Draw a historical events in MS paint and guess what they are

>draw a historical events in MS paint and guess what they are

ill start

Apollo Space Program?


how do you even reach that conclusion

The moon landing?


Well it's not Baghdad, and "Tang" is a kind of soda invented for the astronauts, so...

I don't know yours OP but here's an easier one

First satellite in space

Augustus backstapped by ceasar and brutus?

The An Lushan Rebellion? The Guangzhou Massacre?

am i getting memed

heres a hint: pic related happened on china

>An Lushan Rebellion

holy shit someone actually got it

>In 756, over 4,000 Arab mercenaries joined the Chinese against An Lushan. After the war, they remained in China.[21][22][23][24][25] Arab Caliph Harun al-Rashid established an alliance with China.[26] The Abbasid caliph Abu Ja'far Abdallah ibn Muhammad al-Mansur (Abu Giafar) was the one who sent the mercenaries.Several embassies from the Abbaside Caliphs to the Chinese Court are recorded in the T'ang Annals, the most important of these being those of (A-bo-lo-ba) Abul Abbas, the founder of the new dynasty, that of (A-p'u-ch'a-fo) Abu Giafar, the builder of Bagdad, of whom more must be said immediately; and that of (A-lun) Harun al Raschid, best known, perhaps, in modern days through the popular work, Arabian Nights. The Abbasides or " Black Flags," as they were commonly called, are known in Chinese history as the Heh-i Ta-shih, " The Black-robed Arabs."

Oh thank fuck, that's one of the only events in Chinese history that I know.

go to bed dornan

Some other guy drew these but they are cute drawings none the less


mongol invasions of japan

made this a few years ago for another chan

these were quality memes at the time

cadaver synod, too easy

clearly the Winter War


Either Battle of the Kalka River or Battle of the Ugra River