>with liberalism and feminism exerting their influence on every aspect of life
>you now have a generation of men alienated from society with more to come
>with the lack of traditional values men have lost their place and are beginning to drop out of society via isolation or suicide
>the Catholic Church could've used this to bring in untold numbers of men and help them find their place in the world
>they instead choose to adopt liberalism and feminism anyway and fail to capitalise on this growing demographic
Why? They could have brought devotion back to European men and perhaps found new members in North America.
Why didn't they seize this opportunity?
With liberalism and feminism exerting their influence on every aspect of life
Papism has always been a globalist fifth column.
Except they haven't done any of that. No doctrine has changed.
Also, Francis is 79 and getting older every day. He won't be around forever. I actually suspect he'll die sooner rather than later.
Can you expand on this?
No doctrine has been changed youre correct, but the signs are there and Pope Francis is definitely a problem in this regard.
He blessed a gay strippers parrot for fucksake its a disgrace
How has the church embraced feminism or liberalism. Moreover why the fuck does everyone hate Francis?
Concrete reasons now, not shit like "Vatican 2 is cucked" or whatever.
Because the church is a whore. She will do whatever it takes to stay relevant. Roman Empire? We Roman Empire now, filthy barbarians. Germanic invasion? We Germanic now. Absolutism? Democracy? Latin mass? Voodoo mass? We can be everything you want baby, as long as you have political power.
"Be like me, for I am meek and humble of heart."
user, if you want to be Catholic so you can turn into a Chad who never doubts himself and fucks sloots, you're going about this the wrong way.
He's a sodomite worshiping heathen loving communist.
Don't be Catholic, be Christian instead.
His actions show his agenda quite clearly
Like i said here
There are also other incidents for example
>each of us has our own idea of good and evil and that's ok, do whatever you want lololol
This is not the Catholic way
>"there is no Catholic God"
Come on
>gay priests are fine lololol
And the worst one
>communists are secret Christians
>fucks sloots
Strange way of spelling sucks foot.
You misunderstood what i was talking about. I don't want to be a Chad, i want modern men to find their place in the world, men need purpose and community, something we are currently lacking (specifically white men)
I have to go to work, i will check back on my break
I would appreciate se debate on this issue, thanks lads, God bless.
Some debate*
When Jesus had washed their feet and put on His outer garments, He reclined with them again and asked, “Do you know what I have done for you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, because I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example so that you should do as I have done for you. Truly, truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
The Church offers the Cross of Christ, which is what it's always offered. That, more than anything, is what men need. Maybe Francis is trying to make the modern world more open to that.
The apostles weren't muslim invaders
The apostles' feet not some random nigger and a Muslim = anti-Christ girl. If he's going to do that shit, do it to the cardinals. Also what did Jesus say about virtue signaling in public?
The "church" offers the certainty of hellfire through their false gospel.
No, they were JOOS, which of course is even worse.
And maybe if we aren't afraid to show selfless love to Muslims, they too can become Christians.
Atheist libshit detected. Thank you for reminding everyone that the devil can cite scripture.
This picture was taken on Holy Thursday. He is performing the holy sign of the washing of the feet, as depicted in the Gospel of John.
Do you know anything about Catholicism at all?
He's playing the Pharisee.
It's a media stunt you dumb shit. I think even you realize that, but, hey, gotta shill anyway right?
Why do you view Christianity as some sort of ethnic religion? We're a proselytizing faith. Our goal is to have children in the faith, but also to go out and convert foreigners to the faith. It's one of our primary goals to be multiracial.
>t's one of our primary goals
That's the view of mainstream Christians
>islam is an ethnicity
Back to reddít with you
Monkhood with devotion to Mary just isn't as appealing as moonkhood with devotion to some random anime girl. Can't offer a similar product that's worse in every way and expect to sell it.
No, but the goal is for them to no longer be Muslims.
Think he's referring to the layman
Enjoy the tasty baits my friends. Gotta go see ha later!
And why would they convert when they literally have Catholics washing their feet for being Muslim?
Spiritual cuckoldry is not a means to that end.
Because they see the love and glory of Christ in the actions of his servants, in part. It will compel at least some of them to investigate Christianity.
It sounds like you don't have much faith in the attractiveness of the Christian religion.
Francis confirmed false prophet/beast of the apocalypse.
Yeah just like they saw it in Egypt, Syria and the Levant, where Christianity began, that's why they're Christian strongholds to this day... Oh wait no they allahuakbared everyone into Islam.
>It sounds like you don't have much faith in the attractiveness of the Christian religion.
It is literally referred to as the narrow path, I don't understand why so many people assume it can or should be a universal thing.
But it's managed to sway a decent amount of people all the same.
I actually had a priest give a good homily about that recently. He talked about how the gate was "narrow" in the sense that it could only be entered a certain way--that is, by following Christ at all costs. Christ, after all, is the only way to eternal life. This, in practice, means that a lot of people don't follow Christianity because they don't want to vigorously follow Christ, but in theory, everyone could freely do it.
>But it's managed to sway a decent amount of people all the same.
Not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will enter the gates of heaven. I doubt it's swayed many to God's exacting standards.
True enough. That was also in the Gospel that day.
Perhaps I just have faith in Christ to sway many to his cause. He is God, after all. I think there is a genuine devotion to him among more people than you might think.
It's not liberalism but ignorance to history and lack of objectivity due to half truths being fed to us which will be our downfall.
But then again, nothing really matters.
We all die in the end
>>each of us has our own idea of good and evil and that's ok, do whatever you want lololol
>"there is no Catholic God"
True, there is only God. Catholics don't worship a Catholic God will Orthodox worship an Orthodox God, Jews a Jewish God, we worship the One God.
>For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
nice satanic trips mr francis
>Roman Catholicism will die in your lifetime