okay Veeky Forums redpill me on the true race of northern africa, I'm taking an African political history course in college because my degree demands it (International Relations), yesterday was my first class and the teacher started saying that Egypt and Carthage were niggers, that Greeks descend from nigs and that Zeus and Athena were black.... as far as I know Egyptians looked kinda like Copts look now and Carthaginians atleast royalty like Hannibal were Phoenician/Assyrian looking...
Okay Veeky Forums redpill me on the true race of northern africa...
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Aha. Ok so Greeks were/are black, nordic, semetic and slavic at the same time? Make up your mind already western academia.
t. Greek
As for the race of northen africans I would argue that they belong to the white race.
>Inb4 they're shitskins not blonde Anglo-Saxons therefore not white.
Anthropology says so and looking at their features I don't disagree.
>redpill me on the true race of
Fuck off
North africans were semites-caucasian, not niggers
why does the skin color of various ancient civilizations matter so much to you
it's only brought up so that stormfront wehrboos can argue that sub-saharan africans are uncivilized and can therefore shout "stupid goddamn NIGGERS" into otherwise civil discussion.
We've had this argument a million times. Nobody gives a shit, fuck you.
Let's kick this thread up a notch.
Modern Macedonians (yes, I mean FYROM) have more in common with the people of ancient Macedon than modern Athenians do. Prove me wrong.
What's with the spike in /pol/-related threads lately?
I think that the various migrations of slavic peoples into the balkans makes this unlikely.
Mention the epithet "Hera of the white arms", and point out that not even Zeus wanted to marry a black woman.
>It's another "let's get outraged about some story that never happened" episode
I thought you had learned by now, /pol/.
That's like saying modern inhabitants of Bitola are exactly the same with the ancient ones in that area.
No, it's questioning whether the modern inhabitants are more similar than people live 250 miles away.
If you're serious and not baiting, then that's one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard on this board, and that's saying something.
I bet you also think that Ottomans raped (literally) everyone in the balkans so the people there are just turk rapebabies, right?
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/
...modern North Africans?
What, you think we all fucked off and died?
You do realise that modern states are not city states, right?
Nations are not ethnically homogenous.
Btw, why didnt Sub-Saharian Africa develop
Riiiight. So what's the difference between Bitola and Skopje?
the good ones are
Donald has made them more comfortable.
because sub saharan africa has niggers
/pol/ is being raided. Veeky Forums is their safe space.
Significantly less than the difference between Edessa and Athens
Modern Greeks are subhuman, I think we call all agree on that.
No, it matters because the truth matters. I'm not a stormnigger and I think revisions to factual history are disgusting. DNA testing has shown that almost every regional peoples' hasn't changed much at all for thousands of years.
Surely the large empires of old had travelers and merchants from every corner of the earth coming to the large cities, but finding one subsaharan Africans body at a digsite in Mesopotamia, greece, rome, or Egypt gives no sane academic cause to believe afrocentrist conspiracy theories about all ancient civilizations being built by black men.
Besides, subsaharan had their own societies that even had metalworking and permanent structures, primitive though they were
Among afrocentric revisionists, Rome was thought of as the racist white empire that ruined everything (when it was actually the shit). If Hannibal really was a nigger and the Romans were really racist, wouldn't there be tons of accounts of White Romans defeating nigger hordes at Zama in triumph or some other propaganda shit?
albanoskopjan monkey detected
>Significantly less
Oh pardon me I forgot. Greeks are subsaharan right?
Back to watching cuck porn stormweenie
>30 post about north african "race"
>ctrl + f
>no "berber"
Veeky Forums
You didn't read the thread. I'm here to troll Greeks about their government's silly stance that all Greek nationals are direct lineaer descendents of Zeus, not make kangz jokes.
Teaching mythology at grade school does not mean we wuz Hercules in adulthood.
I did not argue that afrocentrist revisionism was good, but it's clear from browsing this board during the last year that these threads simply invite in /pol/ circlejerking.
>Successive governments have reiterated the official position of Greece, which is that no ethnic or linguistic minorities exist within Greeceās borders other than the Muslim minority in Western Thrace.
we were all thinking it
Dude theyre all retarded low IQ lmao
Dude its paradise so they didnt have to do shit lmao
Dude its literally hell so they cant make anything lmao
They are though.
Botswana, Rhodesia, Gabon, and dare I say it, South Africa (although the murder rate has gone down, AIDS has sped up)
By who?
Haven't you got interracial porn to jack off to, stormfag
i thought carthage was greeks who migrated to north africa by legend.
>modern greeks and ancient greeks are of different races
>This is what polcucks actually believe.
sure thing bud :^)