/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

> atago
> silver ship

haha no. mogami is already there and they do nothing similar.

oh mang dat reading comprehension

>WoWS literally released 2 Minekaze clones for christ sake because they couldnt be bothered with finding a unique jap DD to be rendered

They could've released the Akatsuki as a T7 or 8 premium and I'd buy it.


WoWS has way more prems in game than World of Tanks ever did "post release"

A lot of WoT premiums are reskins mind you. T34 was literally a tech tree tank, Type 59/T-34-3, Panther 8,8, Jagdtiger 8,8, Churchill III, Matilda IV, the Berlin tanks, I mean Jesus fuck user I could go on and on here.

This is a wargaming title and at the end of the day they need to make money. If you don't like that then go fuck off and play Fallout or something lmao

there is no t8 regular cruiser on the jap line that is similar to the atago.

we arent getting the takao you shitposter.

Who cares about the number of premiums out so long as the non-prem botes are also viable? Hell, when we talk about ships that grossly overperform the competitors, we're usually not talking about premium ships.

prove it, wiseguy

Why is Greg mad all the time?

Back before the Mogami was a tier 8, and before the Myoukou was even in the game, the Takao was the tier 8 IJN cruiser. They took it down for a while, gave it a name swap, and made it a premium. The Atago in shop is actually the Takao and uses the exact same model. The regular Takao is guaranteed to come back at some point when they expand the lines.