Stopwatch rules and highlander hero picking for competitive fucking when?
Parker Carter
Gabriel Campbell
First for Pharah.
Caleb Gray
>/owg/ mutes everyone in a match >then complains when they cant coordinate as a team
Sebastian Bennett
Playing in a premade will get you matched against other premades. You don't gain any unfair advantage.
Dominic White
please do not bully the pharahs
Ian Bell
first for seagull being an immature kid who can't win in solo queue
Brody Gomez
nth for traceranon
Robert Reyes
I'm the third comment and I don't even play 76. I'm just not a shitposter like you and realize he's a good all-rounder. He has heals, good dps, good range, good speed, and works on both defense and offense.
Gabriel Watson
First for Prodigy#1300 number one Pharah in solo queue
Matthew Jenkins
Top Xth for easy and effective.
Brody Rogers
11th for Blizzard-endorsed aimbot cheating in tournaments by professional Overwatch player EnvyUs.Taimou
Josiah Kelly
Then why do I get matched against full premades with 5 other solo matchers every time I play
Angel Perry
t. Prodigy
Isaiah White
now that the dust has settled we can all agree mercy and reaper deserve a nerf
Nathaniel Green
Xavier Barnes
Waiting for r34 with her Native American skins.
Carson Collins
my mom left me muny for doritos and mtn dw fu k u guise L O Ling at ur lifes rn
Liam Martin
t. salty Pharah player, who doesnt know that grouping gives you literally no advantage
Alexander Butler
the first might happen next season unless they decide to just turn sudden death into a draw
the second will never happen
Angel Ward
Mercy yes but why Reaper?
Brandon Reyes
if Reaper is nerfed then there's no one to shit on tanks
Mercy deserves a nerf though
Lucas Lewis
Jackson Carter
Julian Nelson
I read an article about Blizz suing the ones who made the hacks for copyright infringement. I forgot where though, i think it was polygon.
Parker Barnes
Gavin Sanders
Why are they so cute?
Gabriel Reed
Is Mcgree still viable? since the fan the hammer shit is nerfed his skill ceiling goes up to the roof or it's just straight garbage?
Adrian Miller
Benjamin Phillips
Stopwatch should only be a factor if both teams finish the map. Otherwise it should be who pushed the cart farther. You are only allowing aggro tactics to be viable with a stopwatch all the time rule.
Carson Smith
I didn't want to believe the forced 50 meme. Does everyone else's winrate balances like this? It feels bad to know which day is the win or lose day
Jason Carter
reaper doesn't really have any good counters with mccree nerfed, roadhog can sort of handle him but at the same time reaper shits on tanks
Noah Torres
>Why reaper He's a salty hanzo main who tunnel visions and gets flanked 10 times a game.
Ian Evans
Kevin Jenkins
Better off going 76
Henry Russell
they are literally timon and pumbaa
wish they wouldnt create so much gay shit with them
Parker Young
Are you playing in Asia?
Andrew Long
Parker Cooper
Reaper's counter is never engaging him at close range, and getting the fuck outta there if you do
76 for example absolutely shreds Reaper
Jonathan Clark
top fucking kek esports are a joke
this is just like that CS betting shit going on right now
Jackson Hall
>please do not bully the pharahs But she likes it.
Julian Nguyen
He gets shit on by any character who can put damage out from range. Don't get flanked pleb.
Lucas Morales
If I see that fucking Junkrat one more fucking time.
Nolan Foster
James Powell
>McCree got nerfed >suddenly everyone needed a nerf
Is this a new meme?
Lucas Morales
No, this is EU
Isaiah Scott
I've always wanted to be Pharah's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the spawn room with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" D.Va says. Widowmaker licks her lips, Tracer giggles, and Symmetra glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Pharah kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Pharah's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel myself teleported across the room, and I find myself lying underneath D.Va, Widowmaker, and Tracer. They had already taken their boots off and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Pharah said, "he's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. She shoves my dick inside her tight, sopping wet pussy and starts pumping. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred Reinhardts. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she stands over my head and rains her "justice" down on me from above. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
Ryder Fisher
Now we're talking
Nathaniel Brooks
>Timon and Pumbaa >Literally two men raising a child together >No women in sight ever >No gay shit went on
Matthew Jones
Would you rather erase from earth Seagull's fanbase or ster_'s fanbase
Ayden Turner
Hudson White
McCree needed a nerf, but not like this. Cooldown on RMB. No reload on Roll. Either of these. Now he desperately needs his falloff fixed.
Jace Hall
mercy takes it up the ass from any team that's coordinated
Levi Perry
/owg/ sees a bunch of strong heroes overshadowing other ones and thinks that nerfing them is the only way to bring """"""balance"""""
James Lopez
Mercy deserves it though since she can charge up her ultimate in less than a minute.
Luis Lopez
hope that guys doesnt "main" zen, talk about being a dead weight to any team
Brandon Reyes
i'd rather erase steel from this earth desu senpai
Chase Mitchell
S76 + Mercy >>>>> Pharmercy
Zachary Taylor
which character has the most meme potential and why is it reaper?
Ayden Wilson
Why is there so much hate for Seagull? He seems like a nice guy and is friendly to his chat. His fans can be terrible but that should not be Seagull's fault. Honestly compared to some of the other streamers:
>Surefour >annoying music >his gf being loud as fuck in the background >blames his deaths on rng and "they only go after me" instead of himself unlike Seagull who always talks about how he could have been better >acts like a 12 year old cod fan
Elijah Rogers
i would erase my dick in your ass
David Lopez
>this happened months ago >was POTG, entire twitch audience of 40,000 saw it, every blizzard employee watching saw it, both teams saw it >Taimou is still employed by EnvyUs and still is not banned from the game
Overwatch: the game where it's ok to cheat as long as you're making Blizzard money.
Jonathan Howard
Lincoln Barnes
Any more pics of her dressed as Kek or otherwise
Nathaniel Long
>Mexican >Edge Lord theres so much with so little
Carter Bennett
>my team is bad >constantly annoyed at how they don't do anything >my team is good >my own flaws become glaringly apparent and constantly annoy me
Gavin Watson
Nathan Torres
>Mercy uses her shift to a corpse and presses Q to rest 5 people >she dies from a coordinated team effort after ressing
Good work.
Nathan Harris
Jesus Christ, nobody told me this edgelord was so fun and actually useful
Joshua Stewart
a good reaper will never be in a situation where they get shot from a distance, they weave through cover and teleport around. even if you catch him flanking he can just spook away and try again in like 10-20 seconds, possibly after getting a kill already
also "fight from a distance and don't get flanked" was the same argument people had against pre-nerf mccree
Luis Baker
No fucking clue how that autocorrected to kek.
Nolan Sanchez
this to be honest with you fampai ship goodness order: 76 mercy > mccree zarya > me widowmaker > anything else > shit > POWER GAP > pharah and anything
Lincoln Nelson
but that's wrong
Bentley King
FFS >Ranked mode on Voskaya >We win in the first two matches with us having more time on the clock left by at least 3 minutes, they get the 2nd cap in the 3rd match with 0 time. >They resort to reinhart/turret combos in the 4th match and cheese it along like shit eatting faggots
Why does Blizz just fucking love artificially inflating match lengths when one team clearly out does the's not like picks are LOCKED either...
Joshua Evans
How about you nerf this, boy?
Ian Cox
when is this game going to get a necromancer/summoner-type character?
Benjamin Sanders
>man we supports are getting shafted by this ranking system xD
Is there any credible evidence that supports this? Has Blizz addressed it?
I'm tired of Mercy players' near constant whining
John Flores
>this picture >implying they wouldnt awkwardly bump into each other and fall down
Jaxon Walker
Mercy getting off her res isn't a indicator of a lack of skill, that shit is 2fast2furious
James Walker
>not fucking the twitchy little twink who's solely dependent on you out in the Ozzy outback within an inch of his life on your fat dick that's nearly bigger than his waist
are you a faggot
Owen James
Noah Harris
>It's a your team can't cap the point unless you literally solo kill 4 enemy players episode
Parker Anderson
unlike McCree though Reaper doesnt have any mid range damage and doesnt have an inescapable instant kill combo
he's strong at what he does, that doesnt make him overpowered
Jonathan Howard
shhh you didn't see anything, goyim
yes you can be a pro too!
Angel Campbell
Redflag skins
Shitters >White torb >Carbon fiber genji >Any skin for taht isn't bva or white rabbit >Any skin for Bastion that isn't overgrown >Golden 76 >Paragon rein >Devil mercy
Will shit on you >Bone >Young Genji >Nomad >Stonehardt >Blackwatch Reyes >Frogston >Hayseed
Easton Rogers
I have a feeling in the story they will somehow throw in a Trump like figure who put a wall up on the Mexican border, and that's what caused reaper to become edgy.
Anthony Morgan
>I think I'll play some OW >Widow on Nepal shrine quits after one round >lose a rank immediately on my first game
Bentley Gutierrez
>mccree zarya there is literally only one fan art of them. It's not a real ship. McCree with Reaper and Hanzo is far more popular.
Hudson James
Zenyatta on escort the payload attack is almost required.
Jose Wood
Hudson Rodriguez
>if a person didn't waste twenty dollars they're shit
Levi Moore
Julian Peterson
Seagull literally never solo queues. He is a shitter that gets carried and gets saved by his team all the fucking time.
Shayed is also a landwhale healslut for Seagull too, Shadder2K is garbage at the game.
Jason Morris
He was triggered after a mission with Mei gave him PTSD flashbacks to his attempts to get over the Trump wall, starting his downward spiral to Talon.
Ryder Hughes
>liking bva or white rabbit >hating Devil mercy what is this taste who has such a terrible taste stop posting please
Samuel Kelly
>Widow on Nepal shrine quits after one round >lose a rank immediately on my first game If that's the same game you should be able to leave without losing any rank. It's not half as bad as not being able to take a point when the enemy team is down a man.
Thomas Scott
Joseph Brooks
Yup. Based Prodigy is the hero Veeky Forums needs.