Fighting Games General /fgg/

Emulate heat the soul 5 and play me chump.

lets not beat around the bush here.

juri sux

How the fuck do you quick rise in SFV

That's not what your mother said when I was beating her bush last night

read the pastebin

New tech

>Momochi has changed his opinion from Juri is dog shit to now she's viable, but hard to use
>Sako changed his main to Juri

The times are changing my friend. Sako is the guy that made cammy look op before anyone. He then made evil ryu look op. He made Ibuki and Elena look op before anyone else too. You should trust that autistic nigga.

dunno maybe

i just realized everyone in sf5 plays like sf4 makoto

if a move is -7 does that mean a 7f move can punish it or does it have to be a 6f move

Not really