"Ashe Mallory" Edition. >"waaah i hate goon lights" >Ashe Mallory is abducted and turned into a qt >nuklear wants to see where powergaming turns into metagaming >mikecari whines and feels threatened because they used his captain as an example >"FUKKEN YAHIR" >SUPERMADCRAB kills the server
>george and jonathan I actually saw them in concert years ago, they were really good. Felt bad for them though, they were the opening act for two other bands so basically no one was there that early and also no one was drunk enough to be getting down on the dance floor
This thread now belongs to the true space patriots, the robust, the ones who don't shitpost for attention and get their fucking jobs done in the name of glorious Nanotrasen. I will grind the enemies of my corp beneath my boot, let their finest come to meet their end beneath my boot.
Jaxon Gomez
Why isn't this image edited to have sec robusting the clown?
Nicholas Morgan
Do you guys think Nanostrasen is an extension of the British Empire and therefore part of the Anglosphere?
DEAD: Marty McFryman complains, "security is shit. I got arrested for trying to get anti-tox. I ghosted rather than deal with being locked away and forgotten about." DEAD: Sandy Sand complains, "damn i actually liked security" >mfw I set Security to high and watched as Sandy left the mime buckled cuffed without a timer because her PDA exploded and she needed minor surgery.
Angel Brooks
Camden Nguyen
Thats why it needs to be on the emagged juke
Angel Moore
Kazuhira Miller whispers, "We're diamond dogs now, Boss."
Leo Lee
no bully, it was my first time at least it wasn't as horrible as the first time i did virology
Chase Green
Jacob King
>spend a week learning the game >finally learned the basics of medbay and how to make someone not die >remake account now, how do I learn to make people not not die? fucking niggers seem to pull me once and i slip and die after they tank 6 oxygen tank blows to the skull
James Gomez
a shining light to our brothers in arms, even in death
Caleb Ortiz
Matthew Robinson
>Remake account
Lmao, the admins know all the ckeys you use m8
Noah Cruz
Yes, but the players don't
Jacob Morgan
What is your concern exactly? You can just random name you know. Are you that stupid faggot that has his Ckey and Character name the same thing?
Joshua Rogers
you really shouldn't play medbay until you have been around for a few months start with genetics. you're main responsibility is cloning, aka the easiest part of medbay
Carter Lee
I'm not that guy. I was just pointing out that using a different ckey does accomplish something.
Jaxon Gomez
>Datius Boius couldn't even kill his monkey'd target
Asher Evans
No it doesn't. It does fucking nothing. Just random name you idiot.
Chase Green
considering i've used a computer for more than a year and i know how to trick hardware hashing, no they don't LMAO
Evan Fisher
>aka the easiest part of medbay And then it runs out of biomass.
>People whilst being strangled are fairly defenceless, so without outside intervention there's not much they can do.
Is this true? is strangling truly robust?
Andrew Rivera
It's possible to resist out, but it's difficult But actually getting a stranglehold on somebody without them already being stunned or otherwise disabled is not an easy task
Carson James
Nah that's just a meme they are only friends
Parker Martinez
I want to hug Cynthia
Dominic Hernandez
what else would they be after Niggly turned him down?
Logan Perry
Strangling, once you have a hold, is pretty much impossible to escape from, however the person has to be stunned for a good while for you to get the hold on them, so it's far easier, faster, and safer, to just slam them into the window to kill
Connor Lewis
>Risking getting blood all over the scene and on yourself because you're too impatient for a clean kill
Oh wait we don't have any good detectives nevermind carry on
No one ever pays attention to blood or anything. Ever. You can literally walk out of a murder scene covered in blood and no one will bat an eye. Be dressed in yellow gloves, gas mask, black boots and no ID? Oh boy that's a harmbatonin'!
Reminder we could have killed all of you fleshies but didn't
Sebastian Perez
I trust you borgs.
Chase Taylor
>shaft miner encounters a goliath and basilisk combo >right before they get dropped by the tentacles, they pick away a nearby gibtonite deposit and set it to tick away >explosion >miner dies >goliath survives
Evan Allen
>get converted >get thermite from fellow chemist bro >raid armoury >skirt around station in my bag >see bones in SME room wait what >it's the guy who flashed me and was promoted to CE >also in the pile is his PDA >a One human module >a Purge module ...