League of legends /lolg/

Bet you play voli top lane

Yeah that is why I stopped playing Yasuo

Fuck off m8.

I can't into inmobile mages, at least you play Ekko as well

>Vayne on your team
>Vayne on enemy team
>Destroys your bot


Post champ counters and why!

Maokai latches onto illaoi enabling her to land easy slippers!
Watch out for him using his snare to dodge e as he can not be hit by it during his movement phase.

Marksmen and mages can attack melee champions from far away and therefore have an inherent advantage.

Fuck off.

nasus counters illaoi ecept is countered bu=y illkjaoi b ercause tebnaclews

Just started ranked first time ever. Think I did okay.
