Blade and Soul General /bnsg/

Because of autists sperging out. It reached critical mass, apparently. I'm guessing that one guy that kept reporting every single on of Eristic's posts finally annoyed a mod enough to get the entire thread junked.

I could ask the same.


Why did Cricket get a room entirely to himself while the other students had to share a room?

zup fellas

got new PC gear arriving tomorrow, old one got busted, will be diving back into WaifuSimulator2000 this weekend

Well fuck you its not Eristic's hair you only associate it because the person who mainly known the most is Eristic but there are people who got it before Eristic so i can kindly tell you to fuck off.

xth for rip eriSTATIC REEE

also xth for yuns still #1
1 yun = 1 fun

>there is really a mod in here
>he's friends with autistic
it's over folks, normies won

>faggots last post before getting purged


I miss Karlie ;-;