itt post your favorite empires
Itt post your favorite empires
My favorite empire killed yours
Hi I came here for the memes
Based German Empire
From its mythical founding in 753 BC to its tragic fall in 1453 AD
based t.urk
Your empire barely lasted ten years.
because of the eternal anglo
The HRE had to deal with the eternal frog for hundreds of years.
most of the time they ignored the worthless shell that was the HRE for Austria or Prussia
Better to live a day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep
You first, OP.
The Holy Roman Empire of course
My niggah
Step up
You and your image are retarded
Are you British or one of these inferior tribesmen spearchuckers apologists that trive on Veeky Forums?
But he's not wrong, whats so great about conquering people who could barely defend themselves?
The fact that we stopped the French from doing it instead
>Seven Years War
>Napoleonic Wars
Maybe with what those cultures were replaced with?? And how just because it was easy diminishes owning a quarter of the globe and making english the lingua franca?
Not really, they did exactly the same thing in africa.
Wow! The french got to own the western Sahara, while we got to own the entirety of the gold and diamond producing South Africa and Rhodesia
>and making english the lingua franca?
Brtain didnt do that, stop the revisionism
French was still the lingua franca at the height of the British Empire
English only replaced it after WW2 when the US became the global hegemon
You beat the French in Canada and that's it
The entire rest of your empire (90% of it) was built in the late 19th century while bullying savages without any european interference (mainly because other yuros were too busy fearing Prussia/Germany and Russia at their doorstep to care about the outside world)
I'm not even in the mood to show you how wrong you are
>Who is Robert Clive
>What is the Battle of Plassey
>Who is George Brydges Rodney
>What is the Invasion of Dominica (1761)
We bullied the french out of the Indian subcontinent, and took over one of the richest and resource-abundant places in the world. As you said, we bullied the French out of Canada, but we also bullied them largely out of the Caribbean as well. All before the 19th century I might add.
Don't reply unless you learn your history you cretin
Because you can't
>French replaced Latin as the most important language of diplomacy and international relations (lingua franca) in the 17th century. It retained this role until approximately the middle of the 20th century, when it was replaced by English as the United States became the dominant global power following the Second World War.[43][44]
There are plenty of exemples of it
Like the fact German diplomats in 1914 adressed British ones in French ("chiffon de papier")
Or the fact US soldiers used French to discuss with civils in Italy, Netherlands and Germany during WW2
>One of the officers (Major or Captain Muddy) was a guest in the villa of a family whose two daughters were my schoolmates. I met him in their garden where some ladies, surrounding Captain Muddy, talked in tentative French. Captain Muddy knew some French, too.
>My first image of American liberators was thus – after so many palefaces in black shirts – that of a cultivated black man in a yellow-green uniform saying: "Oui,merci beaucoup, Madame, moi aussi j'aime le champagne"
French was the language two foreigners who don't master the other's tongue would use upon meeting each others (like English nowdays)
No one spoke English outside of the British Empire and the US
>What is the Battle of Plassey
Are you trolling?
There were 50 French dudes who took part in that battle, a battle that opposed thousands of Brits to thousands of Indians
If you have to go as far as emphasizing the importance of 50 artillerymen lended by some yuro country to the savages your conquered to feel better about your empire building, it proves you realize how inglorious conquering these savages really was
I won't even talk about the fact you mentioned a battle for Dominica, a small ass island that accounted for 0,01% of your empire.
The truth is that only Canada and a bunch of small caribbean islands were taken from other yuros, while 90% of your empire was built by fighting savages
Pic related is how big your empire was in 1815 (the last time you fought other Yuros for colonies)
Try and tell me the bulk of your empire wasnt built by conquering spearchucking savages
The British Empire was one of the least glorious empires that ever existed
The bulk of our empire was spearchucking savages yes
But you see, we didn't take over by fighting spear-chucking savages. We took over by beating the French and stopping them from taking over the spear-chucking savages first. The whole point of the seven years war in India was that the French had their settlements in India, as did the British, and that the war was fought over who would control the whole of India. The fact that the French would have taken over all of India if the British didn't beat the French in the Seven Years War is proof that the British aquired parts of its empire by beating off other European powers who would otherwise have tried to take over.
Even New York was originally settled by the dutch. But we British took it over and made sure the Dutch would never hold territory in the Eastern Coast of North America ever again.
"This is judged to be one of the pivotal battles in the control of Indian subcontinent by the colonial powers. The British now wielded enormous influence over the Nawab and consequently acquired large amounts of concession for previous losses and revenue from trade. The British further used this revenue to increase their military might and push the other European colonial powers such as the Dutch and the French out of South Asia, thus expanding the British Empire in Asia."
The Battle of Plassey is important because, if the British lost, then India would have fallen into the hands of the French
>Holding 1/4th of the worlds landmass and 1/5th of the worlds total population in 1922
>At its height, it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power
Achievements of the British Empire include
>Second Agricultural Revolution
(Jethrow Tull/Robert Bakewell/Andrew Meikle/James Smith/Patrick Bell/John Bennet Lawes/John Fowler/Dan Albone/Rex Paterson)
>Industrial Revolution
(Thomas Savery/Andrew Gordon/James Watt/Humphrey Davy/Richard Trevithick/Michael Faraday/Robert Forester Mushet/Alexander Graham Bell/Abraham Darby/Herbert Akroyd Stuart/Joseph Bramah/Harry Brearley/George Richards Elkington/Isambard Kingdom Brunel/William Sturgeon/Francis Thomas Bacon/John Ramsbottom/Alexander Parkes)
>Enlightenment, Philosophy, Empiricism, and Modern Political Theory
(Francis Bacon/Adam Ferguson/John Locke/Thomas Hobbes/David Hume/Robert Hooke/Jeremy Bentham/Thomas Henry Huxley/Thomas Robert Malthus/Charles Darwin/John Hadley)
>Modern Physics
(James Clerk Maxwell/Issac Newton/John Dalton/William Sturgeon/Stephen Hawking)
>Modern Economics
(Adam Smith/John Maynard Keynes)
>Modern Armed Forces
(Oliver Cromwell/Alexander John Forsyth/Frank Whittle/Robert Watson-Watt/Henry Shrapnel/Robert Whitehead/David Stirling/Ernest Dunlop Swinton/Archibald Low)
>Modern Medicine
(William Harvey/Edward Jenner/Stephen Hales/Joseph Lister/John Snow/James Blundell/James Young Simpson/James Parkinson/William Boog Leishman/Ronald Ross/Alexander Fleming/Francis Crick/Frederick Sanger/James Lind)
>Computers, Television and the Internet
(Charles Babbage/H. J. Round/John Logie Baird/Alan Turing/Tim Berners-Lee/Ada Lovelace/Tom Kilburn)
>Hating the English
>Speaking English
>Hating the English
>Speaking English
The international language is American, not English, my poor little bongman
Pic very related
American isn't a language
>trying this hard to pretend you aren't speaking the language of the hated ANGLO like the pathetic cuck you are
If I was forced to speak French whenever I went online, I'd be angry too. I feel sorry for you.
>If I was forced to speak French whenever I went online, I'd be angry too. I feel sorry for you.
You're forced to speak French everytime you make a sentence in your own language as half of English vocabulary is French
You can thank William le Conqueror for that
>American isn't a language
But it is you dumb tea nigger. We made your language relevant Nigel, don't ever forget it.
Britain was only ever relevant because it was lucky to have a fortunate geographic position and to have given its language to a much more influential country
>Cant into Europe: The Nation
>tfw you gotta invade savages and other animals because rest of Europe is playing hardmode but you dont have the balls to do so as well
Gone too soon
RIP the only native empire that had a chance
It is a language:
Here is a few gentlemen fluent in it:
>because rest of Europe is playing hardmode
>implying that needlessly involving yourself in expensive and often fruitless continental clusterfucks instead of enriching yourself elsewhere is in any way a good idea
>Implying that needlessly involving yourself in continental wars just to show you "have balls" isn't the epitome of acting like a chimp
I bet you're German.
Definitely the most interesting empire out there.
Why are we debating this? Based Mongolian Empire always wins.
>"The world before you has two realms open to human enterprise, land and sea, and over the whole of the sea you are lords."
>being part of the continental system is the same as being conquered
UK didn't "Into Europe" because they were too busy "Into World."
Who said that except you?
by the time they got all of china the rest of the empire had split up and were doing their own thing
>the whole of the sea
>One shot at life
>Not born British
ten years is enough to destroy the
>Invented the economic system that literally crippled the entire world twice
Sure. Because the English where a minor player I. World affairs before Yankee doodle came to fucking town.
Being born British isn't all that swell if you're born as one of the proles...
>tfw not being born so royally inbred you're the XIIth Earl of Sandwich
Other way around
The UK turned to the world because it failed each time it tried doing shit in Europe
Giving up Dacia and not re-ok invading Germany after Augustus was a mistake. Buffer zones could have taken the brunt of the barbarian invasions.
only balkan entity that ever mattered in terms of power and culture, in the middle ages that is
aside from ere
There's just something really romantic about them
>mfw the only reason people don't refer to them as the ERE is because the Germanics got butthurt about their "H" "R" "E"
>Aussie Abos
>63 million
I doubt this
>Anglo kill count
>Celts: 3.8 Million
delet this
Wouldn't have made a difference. The inability to fight off the mass migration of the tribes wasn't in itself the core problem. It was a symptom of greater problems.
Rome didn't fall because barbarians come knocking. It fell because when they did, nobody in Rome was in a position to do anything about it because of political fuckery.
4cc bread when?
>ten year old suicide bomber killing an old man close to death who has lived a fulfilled life
>old man close to death who has lived a fulfilled life
more like apathetic war veteran who has just seen little too much, he still has wife and many children back home and his death
is and always will be tragic since he still had something to live for even after all the misery life threw his way.
>Died way too soon T_T
If conquering all those "spearchucking savages" in America, Africa, Asia, and Australia was so easy, why didn't anyone else do it as well as Britain did? After all, the empire brought immense wealth to Britain and made it the greatest power in the world for nearly a century. Surely other nations wanted the same thing?
It's almost as if conquering and holding such vast territories against your covetous rivals is actually a difficult task, and other governments just weren't up to snuff.
>tragic fall in 1453 AD
You mean, like Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Belgium did?
Go home anglo and complain about your immigrants some more
>If conquering all those "spearchucking savages" in America, Africa, Asia, and Australia was so easy, why didn't anyone else do it as well as Britain did?
Because at the time Britain conquered its empire (mostly between 1860 and 1890), the rest of powerful European nations (Germany, France and Russia) were busy struggling against each others for their borders in Europe.
France and Germany still conquered a few 3rd world shitholes there and there, but they were nowhere near as focused on it as Brits
But none of those countries were as successful at it as Britain.
Sounds like excuses to me.