but what better way to get your point across than offing a 5 year old and letting people know you are not fucking around? What you thought they would have listened to him if he spoke out like a civilized man despite the fact that he has been told his entire life that he was shit? Get over yourselves you prideful crackers. Thousands of women and children were killed in Japan during the war. It literally doesn't matter.

That said I hope the film shows it so we can strike fear into the hearts of crackers.

All slaves choose to be slaves.

While this does sound edgy, it's true; the choice may be between death and bondage, but it's always there. There are many who instead of being enslaved chose to kill themselves as a final fuck you to their conquerors

yeah too bad it backfired since after the revolt niggers were treated even more harshly than before.
Niggers - not even once

Importing them was a mistake, I don't know what those settlers were thinking

Some people are not willing to give up life for freedom. No one chooses to be slaves.
Some dont even know how freedom would work.
There os not real shame in tolersting a shitty life ofver no life.

You edgy little twat.

Maybe your dumbshit ancestors should have figured, slavery usually doesn't end well for either party eventually. In fact some of the longest and bloodiest conflicts in history have to do with slave revolts.

Considering everything, America got out lucky.

How about you read some history on it i steat of being an ignorany cunt.

>All slaves choose to be slaves.
>While this does sound edgy

They clearly choose.

I'm not saying that they chose wrong or anything, but it's clearly a choice

The choices of a slave is never meaningful.

Fuck off with your nonsense.

>They clearly choose.

Oh, but they do.

All of them think that life is worth more than freedom-not that there's anything wrong with that

>Oh, but they do.

>le never ever face

Thats not a choice dude just fuck off.
Its just as bad as that bullshit choice in christanity.

Of course it's a shitty choice, but it exists nonetheless

Not to people of Virginia at the time. They wanted to know what would compel a man who had very good conditions in the best state to be a slave it to go on a murderous rampage.

Also, they say in the book that they wouldn't have been as surprised if this had happened in the deep south, where all the large plantations and really bad treatments of slaves were, but in Virginia it seemed inconceivable.

The slave part us enough.

Just fuck off woth your choice bullshit.
Meaningless options are not options.
I wont even call you insensitive its just stupid.

To us, but you've got to look at it with an 1840's Virginia perspective. They wanted to know: why in the fuck did this happen?

The slavery...

It is NOT meaningless.

I know it's hard to get it through your thick skull but some men value shit like pride more than they value their own lives; hence, a choice

Read the book negroid, it's more complicated than that.

Yes it is a coerced choice there for it is meani gless. We would never have co fide ce in someone coercing another into a choice.

Its all triggered by that situation. Its not even like its the first revolt in the nation.
Slavery is the catalyst to all of it.

This revolt in particular is due in huge part from Turner's own mental health. The man was a sociopath and delusional, you could tell just by the way he spoke and recounting what he did. But I do not deny slavery was a root cause, just not the only cause.

I wont say you are out right wrong, but fuck off with your armchair psychology.

Not an argument.

And it's well known that Nat Turner was probably not right in the head, I'm not pulling this out of my ass.

Yes you are.
Thats the only thing you have done.
Hearsay and speculation.

>I'm not pulling this out of my ass.

You are, somewhat

How about reading a book from time to time Jamal?
From the man himself
>I heard a loud noise in the heavens, and the Spirit instantly appeared to me and said the Serpent was loosened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it on and fight against the Serpent, for the time was fast approaching when the first should be last and the last should be first.

An this priced that he was a religious zealot.
But not crazy.
Most zealots were not the certifiable type you think of.
That seroebt was still opression and slavery.
So its slavery as it always is.

>literally claim that you're getting visions from god
>not crazy
I suppose Manson is healthy and hale as well

He claims to have seen fucking heavenly visions and uses that as justification for murder.

That's delusion.

If he had said something like "The bible is my reasoning" that would be zealotry. But no, he claims to see literal visions of God and the Angels commanding him to murder.

Is manson nat turner now?

Whats your point?

Well, they both believed they were justified by a higher power

Not the answer to my question.

retarded questions deserve non sequitur answers.

And I suppose that no, they aren't the same, nat turner killed far more people

I cant really blame him for it either

ok, but I don't get your line of thought.

Are you perchance stoned?

The nigger was crazy.


Ah, just stupid then
