>go to /pol/
>ask why STEMfags hate humanities so much
>this time only a bunch of replies
>all instabutthurt as always
Why do STEMfags get so triggered by humanities, Veeky Forums?
>go to /pol/
>ask why STEMfags hate humanities so much
>this time only a bunch of replies
>all instabutthurt as always
Why do STEMfags get so triggered by humanities, Veeky Forums?
Because the humanities are actually interesting and they hate that. They force themselved through school
Science beyond the pop level is soul sucking
there is a certain subset of people in STEM who have this strange idea that being "rational" implies that you cannot be a real human being with emotions.
One has to be a human to appreciate the humanities.
STEMfags are not human beings.
>mathematicians were classically trained in a wide variety of topics like the humanities, philosophy, and religion
>you got absolute geniuses in every sense of the word like Newton who could see the value in subjects not directly related to math
>most STEMlords only care about stem, act like autistic inhuman robots, don't care about philosophy, humanities, or religion
>you get absolute autists like Dawkins who think that not knowing how to interact and having a basic conversation with another human being makes them anything but a standoffish diot
They don't actually.
t. STEMfag
Autists with no feeling or appreciation for art and the world.
I thought /pol/ only engages in pseudoscience.
Like the humanities.
Also I got a worthless degree in humanities anf going back for STEM so I can get a job.
Humanities majors don't have jobs, which is why they spend all their time on Veeky Forums shitposting.
Stay mad being in your 20s owning a home and making 100k year but having the worldview of a fucking child. Literal lab monkey
Not /pol/ but even I, with good interest in history and politics, hate humanities because they've been completely colonized and taken over by the far left (feminists, marxists, people who unironically have white guilt or hate colonialism).
But humanities as humanities I have no problem with.
>study of human culture
>study of human art
>study of humans as a social collective
>study of humans
>study of human's critical thoughts
>not a science
nice b8
>>study of human culture
>>study of human art
>>study of humans as a social collective
>>study of humans
>>study of human's critical thoughts
>any of this
>a science
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
>they've been completely colonized and taken over by the far left
That's why you don't study psychology. Psychology is just a bunch of jew science. They make you study a bunch of kikels like freud
Study philosophy and the humanities, the people you study were greeks and non jews
>Study philosophy and the humanities
Sure but you then get people like this
>muh diversity
>that article
That's fucking horrible. But, as it stands right now most philosophy courses aren't jewified-yet.
science is really interesting to me desu.
Stem fag here. Learning stem is fucking boring. Wish I could spend all my time reading about some old shit like art history. Humanities don't get you a job though.
This. The application of humanities in modern day society is extremely poor, its causing us to go fucking backwards socially. If only smarter people would study and make good uf use of it for the good of humanity, but no, were so far gone from thinking of more than just ourselves that we only want to study things that will make us money.
Are you implying humanities faggs are trained in mathematics, science, engineering etc? Why should someone bother reading about intersectionality if you are retarded within any field of STEM?
Technically humanity majors are trained in mathematics and science. I can't think of a non-math major that doesn't require at least a couple of math and science credits.
Just because they stop at statistics and chemistry doesn't mean they aren't trained in math. You don't have to go all the way to calc 3.
Because most of them are uneducated NEETS who believe in some sort of Jewish conspiracy despite all evidence to the contrary.
In a sense, they are SJWs.
>Science beyond the pop level is soul sucking
I got my undergrad in Chemistry and then went on to law school so I've seen it from both sides. The higher you scientific fields the more interesting because you feel like you start to understand how things fundamentally work.
An example is that at entry level one might learn, that chemical reactions are often triggered by exposure to electromagnetic radiation in the UV-visible light area of the spectrum.
When you get further in, you learn the reason why is because that frequency of radiation is associated with electron transitions in the valence shell of atoms, which also happen to be the electrons used in covalent bonds, thus explaining why reactions are associated with it because the bonds are breaking down due to the movement of the excited electrons.
At least to me, and presumably many others learning things like this is very fascinating.
>Technically humanity majors are trained in mathematics and science. I can't think of a non-math major that doesn't require at least a couple of math and science credits.
Really? I've heard it the other way around, that all STEM courses require students to go through humanities because feminists were worried there could be a department where you aren't told to hate yourself for being white and male.
Your reply is literally the definition of modern stemfags given by that user.
>despite all evidence to the contrary
yeah I guess all the media conglomerates being owned and ran by jews is just not true. i guess these jewish owned companies pushing a liberal agenda isn't true either
i guess the statistical overrepresentation of jews on the supreme court is just not true either.
2% of the population being 40% of the supreme court. when will "jewish privilege" end?
>studying things humans make and do
>study of behaviour of the physical and natural world
>natural world
So is your argument that humans are not part of the natural world, or that the things we do simply can't be categorized as a science when you study it? I mean if you can study the way female chimpanzees prostitute themselves for pieces of fruit and be classified as scientific study, I'm sure everything humans do can.
Fucking idiot.
That's mostly an american (ie: uncivilized) phenomena
O fuck off, your """""training""""" is barley above high-school AP courses in many cases. Basic calc rules and some matrix Algebra. Being actually trained in math requires an understanding of proof in different topics spanning from analysis to number theory.
>excessive quotes meme
kys any time
>explains why your math courses are a joke
>le meme
You are one delusional faggot.
The reason why humanities aren't sciences comes down to strictness of proof and repeatability of experiments. Humanities have massive problems with both but especially with repeatability whereas hard sciences are always 100% objective and repeatable, that's literally the point.
what are you people talking about
STEM majors in my American University don't require humanities classes at all if its heavily steeped in engineering or a straight up mathematics field
No shit Humanities wouldn't be as trained in mathematics as someone who needs advanced mathematics in a day to day basis, but to say they are completely ignorant of the topic is retarded.
You can go back to /b/ any time
>getting baited this hard
You're only making yourself look like the asshole user.
>human interaction and psychology not being repeatable or easily quantifiable is a "problem"
Is this topic the cut vs uncut thread version of Veeky Forums?
>>human interaction and psychology not being repeatable or easily quantifiable is a "problem"
This is exactly why you will never be a real science, lad.
We are experiencing a decline in civilization and competition levels that are usually associated with a collapse in social structure, and rule of law. But in a uniquely modern twist social structure and rule of law is strong due to a culture that promotes identity and group-think as a substitute for ideology, and promotes passive aggression and ideological conformity in the workforce.
Life is a competition, current economic states and a cultural shift away from ideals and ethics are exacerbating the cutthroat nature of competition for resources, but rule of law is strong enough you can't go full dark ages in this bitch get all your buds together and take resources and start a new system. So our competition is uniquely passive aggressive and submissive.
You're stuck playing by the rules of a game that isn't functioning in maintaining civilization anymore, and in the race to the bottom a university education is almost a necessity to have a life that isn't peasant-tier 12 hour shifts in a factory and alcohol on your one day off.
So now university, once a place that tried to be about knowledge and learning and culture for its own sake, not the sake of the game and competition has become part of the competition.
STEMfags and Humanitiesfags are competing. Both of them know that "college degrees mean a middle class life where you make enough for investment, ownership, and retirement :)" is a meme.
College grads are advertising themselves by displaying their submission to the rules of the competition, and grooming their image to be palatable to employers will be lucky to secure a peasant-tier job with no savings, ownership, or retirement, but at least A/C unlike those uneducated peasants beneath us :^).
A combination of the practical, embittering, passive aggressive competition for resources, and identity culture replacing ethics and ideology makes STEMfags and Humanitiesfags feel the need to constantly bitch at each other.
I don't see what's so hard about the cut vs uncut debate
>Are you jewish
Cut that foreskin
>Are you not a jew
Leave that foreskin intact
at least I'll have the money to study humanities without a single worry when I retire.
What if I'm not a jew but my foreskin got cut? It's not like I can get it back or sue my parents over it.
>carat nose meme
Into the trash your post goes
Are you arguing everything except metaphysics is the natural world? The common use of natural is in contrast to artificial, not metaphysical.
And yet there are Jews who don't push for this.
Most western systems are run by both white men and jews.
What is your point?
Not every group of people think the same.
Nah man it's 5 am and I'm kind of drunk and on fucking humanities board.
Just make sure they don't cut your babies dick off.
Neither do a scientist needs to know about philosophy, history, or polsci in a day to day basis. By your own reasoning, they are trained in these subjects because many unis make you take subjects such as "science and society" or "history of science".
>The common use of natural is in contrast to artificial, not metaphysical.
Actually common use of natural or material world (STEM) is in contrast to either spiritual world (theology) or immaterial world (humanities)
Where in my post did I insinuate that?
I get this point, but there has been a long and ongoing problem in even the 'hard sciences' of experiments not being repeatable. i.e. some people are probably fudging their numbers, or not accurately reporting all the factors in their experimental setup.
>humanities is marxist
>marxist is dialectic materialism
>dialectic materialism is immaterial
what went wrong?
>misusing the word 'science'
>muh evil joos want to kill le mustard race
If the jews control the world is because the West is in decadence and let them do so
WASPs have a lot more power in USA and are responsible for pushing degeneracy as well
>I get this point, but there has been a long and ongoing problem in even the 'hard sciences' of experiments not being repeatable. i.e. some people are probably fudging their numbers, or not accurately reporting all the factors in their experimental setup.
Well then those people are bad scientists and/or scammers but that doesn't defeat the point, it's just an outlier. Properly performed and documented experiment is always repeatable and all theoretic work done in any science is always 100% objective and not biased in any way.
Whereas humanities is basically literally criticism applied to wide range of topics. "Oh I think this way... ", "oh my opinion on this is... " "oh in my view... "
Butthurt college grad breaking his ass for a job that doesn't even put you ahead of blue collar workers but still thinks he's a class level above them spotted.
While i can't tell why STEM folks dislike Humanities. I can tell you why /pol/ got butt-hurt over the subject
That is because /pol/ is full of Alt-Right authoritarian pricks, and the subject of Humanities tends to sometimes require questioning some of the things /pol/ loves. That would be tradition and authority, Because that is what they derive their dwindling social power from.
>no true scientist
>natural or material world
You know you had no argument when it is simply the word natural, so you had to tack on the material world part.
STEM folks don't hate the humanities per se. They hate the current academic environment on those subjects.
>how to spot humanities students in one post or less
>WASPs have a lot more power in USA
yeah that must be why there are zero protestants on the SC
>questioning anything
Please, modern hum departments are just left wing fascism with blind following the SJWs.
I think STEM people just don't see the worth of humanities or History.
Why bother when the technological singularity inevitable comes maybe tomorrow and upgrades us all into super-immortals who can shoot orgasm beams from our eyes and swim into outer space n' shiet?
>That would be tradition and authority, Because that is what they derive their dwindling social power from.
/pol/ derives its """""social""""" """""power""""" from autism and self conforting sourceless articles found in blogspot
the ones who call out a logical fallacy?
i think it's funny that STEM thinks humanities is all bullshitting but when they try to slip some bullshit past everyone on the internet they always get called out by everyone except other STEMtards
this is an unquestioned position to have on the state of the humanities. don't you ever second-guess yourself when you catch yourself repeating verbatim what other people have said online when it comes to talk about 'blind following'?
because they have yet to accept the depressing and disappointing fact that a hateful God controls and occupies Ontology itself
>Why bother when the technological singularity inevitable comes maybe tomorrow and upgrades us all into super-immortals who can shoot orgasm beams from our eyes and swim into outer space n' shiet?
That's not what singularity is. Singularity isn't ascension of humans into gods it's the ascension of AI, as in artificial intelligence, into pseudo god that has taken control of human civilization away from us and that it, the AI not us, may one day become true god.
We get stuck with whatever AI decides to do with us. The point is just that we lose control over the progress of science and technology and essentially end up ruled by mysterious force we don't fully understand.
There's a meme in society of some kind of entrepreneurial post-capitalist industrial-scientific "productivity" thing, and they are expressing the meme because they are demi-conscious memebuoys floating on a slurry sea of currents you can only see if you zoom out.
It's exhausting even trying to give an answer to this question. You need to like phenomenologically bracket every single word and write a book explaining that they aren't even people. They aren't even conscious. They aren't even having "opinions". STEM people are like robots with human skin stretched over them. To say "they are dismissive of the humanities" is implicitly to admit I think there's a "they". STEM people don't even fucking exist. They are a statistical gaseous nebula of random particles wafting across continents and periodically expressing junk they picked up along the way. Why would you even talk to them?
Talking to a STEMfag is literally like being some kind of Buddha, ascending reality, then coming back down and talking to bees who were dudes in past lives. I'm sure these bee niggas can be saved or whatever, but let's just wait until they're back in human form. Don't walk around going "BEES, STOP BUZZING, PUT DOWN THAT POLLEN, LISTEN TO ME ABOUT HOW EVERY CONCEPTUAL CATEGORY YOU HAVE FOR EVEN THINKING OF THINGS WAS SHAPED FOR YOU BY AN UNCONSCIOUS SLUDGE OF MEMETIC POLYALLOY THAT FLOWS IN PREDICTABLE CURRENTS FROM YEAR TO YEAR THROUGH THE HIVE IN WHICH YOU WERE CONCEIVED"
>humanity departments in some universities in some countries are filled with SJWs
>that means humanities are bad on itself
So much calculus for such shit reasoning?
Why feminism in particular is such a shit field?
short version: science is literally rape.
Humanities, ladies and gentlemen!
third wave feminism is literally a meme
chicks can vote, and are paid the same, there is no real inequality to fight.
what triggers you about this?
apart from using the term 'metaphor' multiple times
That's not triggering, it's just ignorant. Using a different perspective when analysing important historical texts is one thing, but this conclusions have nothing to do with the texts.
it's not a 'different perspective' it's a 'consistent analysis' taking into account all the metaphors used, regardless if they were mechanistic or gendered. the 'conclusion' reached (which is really just posing questions) is that the gendered metaphors were ignored because they were arbitrarily decided by previous interpreters to not reflect the 'real' meaning -- but who decides this and more importantly why?
there's really nothing outrageous about the highlighted paragraph. it seems that some people () get upset when they see feminists mention rape instead of following the logical progression of an argument
Because if she actually read principia, she would know that the method employed by newton has nothing to do with Bacon's writings.
this is why STEMfags hate humanities, btw.
it's specifically about the writings though and the way the writings were interpreted. the method has nothing to do with the argument and it is never claimed that it is
because they misinterpret everything?
>unironically hate colonialism
What do you mean by this? I mean, colonialism IS pretty morally reprehensible. I hate white guilt fags as much as the next guy, but that's a few steps past just disagreeing with colonialism.
Maybe I'm putting emphasis on the last sentence, but she is extrapolating the interpretation of Bacon's writings and the use of rape as a metaphor, into science being defined by a metaphor of rape.
>a people with a historical track record of self-reliance and smart business decisions along with a strong sense of community and helping one another succeed
>also basically the only money lenders in the middle ages because usury
>actually being surprised that these people end up on top
Capitalism worked out for deh joos so well because feudal lords wouldn't let them own land to keep them under their heel.
And look how that turned out.
>science being defined by a metaphor of rape
not really:
"Presumably these metaphors, too, had fruitful pragmatic, methodological, and metaphysical consequences for science."
that's very far from saying science = rape. also in the following paragraph she summarises further when introducing a new idea:
"We can now see that metaphors of gender politics were used to make morally and politically attractive the new conceptions of nature and inquiry required by experimental method...."
>It's another "my career discipline is better than your career discipline" thread
I'm cringing
That's just the thing, when you actually read the concrete scientific texts, there is nothing left for metaphor.
that's beside the point
No, that literally IS the point...
I like how nobody sees the absurdity of Humanities people being mostly Left-wing, liberal, anti-nationalist, anti-tradition, progressives with some centrists, while STEM people being mostly Right-wing, conservative and nationalist.
You guys do realize it's supposed to be the exact opposite, right?
That's literally high school level chemistry though kek
>STEM people being mostly Right-wing, conservative and nationalist.
That's a /pol/ meme.
Unless by right wing conservative you mean people who repeat garbage done by con artists who profit from them in the same way leftists are used
>You guys do realize it's supposed to be the exact opposite, right?
Why is it supposed to be the opposite? STEMers are smart so they're right wing nationalists and humanitarians are dumb so they're left wing anti-nationalists.
That's an oxymoron and also one of the biggest lies in modern politics.
>Autists with no feeling or appreciation for art and the world.
But that's Veeky Forums