George Orwell wrote in his essay "the starting point for any investigation of antisemitism should not be “Why does this obviously irrational belief appeal to other people?” but “Why does antisemitism appeal to me? What is there about it that I feel to be true?"
so, Veeky Forums, aside from the memes, why do you hate the Jews?
George Orwell wrote in his essay "the starting point for any investigation of antisemitism should not be “Why does...
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they killed jesus, those assholes
I don't hate them, but the (((coincidences))) stack up so fast once you're aware of it that there has to be something going on.
>obviously irrational
sounds like orwell was pretty spooked
>aside from memes, why do you hate the Jews?
Well, aside from memes, I don't.
>aside from the memes
it's not too long of a read, explains what he means by irrational.
but what is it about about antisemitism that appeals to you user?
He is obviously saying that to undermine fascistic feeings you have to first aknowledge them in yourself otherwise you will have mercy for one group but not for another.
i.e. whats important is the fight agains your inner hatred of the other as oppose to righteous indignation of the hate by some of a group you approve of.
I don't hate anyone, I just hate what they do.
Don't hate them and might even have a little Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish blood in me, but you gotta be willfully ignorant to ignore all the evidence. Also what Orwell said there literally doesn't make any sense and is beyond fallacious.
The memes
Get ready to be banned OP
I don't hate all the Jews.
I hate the Jews that want to profit from the suffering of others.
If it was Eskimos running the porn industry,Hollywood, the banks, and gov I would hate them too
I hate them because of their overrepresentation in communist / anarchist / anarcho-capitalist movements and other shit that strives to fuck society up, because of their zero loyalty to their host state and because their unwarranted arrogance.
I don't hate Jews. All the Jews that I've known personally were all good people. Also Jewish cuisine is pretty good.
This. It's awfully suspicious the way they inveigle themselves into particular positions and amass influence and wealth to such a proportionate degree given their tiny minority. Part of their genius lies in their sticking so closely together, which also arouses suspicion.
This is not to say there is some grand conspiracy at work, just the any tiny group that maintains its cultural and social cohesion while also amassing great Wealth and influence makes people nervous.
Them potato pancakes.
Talking to a Jew:
>This movie was great, I really enjoy [insert director's name]'s movies
But when you bring it up:
>[insert director's name] is a Jew.
unrelated, but why does Orwell keep only the bottom half of his mustache intact? Just noticed and it looks really silly.
>they are powerful and cause massive unwanted by me changes in society
>unwarranted arrogance
How can you both control the world and be considered unwarrantedly arrogant?
I'm not buying this meme about the Jews controlling the world, they're far too incompetent for that. If you bring that shit up to a Jew he actually feels flattered since it greatly overestimates his capability.
Am I the only one who read that in Morrakiu's voice?
Voltaire and Kant wrote interesting critiques of the Jews. Too lazy to dig it out now.
I don't hate Jews. I've known Jews that I consider good and respectable people. Israel is another matter though. I don't trust Israel or Jews who support it, I also find Jewish cliques to be generally subversive towards whatever community they are embedded in.
I'm not a subscriber to a "global Jewish conspiracy" in the sense that all Jews are working together, cause I believe there's multiple Jewish interests at work across the globe, and some of them are at odds with one another.
Jews are global movers of events. Specificlly ashkenazi jews who have the west's ingenuity and creativity and influences with asian IQ levels.
This is why they are often in places of important decision making but those who make descisions will always be criticised since you can never satisfy everyone.
As long as you make descisions there wil be criticism and hatred towards you and since jews are innately competent they take up those positions disproportionately.
In a globalising world(internet, faster cheaper long distance travel) jews again have the upper hand since they were never so strictly bound by national borders.
>since they were never so strictly bound by national borders
They used to be, but you can thank the Romans for expelling them from Judea and creating the tradition of the International Jew that knows no homeland.
I used to work in an amusement park owned by wealthy jews, once a year they would have the place as their own for them and their extended family, sometimes their fellows from the temple, though the latter were usually in an administrative role (one of our co-workers, who went to the same temple, had been there to provide first aid, god knows why).
It actually wasn't bad. Some kids acted as spoiled rich kids, because they were spoiled rich kids. The older ones who weren't part of the core of the family were chill, they shared their weird kosher pizza with us and we all smoked weed in the parking lot.
But still tho they were jewish. I had to tell a guy where the nearest ATM was, the ATM fee on it, and the nearest bank of his branch. He straight up checked the gas costs and travel time against the ATM fee of $2.00.
Jesus was a heretic. The punishment for heresy was death. Pretty clear cut desu
He is not being cheap, his goal is not strictly to save money but simply do things in the most effecient way.
That is jewish.
it's $2.00
As an ashkenazi jew, this is definately how I think. It has nothing to do with money and I think this way because I have no interest in the petty mundane pleasures of life, like strawling through a park or enjoying the sun at the beach.
I am goal oriented and to me, your lumpin proletariat experiences are mere means to an end.
I am caluclated and see the big picture while the people around me cant see past their noses.
This is both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand i cant really communicate with "nomral" people, much like a "normal" person cant communicate with a gorilla, but on the other hand I can guide and steer people towards a mutually benefitial goal.
Paraphrasing Stalin, a million lives are a statistic and this is how I see "normal people", as numbers because their simple motivations are clear to me.
I was born to be a ruler, a leader of men. Is it my fault? I harbor no hate for you lesser men but rather see you as children that I must keep from swolloing something dangerous or getting burned by something hot.
>cant see past their noses
thats a choclate milk he could of bought though
smaller chocolate milk after losing 25 cents for gas tho
Not if you walk.
well, hows he going to have a caloric surplus if he walks? Breaking even in the food economy, innit?
But you drink chocolate milk for the enjoyment of it.
>“Why does this obviously irrational belief appeal to other people?”
This was my starting question for studying religion. Not content with cheap psychological explanations ("they just like the idea of heaven.... it's something innate in certain personalities" etc) I found it a great entry point into a world of such vastness as I could never have imagined.
It's a fantastic question to ask.
No way man, I buy my milk and chocolate syrup separately for maximum chocolate milk efficiency. Plus I can adjust the taste as I prefer.
I'm sorry user. I need to get on your chocolate milk level.
I must confess: one time I let a gallon jug of chocolate milk expire. undrunk.
My learnings are a penance for sins committed.
OP here,
the irrational belief that Orwell is talking about is clearly antisemitism, nobody gives a shit about your beliefs in religion.
>I was born to be a ruler, a leader of men.
you are posting on Veeky Forums, all you are is a self righteous autist who thinks he is above everyone else.
while that is a very flattering way to look at the roots of antisemitism, I don't think that get us very far, it is somewhat like a kid saying that the people who pick on him are just jealous.
the way I interpreted George Orwell's essay was that we should find what it is about the belief that Jews are anything more than regular people.
why do you see Jews as global movers of events?
You're make your own people sound incredibly autistic
Several unsourced quotes, a few clickbait articles, and a twitter post. I wish /pol/acks would just kill themselves already. To top it all off, you posted from a fucking phone.
Oh sure, Jews control the banks, but if they really start to bother the really, really powerful they'd be pogrommed in no time
>implying I would pass on a perfect oppertunity to troll /pol/tards
i dont care who is it and i dont "hate" anyone, im just agaisnt everyone with more power than me.
human are bad, so anyone will power will use that power to do bad stuff to me because they are bad.
I'm jewish, you guys are paranoid and jelous
Oh brother. You really want another shoah dont you.
>oy gevalt the goyim know shut it down
>you posted from a fucking phone
Why do some people get triggered over phoneposting? Like literally of all the things to be butthurt about this is by far the silliest one.
lol at first i was going to say that it's a natural growth pattern but then i looked at it closer. wtf
>ATM fee
>he thinks banks give out cash to non-members out of the goodness of their hearts
Of all the things to be buttflustered over, ATM fees really ain't high on the list. It is perfectly reasonable for the ATM owner to charge a small fee for the process of giving out cash if they are not an account holder at the financial institution.
We charge you .2% maintainace fee to use our ATM machine.
I don't mind Jews. It's the holy-than-thou Zionist ass hats who use the word goyim seriously I can't stand.
>Why do white people hate Jews?
>Why does the poor hate the rich?
>Why do ugly people hate beautiful people?
>Why do dumbasses hate smartasses?
Jews are the real masterrace. I often wish I was Jewish. It's like being white, but with a functioning brain.
Jesus was a Jew so how does that work?
Also, Jesus needed to be sacrificed to save mankind from sin, right? So shouldn't you be thanking them?
Also, it wasn't only the Jews, the Romans participated and sanctifier and executioner. Why not hate white people just as much?
>I hate the Jews that want to profit from the suffering of others.
>If it was Eskimos running the porn industry,Hollywood, the banks, and gov I would hate them too
>implying to do these things you have to be taking advantage of the suffering of others
>implying the world wouldn't be worse off without them.
>Why does the rich hate the poor?
>Why do beautiful people hate ugly people?
>Why do smartasses hate dubasses?
Nice false allegory.
I don't hate jews tho. Well no more than any other foreign group anyway.
In fact I quite admire how successful and pretty much openly hostile to the outgroup they are. I wish my own ingroup was like that.
>why do you see Jews as global movers of events?
Because they're disproportionately represented in media, academia, and in the billionaires list.
People don't like to believe in the inequality of genetic information spreading different phenotypes within different groups in such a way that one group is higher than another.
Since they don't believe in that, they default to something they believe in (conspiracy). The problem is that whole groups don't "conspiracy" together, they follow leaders who "conspiracy" and like most humans, are mere signal repeaters for a top-down ideology.
I don't get why you would COMPLAIN about jews as opposed to strategizing about taking control of positions they have. The problem is such control takes a level of competency that often correleates with IQ...
Here's my honest opinion of Jewish people; they're an entire race of idiot savants. Jews are obviously very intelligent but they are completely autistic when it comes to dealing with other races. Things like banking and accounting are perfect examples of how the Jewish brain works; they require impressive computational analysis but are relatively useless skills from a "practical" perspective. Of course, banking and accounting have become ingrained components of our society (coincidence?) so we need Jews around to maintain the massive economy that we have created.
However, it is good to constantly remind Jews that there will be consequences if they do not keep their autism in check because as smart as Jews are, they suck at fighting and need other races to do it for them. It's good to have the Jews on your side because they're so smart but you have to remind them who's boss so they don't let their innate sneakiness lead them to do something that they'll later regret; like killing Jesus Christ for example. Once you understand the Jew's innate autism you no longer hate them, you pity them because you realize that they really can't help themselves for being Jews, they're born with it. Once you understand that a Jew will always be a Jew, you learn to accept it and plan around it and make use of their talents.
God bless.
It doesn't work like that at all.
The truth is, like 5-10% of Jews are actually smart and hardworking, and then they nepotize the rest of them into various high positions
This. Fucking jews. They even make me hate innocent jews.
Is this copypasta?
And the media.
And the government.
And the education system.
Seems like you have delusions.
Should get that checked out.
I would believe you, but I am a Jew who frequently masturbates to pornography. Which leads to the question, how is pornography destroying the whites if Jews have just as much access to it?
Whiteys hate the jews for the same reason why niggers hate whiteys.
Prove me wrong.
Because I hate Hollywood.
That really is pretty much it. See, Hollywood is evil, it's filled with pedophiles and nepotists. They cling on to the left so hard that I literally cannot stop rolling my eyes at them anymore.
They're so pervasively evil and so completely full of shit in regards to every single topic, and they don't care about anyone or anything other than their incredibly shallow image.
But here's the kicker.
As a matter of undisputed fact it's almost entirely run by jews and these jews make it their business to bring in more jews to promote and expand all their disgusting filth.
So I don't agree with Orwell, I think he and his ideas and fears were misguided and of little depth but nevertheless entertaining. Very much like Hollywood. If a group is hated by its neighbors time and again I think it's safe to occasionally ask, "what is that group doing to everyone?".
Are we to ignore similar occurences? Should we pretend gypsies don't spread trash and thievery wherever they go and instead are simply misunderstood majestic dancers that travel city to city fancy free? Their culture is the problem, not the rest of humanity. Similarly Jewish culture and the way they treat their non-jew peers is the problem.
They factually control th he media. Education and government though are likely that anons delusions or exaggerations.
>as smart as Jews are, they suck at fighting
They sure kicked the crap out of arabs
>They cling on to the left so hard that I literally cannot stop rolling my eyes at them anymore.
You don't watch many films, do you? In Europe Hollywood is considered laughably conservative. Most auteurs are leftists.
You're full of shit user. They're objectively leftists.
Yes, but less leftist than European filmmakers.
well it isn't just leftism. I thought that was pretty clear.
Wait up
I've got some serious fucking infographs that will make you HATE the jews
nobody hates Jews user. we hate their culture and what they do.
That's you fucking thought, before you saw pic related and got redpilled.
I have no reason to hate them, they're just people.
I only hate ultra Orthodox Jews because they threw rocks at my folks and I when we got lost in Jerusalem. Apparently the sabbath is on a different day for Jews.
Noel Ignatiev never said that
This literally happened to me, but it was worse because it was a black guy with a Jewish mom. Dude was really proud of being half Jewish.
of you can't hate people who can you hate?
Former /pol/tard here.
After learning about history, I learned it was the anglos who sought to destabilize Europe and actually acted evil. So many things have been destroyed by the anglos, and many of the world's problems have been created by them. And the only reason why zionists have any power at all is because the anglos empowered them. The Rothschilds are anglo jews, and the anglos created the state of israel.
Also I had a fling with a mixed chick so yeah, /pol/tard beliefs are fucking retarded.