>"Muh second amendment must be protected so the American people can take up arms against the state in case a tyrant overtakes the government and they can protect their freedom against the high tech, heavily equipped, well organized federal army with their shitty glocks and second hand mosins."
Why do everyone just assume the entire US army will side with the state over the people?
Colton Hall
Because all you have to do is tell American soldiers that someone's a terrorist and they'll kill them.
Justin Williams
and as we know, the American military are masters of guerilla war that crushed the Vietcong and al-Qaida, and would do it again to an American rebellion
Nolan Taylor
if they are brown maybe
Jason Evans
I'm more bemused as to why anyone would think the American people would rise up against a tyrant.
Adam Allen
You have a board of your own
Noah Myers
Yes. Unironically. Unreservedly.
You might think it's stupid. But I think you're a an unarmed peasant. So it all events out.
Jeremiah Morris
I imagine if we had another civil war on our hands, we'd have states seceding with their entire police force.
Protip: our cops are probably better equipped than your country's military
Luis Bell
Think of how the US was born. It was created out of a rebellion against the government
While the conditions have changed, it makes sense that those principles (which are still held in high regard) of "free men" asserting their natural rights against a government who would deprive the people of them still abound.
It's a noble (if often simple or misdirected) sentiment.