I was watching the Big short and noticed that two guys on that got rich by investing on things people hoped would never happen, and it got me thinking.
And I thought about something that everyone hopes will never happen and have convinced themselves won't, but all signs point to it definitely happening. I don't wanna give it away but I'm not sure where to start. If I actually do end up finding a way to invest in it i'll share.
What I really want to know, was this just some throwaway line or is this kind of thing possible, and how do you start investing in people's fears?
artificial human organs made from stem cells is something people want but will never talk about truthfully. a perfect artificial heart is the holy grail of medicine and there's no price that's too high.
Dylan Carter
That's a good one but i think mine is more far reaching, akin to the housing crisis. It'll effect people on a global scale.
Austin Jenkins
Is it the Chinese housing market? the American housing market? The bankers here are doing the same thing that caused the crisis in 2008.
Tyler Collins
No the housing markets are too obvious now, that ship has sailed.
William Edwards
Well most nocoiners/grandpas here dont like bitcoin and trumpcoin, so here you go
Blake Miller
Protip: you look at the stock market and you find the most over valued sector and you short it. You short it hard.
Since 2011 this has been the tech stocks. Particularly Google, Amazon and Facebook.
Cooper Barnes
Just share what it is OP, I can guarantee you worst case scenario is some NEET drops his semen covered shitcoin fund in an attempt to outsmart you.
Liam Lewis
It's unlikely that you will accomplish anything without power.
George Soros is famous for investing in events that people think are unlikely, igniting the fire and cashing out.
Although you need money and proxies to pull this off.