Is it truly reliable, or is uniformitarianism a crock of shit?
Historical Science
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Man if you were gonna whine about computational modeling of some shit maybe but uniformitarianism? Yes, really, rocks are real and stay where they're put with some famous exceptions.
Typical science focuses on precision. Historians on the other hand can only claim what probably happened.
>therefore magic is real
Ok, you win, checking into suicide watch as I type
recognising the potential flaws in a methodology and believing in god are two different things
you need to calm down
There is literally no challenge to uniformitarianism except from young earth creationists who think God changed the rules to hide the flood and plant fake dinosaurs.
So if anyone wants to know this actually works, it's that layers that can be reliably dated work as reference frames, and relative to the reference frames you can establish relative chronology using the fossils.
For example, an eruption causes a bed of ash to be deposited. The ash will all be deposited at more or less the same time, and can be dated using the radioactive decay of some of its Potassium into Argon. Sedimentary layers are deposited on top of the reliably-dated layers, and the ages of those layers are then estimated using the changing morphology of a particularly-suited species as it evolves. Other species that aren't as good for tracking time are then dated relative to the sedimentary layer they're found in. It's a little messy (and my explanation is simplified and ignores other techniques used to calibrate and check the results) which is why the margins of errors are often measured in thousands or millions of years. That seems big, but relative to the billions of years they're measuring and cataloging it isn'the as bad as it seems.
Not fake dinosaurs. Fake dates.
Mt st Helens in 1992.
>wow magic is real I'm on suicide watch
>calm down nobody's talking about supernatural shit
>your whole line of argument implies it
>lol jk dragons are real and God hid them from us to prove it!
Fundamentalism not even once
Are they this fucking dense to not realize science finds humans are also apes? there is no "ape man" just other forms of apes.
>implies death, suffering, and disease are constant and not an evil brought by the Fall from a literal Genesis.
>If God had not created apes, however, evolutionists would just find another “common ancestor.”
>The problem is not the evidence, but sinful man’s faulty interpretation.
I did imply that, but not intentionally. Sorry if it bothers you, sometimes I imply things that accord with all the evidence on the face of the earth jusy by accident. I'm such a klutz lol!
>>Veeky Forums
Try asking this there instead.
Veeky Forums is too intelligent for this bait.
Veeky Forums on the other hand...
>Veeky Forums is too intelligent
Your premise is wrong.
Apparently Veeky Forums spends a good chunk of its time being trolled with religious bait and "muh qualia" threads.
>racism and genocide didn't exist before Darwin
Massacres and pogroms happened, but the word genocide was actually invented after Churchill called the Nazi atrocities 'a crime without a name'.
>This reminds me of something I discovered recently related to evolution
Pretty sure evolutionary theory only predates eugenics and is roughly contemporary with communism
You can't really put it that close to communism since it implies that all people are not equal and Lysenkoism rejected evolution as well.