Serious Question

How does one debate a creationist? And none of this "you can't, it's impossible" stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:

More specifically a Young-earther.

You can't, it's impossible.

Impossible, you can't

Dont bother. They start with a conclusion, and find evidence for it after the fact, theres no discussion it with them

You can't, it's impossible.
And you shouldn't want to, either.

You shouldn't, it's improbable

'Tis not possible. Thou canst not.

You shant, its inconcievable

pic related.

Ask them to justify dispensationalism.

Tell them if they are listening to anyone other than what is in the book (they have if they listen to modern teachings) they failed gods test and have been led astray.

Simply put, prove to them they don't actually practice their faith.

Ask them about babies and original sin, do they go to hell if they die in child-birth. If they say no - they are idiots and are actually ignorant. You stop there.

If they say yes, things get a bit trickier and you need to know who you are arguing.

Keep in mind, people hate this though - there is really no point.

If you could change a religious persons mind with simple logic they wouldn't be religious.

But I just want the debate to be on purely physical grounds, using fossil evidence to prove my point. I'd prefer to keep away from a theological or moral argument. You see, I myself am a Christian, but remain ambiguous on such subjects.

You can't debate them on that level, you have to go through theology. It's called immanent critique, you can only take down a system that's made itself impervious to external criticism by using its own presuppositions against it.

The bible has never been proven wrong about anything. It's just a lot of people have misinterpreted metaphors for literal fact. That's not to say metaphors aren't more true than literal facts.

If I could ask, does anyone have a good chart or picture demonstrating the foramen magnum differences between the Mrs Ples skull and a female bonobo? I need to see if the bonobo has a noticably angled FM.
This is the only one I can find, but I feel like one could argue that the angle is all wrong.

Why would you bother?
Leave them to their retarded crank cult.

just don't let them change the subject.
Everyone tries to change the subject when they're losing an argument.

You shot them in the stomach

On a theological level.

Why debate a retard? It's not that you can't, but that you shouldn't waste your time.

Evolving, oh wait! You can't




when determining how to conduct a debate isn't it pointless to try and form an argument without seeing or knowing the counter-evidence to your argument? there's literally no way to proceed, it's a logical paradox.

Youth earth creationism is simple to debunk.

1. Tell the young earther to read Genesis 1:2 and 2:1
2. Ask him how the earth was void when it didn't exist yet

God didn't create the Earth before he created it in six days (according to creationism), so obviously the Bible is wrong.

you need to understand their arguments. they genuinely believe what they're saying, and for most of them it's not necessarily because they're ignorant or stupid. unfortunately, you can go through all their arguments and it will ultimately lead to the fact that they just believe in creationism because they believe that's what the bible says and they are not willing to reconsider that point.

You have to come from a Christian (or Muslim depending on the creationist) position.

Young earth creationists engage in their delusional wank because they're convinced that any other position would invalidate the truth of their religion. If they must choose between the truth of their faith and the truth of darwinian evolution and the big bang, they will choose the former every day of the week.

The only way to make them open up is to show them that belief in evolution and the geological timeline is to show them that it doesn't conflict with the Bible or Qu'ran.

In some ways it's admirable that they can be so steadfast, but they've chosen something deeply silly and unessential to be steadfast about.

It's impossible. A creationist is indistinguishable from a troll.

This. Do you think you're going to convince a religious fanatic to change their views based on a debate? Why do you want to try? Is being right so important to you that you need to be that obnoxious "I'm 16 and I've read The God Delusion" atheist in every setting possible?

Live your own life, mang.

how common are these type of beliefs in america?

Not as common as the media would tell you, but fairly common among southerners and rural people in general and pretty much universal among poor southerners.

Pretty strong in the midwest, too, outside of the larger cities like milwaukee, chicago, madison etc. Lots of conservative megachurches.

The world wasn't created in seven days, Jews were never documented to be in Egypt, Noah's ark is a myth.

Aron Ra went to a creationist debate club, won, and one of the "converts" is now his wife.

One of his vids:

Dude looks like a retard but is the most knowledgeable person on evolution vs creationism that I've seen.

Closing on half of Americans are Young Earth Creationists.

How did this happen?

Are you really that autistic and stupid that you don't understand translation and language errors that cannot allow you to be that literal with it? The writers of that document, whomever they were, could not have be so specific to be equal to a modern scientific document. You need help.

>Are you really that autistic and stupid that you don't understand translation and language errors that cannot allow you to be that literal with it?

You should aim that at biblical literalist Christians rather than the user criticising them.

You're throwing in his face the very thing he is having a pop at as though that was his opinion.

Thanks for describing the attitude of fundie Christians as "autistic and stupid" btw.

American Christianity (specifically protestantism) is fucking terrifying

Nah, more like I want to encourage the audience to look into it themselves. All it takes is a small seed of doubt.

Talk Origins and the like were created so you can link them to refutations of their rehashed arguments. That way they get angry and waste their time writing rebuttals and you can just link them to counter-rebuttals and get on with your life instead of beating on a dead horse.
