Soldiers general /sg/
Hard to dump from phone
Posing has always been interesting. The soldier wants you to think they are a fearless man.
I have a folder of like 400 pics relating to this
>you came to the wrong trench motherfucker
Why do they even bother producing helmets with chin straps?
Leibstandarte was the only division to disobey Hitlers order to hold in front of Dunkirk, it was also responsible for the execution of a lot of british POWs, a single survivor managed to escape.
Das Reich had the ability to change the course of the war and prevent the Allies from establishing a beach head, however a combination of mismanagement, incompetence and Allied subterfuge led to Das Reich being held back in Montauban some 400+ miles away.
The Allies through OSS, SOE & support of the Resistance led a sabotage & delay campaign which tied up Das Reich for over two weeks on a journey which should have taken less than 3 days. This action also led to the massacres of Tulle and Oradour-sur-Glane as Das Reich was diverted to suppress the uprisings supported by the Resistance.
This thread would make a lot more sense on /k/.
>yeah but these pictures are from the past
You might as well have a historical cars thread and use the same argument. It would still be smarter to post it on Veeky Forums.
In 1942 the SS had a fighting strength of 142,000. Exactly one year later it had 280,000 men and an additional 70,000 in training and supplemental units.
We need to make a Veeky Forums wiki for these pics and edit war bants
Joachim Peiper commanded the spearhead of the 1st SS Panzers in the Ardennes.His initial objective was the fuel depot a Stavelot where the allies had some three million gallons of gasoline stored. He was to capture that depot and move on to the mega depot at Liege. Had he captured it, it would have forced the allies to abandon the Ardenne line and the way to Antwerp would be virtually clear. However a few USAAF attacks damaged several dozen armored vehicles and motor transports severely blunted this attack and for some reason forced him to turn south. From that point, he pretty much milled around attacking small towns and isolated pockets of allied soldiers until it was smashed by air strikes when the weather lifted for good.
>In 1942
>exactly one year later
So 1943
*raises applaud
this one always makes me laugh
This user is in every thread.
I actually plan on drawing a psychological anime smut based on that image.