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History #15
What was the most successful example of fascism?
Wouldn't agnosticism, spiritual or otherwise, achieve the same moral destinations as atheism?
Ancient Egypt
ITT: justice well served
ERE and multiculturalism
Why didn't Poles and Germans reprimand for their old territories?
What was the perpose of Die Glocke?
What's the biggest blunder of the 20th century?
If you are a materialist must you also be a hard determinist?
What is consciousness?
Was Revolutionary Catalonia the only true example of a working anarchist society until the fascists destroyed it?
Throughout history, many people have been encouraged to pursue arguably worthless goals
Alt-History Thread
Was he a hero?
Why did the Franks stop using the Germanic language when the Anglo Saxons did not?
Beyond Critical Theory
American Dictatorism
Anyone else seriously pissed that even thou this guy had tons of people inspired by his school of thought write a ton...
Is it worth it for people to go to Mars or to any other planet in our solar system?
Tell me about the russian civil war
"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high...
Was Hirohito the least shit out of the axis leaders?
How come someone that has a PHD in economics and an ivy league education becomes marxists?
Is anyone else shocked at how utterly stupid and brain-dead the average person is...
Holy viking fuck! Vikings sucked!
Itt post your favorite empires
When and why did it become acceptable to be a fat pig in modern Western society? Is it linked to some movement...
This guy shits on both atheist and christians
ITT: Historical figures that are literally you
Augustus Caesar created Pax Romana
Aztec/Mesoamerican Thread
Germany *LOVE* Thread
Pre History
Was it communism?
Daily Christian cage match and dick waving contest
Set out to destroy inequity and oppression by creating a classless system
Tell me about the renaissance Veeky Forums
Why was everyone in premodern times so cute (serious question)?
Question to LIBERALS on Veeky Forums
What are your thoughts on Tito?
Many theists would argue that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. So...
You have 10 seconds to prove to me that gas chambers actually existed...
What did god mean by this?
What events occurred which changed Christianitys original message of "If you want to enter eternal life...
Christians, what are your reasons for believing in God?
Did Hitler has sex with many women?
War and Natural Selection
How big is the hole in our knowledge of history because of the burning of the library of Alexandria?
The more I read about facism the more I wonder what exactly is wrong with it
My son turns 18 in a few months and he loves History, but I have no idea what to get him...
Are Germans the biggest enemies of the Latin civilization?
Hinduism, as well as most Indo-European religions were based on hallucinogenics
Uni Thread
Prussia won the Napoleonic wars literally on their own guys!
Post your British Empire memes
Why does this board hate Prussia?
I hate the word atheist, should we change it for "realist" or "adult"?
ITT meme helmets
Why did Eastern Europe fall to Communism so quickly after WWII? Was it purely due to Soviet backing?
Spain: meme empire
What went wrong?
¿Florida back to Spain?
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Black people
The Nuremberg trails were an injustice that used ex post facto laws
Greatest lawsuits in history
With liberalism and feminism exerting their influence on every aspect of life
Where and when is the common medieval fantasy setting based on?
If germany had won, would all women look like this?
What did Cleopatra VII look like?
Did any Americans on Veeky Forums grow up in fundie proddy households? How was it?
Who is your favourite female philosopher, his?
Is this true Veeky Forums?
Why is Otto van Bismarck the most based motherfucker throughout history?
The Turks are the legitimate heirs to the Roman empire
What side would you join? What side do you think would win? Also say what country or American state you're from
Do you beleive empathy is a valuable trait for an individual?
How did Asturias pull it off?
Humanities people need to stop appropriating science terms
How did the rest of the world view the US in various points in history? (1812, civil war etc)
How advanced was Mayan mathematics compared to Greece
Which 20th century scholars will be widely read 300 years from now?
Christians how do you reconcile the fact that God made many proto human monkeys with consciousness?
Historical Science
Great famine
China was ahead in 1000, but Western Europe has been ahead since at least the 1500's (in terms of GDP per capita)
Be an upset with British rule
What is the best language and why is it Icelandic?
Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Bill Nye BTFO of philosophy
What's the world's ugliest sounding language?
Be Ayn Rand
What do you think of Ancient Aliens? I haven't seen it yet, but some guy I work with keeps telling me to watch it
Were the Sumerians related to Indo-European Caucasians? We know their language has no relation to Semitic ones...
Was colonialism and slavery really necessary for the Industrial Revolution? Could Europe industrialize without them?
Is this the right place to talk about/debunk pseudo-anthropology? I'd go to /pol/ but it's nothing but shitposting 24/7...
I view life in a detached way. By life I mean living organisms...
How did stark cultural differences develop between the South and the North in the United States?
Let's talk about Easter Island, Veeky Forums
How is Catholicism not just Paganism 2.0?
Can someone explain me why the Arab nation identifies itself with the middle moon? Any historical fonts will be welcome
We know that ghosts did not exist, then why do we still fear them ? In a subconscious way...
"dutch" is the english equivalent of "deutsch"
Atlantic Wall
Vikings were dog shit
If the Aboriginals colonized the Americas before the Siberians did, would the colonization of Europeans have failed?
Without getting into the politics of it or racism; how did radical islam begin and why does it persist in the 21st...
Europe is just years away from acheiving a space age imperial utopia that will last a milennia
Lies you've been told when you was a kid
Who was the most competent general of WW2 ?
Is there any scenario possible in which Britain or France helps a side directly in the US Civil War?
Were did it all go wrong?
Why do antisemites still insist on criticising Israel defending itself from genocide even after 11 million were killed...
Go for a walk in a park on a hot summer's day
Are there any historical events that send you into a fit of rage? For me it's pearl harbor...
How did you choose your denomination, Veeky Forums?
Why do African Americans romanticize Ancient Egypt
Vintage photos of pre modernized peoples
How likely is an Indian Balkanisation?
Historically speaking, who was the strongest recorded man? Was it Hercules?
How has israel won most of its major wars while always having a large numbers disadvantage?
Who was the greater military theorist
Only 5,000 years of human history has been recorded
Explain this
Why are fascist aesthetics so mesmerizing and enchanting? Shiny uniforms, catchy songs, marches, flags, the speeches...
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me"
What was the most pointless war in history?
Has studying history and philosophy influenced your worldview?
Explain why this happened, why it went on for as long as it did, and why it stopped...
Sum up the history of the world as briefly as possible
Germany not only could/should have been dismantled after losing WWI
Are we witnessing the rise of Orthodoxy in the West?
What does Veeky Forums think of the canonisation and veneration of saints?
What's the magic behind this area?
Mfw I found out Cao Cao is a historical person and the Three Kingdoms is real
What was the most brutal death/torture method in history?
Tfw one chance at life
Is there any evidence of pre-Celtic language or culture in Ireland?
The world would OBJECTIVELY be better with a Central Power victory of World War One
Why does it still exist?
Why did Trotsky lose to Stalin?
In this thread: people who did nothing wrong
1. Killing innocent human beings is wrong
R. Budd Dwyer
Care to explain Veeky Forums ?
Without Colonialism...Africa would of surpassed Europe in development
Banned music during WW2
What exactly did he do that is 'criminal'?
Age of Empires
How many people did Stalin kill?
Was freedom of speech a mistake?
Is there any plausible scenario in which Operation Unthinkable could happen? How close would it be...
What human invention has caused the most net harm (as in harm that exceeds the amount of benefit) to humanity as a...
History Wojak
Why are Kurds...
What do you think about europa barbarorum 2?
Since it's Veeky Forums, let's talk about the internet's history
Yfw you live in an era of cheap and fast international jet travel...
What is the most stylish era of Roman history?
How can someone be communist in 2016, when every attempt spectacularly failed?
How democratic is america really?
Jesus was born from anal sex rape - Constantine
Orthodox Hypostasis Sex Thread from 13 Jul 2016 was posted by an imposter
Did East Asia or India experience massive de-population, de-urbanization...
The Great Schism in "Crusader Kings II"
Is Lysenkoism Necessary to Justify Socialism?
All memes aside, what is the objective best Protestant denomination?
I've come to realize this board is a failure, the mods if they even exist are doing a terrible job...
Why do emotions exist?
Is it possible to undo the proliferation of Salafism/Wahhabism at this point?
The dog is the public, the cookie is atheism, the woman is Satan
The Holy Trinity is obviously a pagan influenced idea but is the crucifixion of Christ also influenced by the pagan...
What makes democracy "inherently" better than a monarchy?
Is there a philosophical reason for why Asian cultures don't privilege authenticity and originality as much as Western...
Zizek vs. Chomsky who is better?
What causes its fall ?
Why is it easier to hate than it is to love?
ITT: overrated intellectuals
Will Thomas Malthus eventually be proven correct?
Could WWI been avoided?
Why African empire are so much less impressive than the rest ? They didn't write their history...
Has there ever existed a truly evil figure in history?
In many fictional depictions of medieval European armor, one arm is less armored than the other...
Why is Austrian history and empire so underrated?
I get the feeling that medieval peasants didn't nearly have it as bad as people think
It's been a long time since the last vexillology thread
Will there be another great religious revival/awakening, or are people becoming too fedora?
Karl Marx: chair aficionado
Why church was against reading the Bible, makes no sense for me
Wherever superior races have absorbed large doses of inferior blood, the results have been tragic...
What would an actual Socialist utopia look like Veeky Forums?
Why should the weak fear the strong?
View of the Persians/Persian Empires
When did you realize the Holocaust was fiction?
ITT: Men who were literally perfect throughout their entire lives
Top 5 Greatest Minds of All Time
Frederick the Great sucks. Tell me why he is so great, Veeky Forums. He plays the flute like a sissy girl
Ten differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy
Veeky Forums is not a soapbox to evangelize
Veeky Forums needs more art threads. I'd like to dump all of Frida Kahlo's paintings...
This triggers the Christcuck
Who was the most Veeky Forums civilization?
Found this and thought it was pretty interesting...
So just how accurate is the old saying "history repeats itself"?
This triggers demons and Protestants
Is this idolatry?
Are monks the only true christians?
Marx on Alienation
Is it more important as a Christian to go to church or to read and follow the Bible...
Has Europe ever experienced a situation with outside immigration like this before...
Britbong here:
In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy...
Veeky Forums Humor thread, let's get going lads, I need to fill me folder
Why do we revere objectivity? Why do we worship an indifference that has given us all the horrors of the universe?
Post your funniest saved Veeky Forums-related pics
What does Veeky Forums think of him?
Aryan Master Race
Soldiers general /sg/
Please explain to me why "minor" crimes deserve "minor" punishments, as is done all over the world
Muslim theology emphasizes the idea that entire world must be Muslim, and that this should be achieved by conquest
Why didn't nazis invade switzerland?
Opinions on Messianic Judaism?
How old was Mary when Jesus was born?
How did women justify their demands for voting rights...
Was Spanish Empire at the height of its power during 16th century the most powerful state in the world ?
He paid 20,000 francs for each night he spent with a woman
What is Gnosticism Veeky Forums and why did it die out despite it being prevalent in both Europe and the Middle East?
Were the Normans Vikings or were they frenchmen?
Order of the white feather
Pompeii Graffiti
What will people in 2000 years think of us? what memes do you think will be on Veeky Forums by then?
ITT : good Veeky Forumstorical TV shows/movies
Why don't you speak in tongues, Veeky Forums?
So, how did this manchild become president, twice
What was the most powerful crime syndicate, Veeky Forums?
Why haven't you converted to Eastern Orthodoxy yet, Veeky Forums?
When you destroy a whole russian army
Turkics are the greatest race on earth
How did Manchus go from the rulers of China to an irrelevant people with an extinct language?
Russian revolution
He was the hero the Empire needed, but that it did not deserve
Were people more barbaric in earlier times than now? As in, do you think people would still rape, kill babies...
Do we have any real warrior cultures left? Like in a thousand years from now...
USA in the Axis
Was Augustus the single greatest leader of all time?
Mfw i exist
Yfw Armenians still sacrifice goats to their corrupted version of a Christian "god"
Why did they gradually begin loosing against barbarians...
The Ottoman Empire did anything wrong
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others
Can perception of history be changed through politically biased mass media (trusted by the mass)
Why was the Luftwaffe the greatest and superior airforce of WW2?
Is there any philosopher more honest (and thus more caring and passionate) than Nietzsche?
Eastern roman empire: Survives against the powerful persian empire
Imagine what our world would look like if Willy never existed
All Christians, report in this thread! Come one and all! All traditions welcome!
Daily reminder that if you think USSR was good or successful you are retarded
Every time somebody asks for evidence of a god I bring up the Kalam cosmological argument...
Is it historically correct to say almost all of the blacks in the american continent are descendants of african slaves?
What the fuck, Sweden?
Should greater reparations be made for the Native Americans and Slaves?
ITT its the year 1066
Literally invented fascism as coherent ideology
"da Bolshevik movement was orchestrated by Jooz to destroy the Imperial regime because da Jooz hate Christian and...
So.... Who's more retarded?
Marxist economics
Cyprus 1974
Who does Veeky Forums side with?
Why were vikings such terrible fighters?
So, is it actually objective to say that black culture in the US is inferior or did I get meme'd by /pol/?
How do you turn a bunch of tribes into a state?
Islamic Golden Ages
Russophilia Thread
Why the black community in the USA is in such terrible state ? I know slavery can explain a lot of things...
What is the earliest known meme?
Veeky Forums music
At what age did you guys grow out of Austrian/Chicago school economics?
Who is your favorite barbarians Veeky Forums?
So did Boadicea do anything significant or is she only famous because "dude female power lmao"?
Get into passionate discussion with woman about Henry V
Why samurai abandoned horse archery?
Let's talk about baby boomers. Aren't they the worst generation ever produced by the Western Civilization?
As far as multi-ethnic nations go, what caused the United Kingdom to succeed and Austria to fail...
What is freemasonry?
Were 1950s America as good as people claim they were?
Redpill me on degeneracy
The Trinity
Remind me again why Communism is bad
How the fuck is this fair?
Mfw steepniggers who pray to a god from sandniggers call themselves Romans
One of the biggest (possible) what ifs in recent history has to be "what if the republic of china remained in power...
Why didnt anything interesting happen here until 1492?
Why aren't you a Mormon, Veeky Forums?
Thoughts on this man?
Who was the greatest of Napoleon's Marshals and why?
John Boyd: Sun Tzu>Von Clausewitz
Why did God reject Cain's offering?
Cool historical facts
Yfw Americans unironically claim to have invented the airplane
Historical European martial arts:
Let's say Germany won in WW2. What would the world be like today?
The most comprehensive study of deaths due to tiger attacks estimates that at least 373...
Was there ever a point in world history where Russia could have actually beaten the US in a war?
Britain & WWII
Veeky Forums approved historical movies?
How could feminism have been suppressed in western society?
What are some of the worst/most inacurrate documentaries?
Implying these aren't spaceships
Eucharistic miracles are said to contain the heart tissues of the same person
3 oldest gospels largely agree with eachother
Was Boudica the worst military commander of all time?
This picture perfectly describes humanity
Evola's critique of conservatism
Which Italian city state would you want to live in?
Is technological advancement a natural or artificial progression?
Do Veeky Forumstorians think that some type of feudalism might work better for African peoples...
Why did people allow the EU to happen? Were they just stupid or brainwashed?
When did North Americans started mutilating their sons penises and condemning them to never experience full sexual...
Should children have the right to kill their parents in retaliation for ruined childhoods...
Cultural Revolution
Why should we recognise the Armenian genocide?
France used to be the oldest daughter of the Church
ITT: Philosophers that helped you go through shit
Say I want to forbid Islam in my country, for reasons. Would that be fascism?
What is art?
At one point in American history, Italian immigrants were considered comparable to black people...
Tell me about nudity, Veeky Forums
How did cultural Marxism take root and spread?
Germans? barbaric degenerates and culture killers
Why the fuck did napoleon marry a poor 32yo used goods slut with two kids
Why are iranians so shit at war...
Reminder that Free Market Capitalism with a Democratic Government is the best system in all of History in allowing...
Why was there so much infighting? Why couldn't it be one state? Were they culturally really that different...
Why is sex not considered a human right even though involuntary celibacy or loneliness can lead to suffering?
You have 10 seconds to explain why this guy doesn't have a pic of him with the dentist hair shopped...
In the winter of 1450 a ravenous army of wolves invaded Paris
General Winter
Is there a more cucked group of people than those who die for their country? So spooked it hurts...
Do SJWs attract leftists or does leftism attract SJWs?
What caused the American obesity epidemic to happen?
Reading a 700 page biography on Alexander Hamilton
Let's have one of these threads
Guess the fetishes of your favorite historical figure
Tfw you actually talk with a real life conservative and realise why you used to be left-wing
Why was Protestantism so enticing to Germanics and Nordics of the 16th century...
Whats a historical event that hasn't been made into a film but should be
Why didn't Europe support the Byzantine empire against the Ottoman empire?
What's the American Bible Belt really like, Veeky Forums?
If Jesus wasn't real, then what happened to his body?
If you kill your enemies, they win
What happened?
Seventh Day Adventist
Men Contribution vs Women Contribution in History
GodDAMN where you when this motherfucker ended philosophy?
Fight amongst women for a man
What the fuck is the go with us? Seriously, for approximately a million years we lived like this...
Did Noah's Ark actually happen or is it a metaphor?
Saddam did nothing wrong and Bush was responsible for ISIS
What do you think of Sam Harris?
Did the Celts do anything significant other than be repeatedly defeated?
Litteraly did nothing wrong
Of Vlad III Dracula
How can Hinduism be compatible with Nazism/Fascism/NatSoc?
Isabella, Catherine, Victoria II and Elizabeth I are the only women who are worthy of being in a Civ game
Are Communists and Socialists literally retarded?
Who is the most wise person in history?
Did he *really* do anything wrong? Or was he just a flat-out tyrant?
Why is the swastika seen as a symbol of nazism when it should be a symbol of humanity due to its universal cultural...
I just did a quick google search about the Ainu people, and found this:
Why WWII is, always, a trend?
Hitler won't be remembered like Genghis Khan because he lost and his reign led to Germany's destruction
Is there any set date that can be given for when Western civilization began?
"We thrive when you fail"
How does an Atheist get started in his conversion to the Eastern Orthodox Church?
Top 5 civilizations
Why is everyone studying humanities so fond of Marxism?
So, how come it isn't recognized that Europeans actually came up with writing first?
There are still dindunuffins who believe the Eternal Hun only wanted a fair and peaceful Europe if he was left in peace
Was he right?
Itt: it's 1452
Who was the most skilled swordsman of all time?
Okay Veeky Forums redpill me on the true race of northern africa...
Veeky Forums vidya
Can someone redpill me on the serbian/bosnian/croatian/yugoslavian whatever war in the 90s?
Did the holocaust really happen?
Germanic peoples come from ancient Israel. They were displaced in two movements...
Who was more evil historically?
Was Communism the greatest gift that Germans brought to humanity ?
Anti-Communism in America
What went wrong with philosopy? Seems to me that most of the modern stuff developed into impractiable...
At what point in history did intellectualism become merged wth pseudo and anti-intellectualism?
Vikings were the worst warriors in history
If Adolf Hitler was totally convinced jews were evil and he had to stop them...
If this failure of a meme was destroyed in thr 19th century and replaced with something useful like a magically self...
What would you rather have been in the 19th century, Veeky Forumspanics?
Why are modern Jews so desperate to deny that they may be even partially linked to the Khazar Jews of the caucasus?
I have been invited to a BBQ at a friend who happens to be native American and I want to bring a gift...
The only legitimate beliefs are Judaism and agnostic atheism!
Guys can someone give me sources to educate myself on the Finno-Korean Hyper War...
After Jesse Owens won the 100m sprint at the Berlin Olympics, he received a congratulatory phone call from Hitler
Early Middle Ages Religion
Orthodox General
What is the highest form of virtue?
Is he the most well documented human being in modern history?
Looking to learn more about Chinese history, language, and culture...
Did aliens plant six seeds of civilization to see what would happen and who would come on top?
Veeky Forums reading thread
Do you think he's right?
Vietnam Thread?
Go to /pol/
Explain the Anglo-Saxons to be as if I were five years old
Why aren't you a practicing stoic?
Do universals exist independent of their particulars? Are you a nominalist or a realist...
Was it a mistake to split the Roman Empire in half?
What is the Kaba?
Did nazi germany actually help save western europe from marxism?
Are paradox games historically accurate?
What would the Arabs have done too Israeli civilians if they won the six day war?
Someone pronounces Caesar as "See-zer"
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
What would be more valuable to the world. A really smart person or a lot of dumb people. And why
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on Chrislam?
Quick question: why did the east favor mostly lighter armor and weapons compared to the west...
Germans are filthy, uncivilized barbarians who accomplished nothing except ruining Europe
In case you are ever curious, don't even bother reading this book. It is 600 pages of 1920s fedora...
Has the sexual openness gone too far?
Whats the diffence between sunni and shia?
Every year, my family heads up to visit my Grandparents in Wisconsin and see the local Oktoberfest
Be Catholic
How unique in history is the 2nd Amendment?
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on kundalini awakening? Have any historical figures went through a kundalini awakening?
How historically accurate is this film ?
Tfw still no Hanging Gardens of Babylon
How dangereous was beeing an atheist in medieval times?
Thoughts on Meyers Briggs?
Was Pre-European invasion Polynesia the closest thing to Heaven ?
Why didn't the Chinese ever colonize?
Who are some historical figures who didn't deserve it?
Why do we treat Poles like the victims in WW2?
Why do some people deny the holocaust?
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
If Hitler didn't kill myself what would have likely happened to him?
How fit was the typical knight?
Why are the civilizations that are either African or black never advance enough beyond basic weapons and tools...
Unpopular Veeky Forums Opinions Thread
Were Normans really Vikings? does it mean that Vikings managed to defeat the UK?
What got you interested in History?
FRANCE: 2800 Churches to be demolished, meanwhile mosques flourish and built at a rapid pace
Do Indians/South Asians have anything to be proud of? What achievements are distinctly 'Indian'?
Why could not Alexander the Great conquer India? I hear d he was the greatest conqueror in history...
Great. Fucking great
You can bring back one historical piece of clothing
French Resistance
What should the age of consent be?
Death is the great plight of humanity...
Why do people who study the humanities hate STEM?
Post Protestant intellectuals
What was the oldest game known too humans?
You will never be born into an aristocratic family
Was christianity good for the Roman Empire?
What generals in history went full >muh ideals and never seized power even if they had the chance?
Was iron age the most aesthetic age?
Was Jesus Christ truly a good Christian?
Alright Veeky Forums, this is fucking with me...
Why did western martial arts die out?
There are people who actually think western society hasn't morally degenerated since the 1950s
People who against Marxism never read "Communism Manisfestto" or "The Kapitalism"
Indulge me in a thought experiment:
My brother in law just got out of being fined for driving without a license by arguing the court and the judge could...
Who are the most spectacularly unsuccessful individuals in history?
Why aren't you a Pentecostal, Veeky Forums?
Why did anyone think this was a good idea?
I don't know shit about the Risorgimento. Teach me Veeky Forums
How did he gain popularity? Why were the Germans obsessed with idolizing him? Did they love him or did they fear him?
Christian Dindus
What was the competence level of the American military for
How are people unironically Christian in 2016?
What were the REAL reasons of the american civil war? please don't respond with "slavery"
Do African Americans have anything to be proud of? What achievements are distinctly 'black'?
Furthermore, because the universe is natural, its self-selection amounts to a cosmic form of natural selection...
When did the egyptian faith die?
Why is Odysseus the only character in Greek mythology whose relationships are exclusively heterosexual?
Stealing artifacts
Post buildings and shit
How come nothing exciting happened here until 1492?
Is it true that the most hostile places like Deserts,Tundras...
Is he our guy?
Hurr durr Ottoman Empire is not 3rd Rome
The Eternal Habsburg
Spearmen & Crossbowman master race
In the PC generation, what will be the worst forgotten historic atrocity
Can we talk about how 10/10 the 717 Siege of Constantinople was?
Arguably the greatest thinker of the 20th century
Tfw you will never be a prussian junker
Why is Ayn Rand's philosophy dismissed by academics?
What society had the strangest (by modern standards) beauty standards and ideals for women?
How comes japanese smiths never invented shields?
Pike & Shot
A start for thinking and consequences
How did Baghdad at its apogee compare to Rome at the height of the Roman empire?
If Nasser had been successful in his ambitions, would the world be a better place today?
How do you, personally...
Are there any historical precedents for a successful libertarian society?
Roman Empire vs The Han Dynasty
Why are there so few primary sources for pre-islamic persian history?
You wake up as Hitler on Jan 1 1934
Is this accurate?
How did the USA goverment convince all the German-Americans and Italian-Americans to go and kill their race brothers in...
Island nations
Veeky Forums Memes
Culturally, what's the beef with circumcision? It seems like it has an unwarranted amount of hate on the Internet...
What was the Zenith of your countries history?
Why doesn't God help starving children?
State of the world
Is Judaism a racist religion?
Where the hell did these people come from
Why were there so many mediocre or shit tier presidents between Jackson and Cleveland, excluding Lincoln?
Are not Africans genetically different and having fewer "sophisticated" civilizations simply due to the land that...
What made Hitler such an effective orator?
How is """""state capitalism""""" possible?
Anybody afraid of dying and standing face to face with the Creator...
Comrades, must we pick a side?
What is your opinion of this game? Good or bad...
ITT: We list empires that LOOKED cool as fuck, i.e. art, arms, armour, but were actually shit
Believing in god is literally one of the stupidest things that a fully grown adult could do...
Why was there no war fought over Australia like all the other continents?
Was there a worse thing in history?
Could zweihanders be used as a sort of blunt weapon?
Since the American school system hardly talks about Russia before the Soviet Union formed...
Why is the moon landing considered an achievement of all mankind when the project was researched...
Why does everyone hate him?
What's the point in waves of attacks? Why not just send all you're soldiers at once?
Is he overrated ?
How was such a shady character awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
When/why pedophilia (~10) and hebephilia (11-15) turned socially unacceptable in the western society?
How can somebody who studies history be religious?
Tfw Africans literally deserve everything that happens to them for kicking out whitey
Cao Cao appreciation thread
Its a "europeans starts talking about american history" episode
Why did Britain limit herself to war in the Falklands and exclusion zone?
What happened to the left?
No art thread?
What made America have such harsh race relations?
"He is racist because he is white"
Does there exist any ideology/philosophy for people who wants too bring feodalism back?
Why did Hindenburg ded?
Which single man did the most damage to the Roman empire(s) from the outside as an external foe? Hannibal Barca...
What are some good documentaries on central Asia?
Happy birthday Battle of Warsaw (1920)
Human rights are property rights
Why is it so rare for great men to pick great heirs?
So are Kurds descended from the medians and Sumerians as they claim? Redpill me on their origins...
Self improvement thread
A cop told me that weed is harmless but it should stay illegal so they have an excuse to lock up pic related...
Is dadaism still relevant today?
Was it autism?
How did somebody enter the Soviet government?
Why do Japs seem so obsessed with any thing relate to Prussia or Germany ?
Why was Germany allowed to exist after WW2...
How would history be different if he had taken control?
Woah I hate vik*ngs now
Culture Shock
Napoleon and Hitler: two faces of the same coin, with devastation following at the end in either case...
Aren't saints for all intents and purpose lesser gods?
The Roman Emperors and How You Feel About Them
Could she have saved Europe?
You are granted a time machine and the chance to have sex with just ONE female historical figure
At what stage would this have been considered an invasion?
I shed the blood of 4000 Saxon men
Did rich Ukrainians cause the Holodomor by hoarding grain from the working class and burning their crops before they...
Hey guys. This is my first time here, I just came to ask a quick question...
ITT: We post pictures that trigger people born before the industrial revolution
Is there any ideology that can properly accommodate sociopaths or people who don't feel empathy?
Why do they do it, Veeky Forums?
How did the Greeks govern all of this? It wasn't as if they had any experience governing humongous Empires before...
Why does everyone hate him?
Yfw Catholikek and you realize that Mary is dead and can't hear you when you worship her statue
Used to own the US
Does love exist? If it does, why is it that in a city of 2.6 million, not a single girl will even speak to me...
If every human was now immortal and aged to a 25 year old's body permanently...
Civil Rights Movement
What civilizations throughout history have been accepting of LGBT people?
What is it with many white millenials that see non-white cultures as more interesting
Yfw you realized civilization itself is a meme because agriculture is inherently unstable due to soil nutrient...
Is civilian/pleb/peasant/commoner weapons ownership of military grade weaponry (whatever the historical period) a...
Let me pose you this question
Still a virgin
Why do photos of cities from the 50s/60s always look so much comfier than modern city photos
What would Union soldiers have sounded like in the Civil War...
Why is Western Rhetoric Distinct?
Show us your high class/intellectual bait
When did you realize that Jesus is the Sun god, Apollo?
Why have people in thousand of years of capitalism still not learned what the best economic policy is? Free market...
What is the purpose of an economy?
Who were the Sea Peoples?
Otto Schimek (May 5, 1925 – November 14...
Salvation in Christianity
Tfw you will never live in revolutionary catalonia
Visit China
That guy thread?
Beta uprisings throughout the history
Atheism vs Theism
Itt: civilizations that dindu nuffin wrong
Why didn't the Germans use nerve gas at the battle of Berlin...
"Does God exist?"
Spend days contemplating on human existence and the mysteries of the universe on my way to sagehood
Why is cheap anti-Viking/Norse b8 all over Veeky Forums?
How can you be this shit of a dictator?
The Soviets would've attacked Germany in a few weeks anyway, if barbarossa didn't happen
Why did leftism go from "put the means of production in the hands of the proletariat" to "import more muslims and put...
So, who exactly were the Huns
Why are you letting the bourgeoisie win?
Tell me about the IRA and the UDA, Veeky Forums
Let's talk about death. Vast Vacuous Void or Blissful Birth into the Beyond?
Who were the ancestors of the ancient greeks?
I've never won a single argument on Veeky Forums
What can you tell me about this picture?
Gods were just fumbling attempts to explain natural phenomena made by superstitious goatherders heh
How can one man be so based?
"Muh second amendment must be protected so the American people can take up arms against the state in case a tyrant...
How comes western weaponsmiths never invented katana?
Is religion the only reason for the separation of India and Pakistan in 1947?
Tfw all the megafauna was killed off
If dragons and dragon-like creatures have been reported in pretty much every culture (Typhon is a good example)...
Why are wars the most interesting aspect of history?
What was the highest point of civilization?
How close do the modern neo-pagan movements get to the actual ancient religions that they're trying to restore?
Why is French champagne celebrated for it's excellence?
What the fuck was America's problem?
Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual person's beliefs and activities should be understood by others...
Could the Mayans beat rome
What happened to the world economy to cause the dramatic slowdown since 2008?
New Atheist Hate Thread
/alg/ - Ancient Languages General
Why is eastern europe so much worse than western europe? Has it always been this way?
Redpill me. Is Allah a moon god?
Why are mainstream historians afraid of admitting the truth about the battle of dunkirk...
Why did modern science develop in europe
Our human minds hold us back
Morally, why is pedophilia considered worse than sex between two minors?
If you had access to all of wikipedia through some brain implant and you were thrown back into the roman empire what...
What's the best general history of the USSR?
Why polytheism was never able to compete with monotheism?
Why does no one in the modern American left ever talk about this guy...
Was FDR a meme president, or was he really as my friends would say "The greatest president ever"
Who had more power at their absolute peak
How did chariot warfare actually look like? Were they really fighting from chariots...
German Autism Throughout The Centuries
Who was Stirner most influenced by?
Materialists: "There is no God because Science has not observed any evidence of him"
Was the Wehrmacht actually that good or has it been overblown...
Other than China and Japan, why has there been no Great Powers in the modern era that is not a European...
Aryans are Albino Indians that migrated out of India and into Europe...
Why were Poles so bitterly opposed to Communism?
China Thread
So, is there any legitimate way Christians can solve the problem of evil?
Why do people here meme about HRE and yet have a hard one for Byzantine Empire?
So this guy said that the Black Death was a good thing...
Why are Marxists and leftists always putting "neo" in front of any contemporary ideology? Words like neomarxism...
What dose Veeky Forums think about Augusto Pinochet ?
Did iberians intermarry moors?
Iconic soldiers
How tall was Julius Caesar?
I just graduated with a finance degree...
Why was fascism so popular in Germany and Italy yet so unsuccessful in Britain?
So, I keep hearing about the Frankfurt School and such and how it's a big Jewish conspiracy...
On the morality of sex
Traditional Conservatism
Aftermath of a German victory in the Second World War
What does Veeky Forums think of john green's Crash Course series? accurate? bias? full of shit?
What are the theological consequences of evolution...
Fundie Propaganda
If I go back in time to Ancient Rome with this AK and 4000 rounds of ammunition
Historical qt thread
How did you decide on your denomination, Veeky Forums?
What is your perception of the archetype of evil. A red man with horns, or something more?
How do you explain situations where two different...
What is it about the American South that produced a culture that encourages disability fraud, tax evasion...
What did God mean by this
If they ever met, would Jesus and Buddha be bros?
Where did the Etruscans come from?
There are many examples of Christian churches that were converted into mosques as Islam spread through the...
What if it was the East that collapsed and the West that remained in order...
Did the Soviets cuck Germany for WW2 and after WW2 harder than modern refugees?
Orthodoxy or Catholicism?
Ancient food
Why do Catholics forbid masturbation...
No forests are more than 200 years old
Was he England's worst King?
When did pedophilia become taboo? Socrates and the gang used to fuck little boys all the time for breakfast...
Maoism General
Help me identify the ones on the left side. I love you all so much...
I want to talk about ancient metalworking...
Is she right? Is collectivism the problem?
1) Why do people get upset when someone kills someone they don't know?
Favorite alternate history story
Is suicide the only logical response to existence?
Was the revolutionary war britians version of vietnam?
Which animal is the most consicious?
Heat/sun worship in Western Europe?
Inventions of War
Was the USSR really "less free" than the United States during the Cold War?
ITT: Spooks
You meet God
Was there some sort of war against snails in medieval times?
Angkor Wat was the largest city on Earth
Itt: historical figures and what board they would browse
City States
Why does everyone rip into capitalism when capitalism is literally the reason we have all the technology and inventions...
Is this Art? Or sophisticated decorating?
Franco-prussian war thread
Post political compasses
Who is the Fourth Rome?
"Hit the Poles so hard that they despair of their life; I have full sympathy with their condition...
Did french algeria have potential?
What went wrong?
Are the english germanic?
We could be in space right now
Why did the crusaders sack Constantinople?
Throughout history since the 20th century, women have constantly made their clothes more and more revealing...
Language Extinction
Why were early Christians so violently autistic?
What's the oldest lie in history?
How could one man have so much insight...
Can we blame him for everything that's wrong with the world today?
Christians please explain this to me
If Hitler had won, would every girl look like this?
The Great Game
If morality is a spook then why should I not have a daughter...
Good works versus faith
What are you most proud of in Western culture?
What are some good, Veeky Forums approved documentaries to watch that aren't completely full of stupid bullshit...
Why did polytheism fail in the Western world?
Why do sone people pretend to feel sorry for edgy native indian guys ?
Were Germanics really that backward?
Is globalization inevitable?
George Orwell wrote in his essay "the starting point for any investigation of antisemitism should not be “Why does...
Rare Accents
Is this the worst era to be lonely and depressed?
Veeky Forums, how can we deal with the snownigger problem?
I have a question for catholishits. Instead of breaking the first two commandments by talking to statues...
How does Veeky Forums feel about KAISERREICH?
Philosophy of government, voting
Anymore like this?
Pic: 1960's Afghanistan classroom
Why does Russia have such a strong tendency to produce cruel and autocratic leaders?
How would Europa look like if Eternal Anglo didn't ruin it?
The existance of God
So we can all agree ww1 was the worst war to fight in right?
ITT Take an important piece of history, whether a country, person, philosophy or concept and trivialize it
Which is the strangest war you know?
Why does everyone wank over the loser factions of the Spanish Civil War?
Are muslims basicly arian christians which also fanaticly follow the life of Mohammed?
Why have Muslim empires so consistently excelled at Architecture?
Deus Ex: Bartender Isaac debate
Was Rommel actually a good guy?
What if I choose to let an abstract concept influence my decision making over my own hedonistic desires?
Being Logically Consistant
Bong History
Eastern civilization is LOW ENERGY
From the middle ages to the 19th century how did Christian scholars rationalize the extreme gayness of the Greeks?
Is communism viable? Why or why not?
Is goreanism the ideal cultural philosophy for a happy society?
What's the most aesthetic alphabet?
Historically, is there any country and people in the history of the Earth more evil than America and Americans?
So we all agree that the citizens must have the right to have the same type of weaponry as the government to assure...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games
Veeky Forums
Food and Cooking
Video Games