"Muh second amendment must be protected so the American people can take up arms against the state in case a tyrant...

>"Muh second amendment must be protected so the American people can take up arms against the state in case a tyrant overtakes the government and they can protect their freedom against the high tech, heavily equipped, well organized federal army with their shitty glocks and second hand mosins."

Do Americans seriously believe this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do everyone just assume the entire US army will side with the state over the people?

Because all you have to do is tell American soldiers that someone's a terrorist and they'll kill them.

and as we know, the American military are masters of guerilla war that crushed the Vietcong and al-Qaida, and would do it again to an American rebellion

if they are brown maybe

I'm more bemused as to why anyone would think the American people would rise up against a tyrant.

You have a board of your own

Yes. Unironically. Unreservedly.

You might think it's stupid. But I think you're a an unarmed peasant. So it all events out.

I imagine if we had another civil war on our hands, we'd have states seceding with their entire police force.

Protip: our cops are probably better equipped than your country's military

Think of how the US was born. It was created out of a rebellion against the government

While the conditions have changed, it makes sense that those principles (which are still held in high regard) of "free men" asserting their natural rights against a government who would deprive the people of them still abound.

It's a noble (if often simple or misdirected) sentiment.




Local cops a shit. Big parts of the military would defect and fight with the civilians.

>He thinks leftypol is pro gun control

No, cops have military grade weaponry, drones, helicopters, APCs and whatnot and they're often veterans, this is why American cops are so trigger happy. If you thing the next civil war would be the just military dropping air strikes on 5 fat rednecks in a forest you're sorely mistaken.

>Think of how the US was born. It was created out of a rebellion against the government

It also put down a few rebellions almost right out of the gate. The second amendment was never about defense against the tyranny of the government, it was about the security of a community against criminals, rebels, slave revolts, Indian raiders, etc. That's why it was treated as a communal right, not a personal right, for most of U.S. history until the SCOTUS reinterpreted it the other way around in 2008 or so.

Maybe several decades ago, but not now. Everyone's too busy posting on facebook and diddling with their phones and other bullshit to take up arms against a tyrant. We're too fucking lazy.

Are you implying leftypol is pro-guns because they sincerely believe they can violently bring about the workers' revolution via killing the Koch brothers?

Legit question. I don't actually know, I've never been to leftypol.

oh man Veeky Forums went to shit so fast

you all try to hide that you are /pol/-fags who would lynch niggers inside but that's not edgy anymore so you became ironically leftist or sth

the truth is there in the middle, no need to be cringy /pol/-fags or cringy /leftypol/-fags

back to the thread, what you're saying is absolute shit, gun control already exists in america, it's not like guns are fucking food that you can easily buy, not to mention that taking guns away from the average folk will solve nothing and you know it, criminals will still procure them as easily as they are procuring them now, while the lawful man will not be able to defend himself against a criminal with a gun

I mean the military would fight alongside civilians, not against them. Police forces hate the people they police and wouldn't hesitate to just shoot random people for fun.

I could imagine there would be a substantial amount of infighting between separatists and loyalists within the military itself.
But it is the job of the Militia to dispatch rebellions, not the Military

And you know this based off what?

>and as we know, assymetrical warfare works exactly the same when fought on the home turf

>It also put down a few rebellions almost right out of the gate. The second amendment was never about defense against the tyranny of the government, it was about the security of a community against criminals, rebels, slave revolts, Indian raiders, etc
This guy gets it. On a similar note, I think we should bring back mandatory militia service, similar to what Switzerland practices in present day

I think this is .

Traditionally it's the police that fights for the state while the military has internal dilemmas. Police are meant to keep civilians in line. In the US the military is groomed to believe their job is to defend civilians. Of course, depending on how the state feels about the feds this would complicate things.

There's a difference between bootyblasting some sandniggers in the middle of Arabia and going against a group your brother and uncle might be a part of.


Southerners and northerners are different people. Honestly, some contemporary southerners even characterized the Civil war as an act of the eternal Germanic waging war against the poor marginalized Celtic people of the south. The fact that the Union enlisted a bunch of fresh off the boat German immigrants even drew a parallel with Britain hiring Hessian mercenaries during the Revolutionary war.

Not an argument.

Stefan pls, it's obviously an argument. It means the Civil war wasn't a "brother against brother" conflict.

Take this to /pol/.

At the same time, both the Union and the Confederacy recruited troops from the same towns and counties near the border states, and there were families that settled on both sides leading up to the conflict.

That the North had a large number of recent immigrants in its ranks doesn't change that, especially when some of these immigrants had relatives who had settled in the South and ended up on opposite sides.

The greatest threat to a stable republic is a government without fear of its people

Yeah it was. Have you never read the Killer Angels?
Plenty of Northern officers and Soldiers knew or had relatives with people in the South.

>there are people who don't think the military is clever enough to shuffle troops around so nobody is fighting in their home region
It worked in Cuba. It would work here too. Historically, soldiers rarely have a problem with murdering their fellow citizens if they're given a good excuse. They're conditioned to follow orders, and they're constantly bombarded with propaganda.

I recall this cocksucker babbling about how his "rebellion" would prompt every member of the US military to simultaneously rise up an join in him in their campaign overthrow their oppressive tyrants.

Never happened. Then when his posse tried another stunt, they got their asses handed to them by the feds and his dumb ass got arrested when he took a flight up to the location to intervene.

Now he is awaiting trial, soon to be curbstomped by the government he claims to not recognize and there is not a lawyer in the land who will take his case short of a public defender.

Where do these sods get off thinking that them going autism mode and drawing their guns out in the wide open is going to incite civil war on a national scale?

Decades of NRA propaganda.

>NRA propaganda.
Even the NRA isn't that batshit insane.

Yeah, they'll pull the whole "muh turnikal goobermint" card but even they aren't dense enough to think that their sad little stunt is going to incite chaos across the country. that is some Eric and Dylan tier autism

Is it true that /pol/ is actual a bunch of social justice warriors? Think about it, they complain on the internet about being oppressed and marginalized by a huge conspiracy of demographics trying to push an agenda.

I wasn't trying to say the NRA are themselves this insane, just that this sort of mindset is cultivated by them not to actually start any rebellion but to ensure gun sales and memberships. It's not all that different from how Republicans have been painting the Democrats and the Obama administration as the single worst thing in US history for years, only to be surprised by Trump's success.

Wow, really makes you think...

Dude did you fucking draw that just to make that reply?

Original content, do not steal.

Man, you need to fix your life.

>the government is overpowered so we should disarm ourselves because resistance against a totalitarian regime is futile

This logic is perfectly reasonable and not eerily dystopian at all.

>gun control already exists
>people who are on the no-fly list can still buy guns


You are right, they are both spooky.


>get on no-fly list for trivial bullshit
>feds can deny you a fundamental right because of it

>be american
>create compound to await the imminent return of christ and the apocalypse
>get shot