Maplestory General - /msg/

What's so bad about Reboot?

Nothing famalam, it's actually better than regular p2w GMS servers, however it requires some time to farm mesos and that can either be entertaining or boring as hell for you, it depends. Also no trade not even between chars.

nothing, its the best server, except its still shit and has all the same problems new ms has, so the people who came back for it just left after a month. also you can't pay money for damage so all the payfags went back to their old servers

>except it still has all the same problems new MS has
As expected, I guess

The no trade between characters is a bit unfortunate, but not as bad as I was led to believe

I guess it means you can literally just play whatever class you want without being "forced" to pay to git gud enough to catch up though, right?

Indeed, as long as you're willing to farm mesos.
Another issue you might find is that the lack of scrolling and bonus pot has made some classes harder to fund, and impossible to cap with (assuming you care about caping) but that's somethign that's probably going to be fixed in the future since new harder bosses are coming, i expect nexon to add new means for rebooters to increase their damage output.
However this also means that you no longer can play solo story for the most part, you do require a friendly guild that can do CRA, Hmag and CPQ and other bosses with you, to make your life easier, this could be bad or good depending on who you ask, i personally like partying.

fk this nigga man

I don't mind partying for the later bosses at all; I've never really gotten to soloing Hmag before anyway.

Thanks user

holy fuck man this server is full of jews
the neb was 20% even


okay /msg/ we can't get any maplestory related posting going because its shit. because of how many generals there are and the limited server space, we're next on the chopping block. think i'm joking? /ttg/ and /w*g/ are already gone. i've laid out a plan as to where we can go from here.

we change the title from /msg/ to /mccg/; short for Minecraft Cringe general. we use it as a means to share minecon cringe videos and talk about how cringey they are. anyway that's all i've got so far, hopefully the plan will coalesce or someone else will take over. i'll start.