How can I short my own life

How can I short my own life

Other urls found in this thread:

Take out a life insurance policy before committing suicide

Take limb insurance, cut of arm

blow up some kuffars and get 72 virgins

>Purchase -9001 shares of yourself
>Wait for others to believe in you and "borrow" shares
>Disappoint them
>They sell stock in you

Preferably by pissing off some gangsters, so it won't look like suicide.

Insurance fag here.

You have to wait 2 years typically

"suicide exclusion period"

You already are. Your employer is borrowing you, and after 50 years he'll give you back worth less than you are now.

OP already fucked up and went straight to the disappointment step

There's a book called The Unincorporated Man. A few centuries in the future, every person is "incorporated" at birth, allowing people to buy shares in him. Each parent gets 10%, the government gets 5%, and you're left with 75% of your own shares. You typically have to sell a bunch of your shares to go to college. Any person's shares can be bought and sold by anyone.

Unfortunately, after thinking up this cool setting, the authors shat all over it by making the protagonist a human popsicle who's old enough to be "unincorporated" and starts a political upheaval to eliminate incorporation, which he views as some kind of slavery or something. I think I gave up a few pages into the sequel.