Tfw the Nazi's took the idea of the return of the Aryans literally and delved into eugenics and mass murder...

Tfw the Nazi's took the idea of the return of the Aryans literally and delved into eugenics and mass murder. It wasn't the literally creation of a 'pure' race, it was about bringing back Aryan values and purging degenerate values from society.

The return to Paganism was the true mission of the Nazis and they failed because they couldn't understand metaphor and resorted to genocide.

This is the consequence of materialism and the rejection of the metaphysical. Without spirituality and with the primacy of the ideologies of Darwinian evolution, the human experience becomes nothing but a struggle for survival that urges all human effort towards extermination and extinction.

Hitler was mad

I agree. We need a mystic revival. Humanity is ignoring half of existence.

That's what Evola said. Without the spirit, Aryans are beautiful beasts at best, wondeful to behold, sure, like a pouncing tiger in slow motion, but still mere beautiful beasts.

eugenics sure, mass murder isnt attributed to that.

I could agree, however as an infidel:

I could self-sacrifice for a greater good,
I could believe in the sacred,
I could believe in taboos,
But not in the mystical.

>tfw I wanna ride the tiger, but the flesh is too weak

I'm not religious, but this is why I always laugh at people who cite the Nazis as examples of "Christian terrorism" or "genocide by Christians." The Nazis were barely anymore Christian than the Soviet Union, and only acknowledged the church insomuch as it was part of "German tradition."

That's the problem when someone has a hobby horse. Everything needs to relate to it or to fit into that scheme/argument somehow, regardless of how much sense it makes. We all do it to some extent, but some people have some serious hobbyhorses and they're totally blind to them.

Even if you could see that a life imbued with mysticism brings about a higher quality of self actualization and personal expression?

The fuck is this New Age bullshit?

Exactly. I'm a bit of an atheist I suppose, and while I see the benefit of religion, I don't think I could ever just make myself believe in something that I truly don't believe in.

>New Age
Go read some Nietzsche, that should clear things up.

>New Age
>Look at me I'm a pleb

It's just a patrician thing, you wouldn't understand. Now back to the fields.

That's the beauty of metaphor, it points at something beyond itself. You don't have to believe in it as if it were a fact.

I'm an agnostic but I can easily tell people I believe in God/gods because I see them as metaphors, as personifications of the forces of nature or the human psyche.

It's a good object lesson for why absolute power is unimaginably dangerous

>I'm an agnostic

YOU ARE?????????????!!!!11111






The Aryans never lived anywhere near Germany, and are still alive and well.

>your opinion is not my opinion therefore you are an idiot

Alright I'm an atheist then. I feel no superiority. You on the other hand need some help it seems.

You realize the Aryans disseminated all the way into India right?


Well you asked for it...

>resorted to genocide
ah, still believing the holocaust meme eh?

>look just how edgy I can be guys, am I cool yet?

Many non jews died simply because the nazis were subhumanoid brutes. Supporting nazism and the actions of Hitler is supporting the genocide of europeans.

Because they are from central asia.