Heeltoe downshifting

Is heeltoe the only way to properly downshift? What if my pedals are uneven and don't physically allow this? Every car I've driven has had uneven brake and gas pedals, making it nearly impossible to hit both with the same foot.

Are some cars just not possible to heeltoe in, or are all cars supposed to have even pedals and I've just been fucked?

Further, is there any way of heeltoeing without twisting your foot 90 degrees?

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why the fuck would you use this during everyday driving?

I hate the ungraceful way the car shudders and jutters when I downshift coming to a stop.

It makes going into corners quicker, it's absolutely not even close to necessary for normal driving provided you're still rev matching otherwise.

How do you rev match effectively without heeltoeing?

remove the toe

then don't downshift if you're planning to stop, just coast.

Then you aren't doing it right

How do I do it right?

Heeltoe is a dumb meme from anime. 90% if people on this board that mention don't own a car. IRL I only know one guy who talks about it, and he's "saving for a clean subie". He blows his money on weed.
Basically it's jut left foot braking but worse on your ankles and less efficient.
You won't ever need either of them, even in spirited driving on "the touge"

Don't down shift. Just put it in nuetral and apply the brakes.
It's really not that hard

don't listen to these no-skill faggots

Practice, OP. Adjust your pedals if you need to. It'll feel wonky at first, but when you nail it, it'll be a wonderful feeling

Just rev match downshift before you need to brake, in fact it will help you brake.

I have the same problem in my car. Here's what I do.
Put the left half of my right foot on the brake pedal, and tilt my foot to the right to press the gas with the other half.

How do I adjust the pedals? Sorry for the noob question.


buy a pedal spacer. it's really not 100% necessary for daily driving, it's just nice to be able to do it.

first time I heel toe'd properly and i accidentally came then farted

ITT: People who have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

>Don't down shift. Just put it in nuetral and apply the brakes.
>It's really not that hard

But everyone screams that coasting in neutral is detrimental? Who do I believe?

You should just not drive your car at all because if you do you'll just put wear on it.

>Veeky Forums has become the boomers

>Don't down shift just put it in neutral and apply the brakes
>Need to slow down to get round an obstacle
>Slow down to a stop in the middle of the road
>Brakes on
>Coasted in neutral destroying the clutch
>Instead keep in gear and depress clutch, destroying the throwout bearing
>Instead heel-toe throwing a rod bearing or whatever else retard/o/ believes this summer

Fucking Veeky Forums every time.

No you jackass. It's called REVVING.
You know. The thing that happens when you push the clutch in and press the gas pedal?
Are you asking these dumb fucking questions having never been inside of a car before?

Instead of heel toeing. Literally just press the clutch, HOLD IT THERE, Rev up a little bit by pressing the gas pedal, or as you fucking put it
Immediately after revving you need to let off the clutch slowly and boom you've got a perfectly smooth downshift. I can do it quickly enough that I have time to brake and what not before or after. It's fucking simple god damn it

Or you could heel-toe and do literally the exact same thing in one less step derp

>numbers matching
>bought at Barret Jackson 5 years ago
>call for price
Is there anything the boomers haven't ruined?

I just double-clutch it

ITT: All these granny shifters.

But you don't have to brake every time you downshift you fucking bus rider. Ever heard of engine braking? Downshifting gives you more engine braking negating the need to use your actual brakes. It's keeps you in the right torque range and everything to keep moving smoothly.

Also not every cars pedals are level. Mins aren't so I could never heel toe, but I've honestly never needed to.

Glad your not granny shiftin

Wait lets think of the vast majority of times I have to downshift

1) Slowing down for a corner
2) Slowing down for an obstacles

and vastly less

3) When I want to maintain speed but require extra acceleration

Heel-toe is perfectly valid in the first two and does it faster than just plain downshifting and I'd rather wear out my pads than rely on engine braking.

True. In those first two situations I always wish I would just level out my pedals already. But what I would do if I had to slow down for an obstacle is use brakes then press clutch in, Rev, and shift. It's the same thing just in one more motion. Heel toeing is a good technique, but not necessary for downshifting in general.

Then you're not at the right rpm to downshift yet. Do it more gently and let the synchros do their job.

just downshift without using the brakes, then use the brakes when you have to


My car is also too cramped for twisting my foot. You put your foot straight up on the two pedals with like half your foot -- imagine using your big toe to brake and a few right toes on throttle. Your pedals seem uneven now, but when you apply brake, they'll be lined up side by side.

And yes, I heel-toe every time I downshift while braking. Yes, I downshift for all stops/slowdowns (usually to 2nd, but to 3rd if I'm feeling lazy).

If you're too fat to heel-toe like 50% of itt, the other thing you can do is slow down to ~1.5k rpm, downshift, and let the clutch take the brunt of it. This wears clutch slightly faster, but also wears brakes almost as bad as not downshifting at all (because at those slow rpms there's very little engine assist).

Don't worry too much if it takes you a while to get comfortable. Once you do it for a few months, it'll be second nature.

>Yes, I downshift for all stops/slowdowns
>and let the clutch take the brunt of it. This wears clutch slightly faster
this rapes the clutch you fool, just like your excessive shifting rapes your synchros.

>thinking this is actually an argument
Go drive a manual car, bro. It's the easiest, least-wearing and most fuel efficient way to coast in gear until nearly stopped and then pop into neutral or an appropriate gear when stopped/nearly stopped/need to now accelerate again. These guys are rusing you.

Why on earth would you not just blip the throttle on your regular downshift while the clutch is in?

>wearing out your TOB
pop it in neutral or don't bother

because he thinks he's a fucking race car driver. i mean look at that penis compensating car.

Are you retarded?


So how the fuck do you downshift if you want to accelerate?

>Clutch in quick
>Spike throttle while downshifting
>clutch out
>gas petal down.

So...do the same damned thing without using your gas "petal"

Just drive an automatic. People like you give stick shift a bad name. God damn.
>"how do I downshift without heeltoeing?"
>"so instead of heeltoeing, I should be heeling?"

literally NEVER seen a worn out throw-out-bearing

there's very little mechanical wear caused by holding the clutch in one place

dafuq you on about? they wear out before clutches friction plates quite often and are the second leading cause of clutch failure. why do you think you always replace them when you are in there?

Got the wrong user I never asked any of that.

I had one but its becuase the shop that did my clutch failed to replace it the last clutch job.

Typically they do out last clutches tho.

>Typically they do out last clutches tho.
Not if you are the fool who sits at a red light with the clutch pressed in like They generally out last clutches if you don't abuse them, yes.

How do you know if it needs to be replaced?

>left foot braking

How do you change gears without a clutch then m8?


You'll know.

Coast in gear meaning to take your feet off all pedals while in gear, retard. Anyone who touches the clutch in a car when they're not in the process or changing gear, coming to a complete stop or moving off from a complete stop is a waste of space

the engine is probably outbraking the brakes. brake harder or downshift at lower revs.

It's nothing like left foot braking

>Heel toe is a dumb meme

It's a basic fundamental you have to be able to do if you want to be even remotely fast through corners in a olde style manuel.

oh god i forgot people drive complete shitboxes, yeah if your 3-2 downshift is jerky you have to hold the clutch in longer to get the engine speed down. fucking econo cars
left foot braking is not a meme either. i'm not sure of its application on tarmac but it is fundamental in rally racing.

You sound like a complete twat.

because I've never owned and only driven one sub 200hp manual in my life? or because of the good advice i gave?

you left foot brake while applying throttle to transfer weight to the front wheels so you stop understeering newb.

you can if you rev match perfectly on older cars

You just googled left foot breaking didn't you....

No, I was taught at a rally school. Pic related, but not me.

>All these inexperienced kids
Holy shit.
I've never found a car I can't heel toe in.
It takes fucking practice you retards. You can't just understand it and go out and do it flawlessly immediately.
I heel toe while dding.
It's fun.
If you don't want to put in the effort don't just say it's impossible, admit that you're just a faggot.

Please stop. My sides.

>Anything other than what I do while DDing is ricer weeb shit

You've never received instruction from an experienced racer? Are you a filthy casual or just poor? The rally was fun in a real group N car, not my thing tho, I prefer track days.

How much did your parents spend giving you that very nice experience?

Yeah no one cares what you've got to say.

Fucking hell I hate this board

>lad comes asking a simple question in a humble way
>Every response is calling OP a dumbass and contradictory reasons for why someone should heel and toe

kek that track school actually was a gift, i wouldn't have chosen rally for myself. $1,500 or so I believe? while fun and interesting it definitely showed me that i have no interest in anything "rally." I have done (and paid) for many instructions/schools for cars and bikes on tarmac tho. Dirt just sucks. Still was nice to learn.
>So I guess you're just a filthy casual?
Like every thread here you have to learn to sift through the bullshit. Unfortunately, if you can sift through the bullshit you probably don't usually need help from anyone on Veeky Forums, regardless of the board.

Who the fuck hates getting sideways on dirt???

No it's because you sound like a cunt.

Also, coming in to corner hot, lift, clutch in,

Blip throttle, drop in gear right at the peak rpm clutch out.

Turn in, and just as the weight is about to come around get on the gas with a gentle drag in the brake.

Even on pavement, you can practice just seeing how tire squeal changes with a light drag on the brake as you punch it coming out of a corner.

Or, yknow, being an asshole in intersections is an option w it too

And to the mouth breather who is just saying do this without the throttle blip,
That causes more heat and wear on all items involved than spinning up your engine with no load.

I may be a cunt, but I can ride and drive better than you

for once I agree with brosifine. heel toeing isn't even something I think about anymore. I just do it when I'm driving fast and braking late

just down shift all the way down to 2nd and then release into neutral, then press the brakes when coming to a stop

just do this all in a fluid motion
>clutch in
>blip throttle to estimated rpm for next gear
>downshift to said gear
>release clutch

and you just keep doing that until you hit 2nd gear, nice n easy

Is this all this thread has been about?

I always thought the transmission in my car was average, but the way Veeky Forums describes shifting it makes it sound like a chore.

There is absolutely no reason to downshift when coming to a stop. Just let off the gas pedal. When you get to about 1k RPM, put it in neutral and stop. Or just put it in neutral immediately when you decide to brake.

Don't listen to Veeky Forums when it comes to shifting a manual transmission. It's a bunch of middle schoolers that have read stupid unrelated race shit on forums. They don't even drive.

Except Sable was actually correct there. I prefer to double clutch myself since I find it makes my shifting smoother, but same principle.

rev matching downshifts will make them smooth

heel-toe is only for track driving

>what is double clutching
>literally just rpm match when downshift
This is just common sense isn't it? People don't just gear down and dump the clutch do they?

The pedals on every car are uneven you moron. You heel-toe when going into a corner fast, you brake hard and guess what, now the pedals are even because you're braking. If you want to properly downshift just clutch -> change gear -> blip throttle -> release clutch.

That's not double clutching at all. Double clutching is releasing the clutch in neutral and using the engine to synchronize the input and output shafts the transmission, then pushing the clutch again and finishing the shift.

how in god's name does coasting in neutral destroy a clutch you stupid prick?

Because it's fucking simple. Because you slow down faster. Because you don't have to rev the engine as high as a result of going much slower by the time you shift. You brake with the engine and the brakes at the same time. Magical, right?

If you don't have midget feet and stiff as fuck uncomfy shoes it's literally no problem

My 17 year old little sister can heel toe

Don't shift at all! You'll wear out your synchros! Buy a diesel, start in third, and never leave it.

yours truly, Veeky Forums

I definitely read it wrong then.
I'll try it out next time.

But that's exactly what heel-toe is, except you brake at the same time, which is often necessary in city driving.