Why was Protestantism so enticing to Germanics and Nordics of the 16th century? I've heard it was mostly a matter of distance from the Papacy, but that doesn't explain why places so far from the Mediterranean, like Poland or Ireland, never had their kings and populations convert to this new brand of Christianity. Was it really a matter of Papal influence not reaching them? And if so, how did the Church manage to keep power over Ireland, Poland, and etc?
Why was Protestantism so enticing to Germanics and Nordics of the 16th century...
with Ireland it was more to spite the English than anything else.
Herr Luther freed the North from Latin's yoke.
Poland had a Protestant movement but it was crushed by Catholic kings. Bohemia and Hungary were majority Protestant until Habsburg counter-reformation.
Because it allowed Princes to disregard Papal and Emperor authority and become fully sovereign by jumpstarting your own cozy national church. And no moneys going to Rome as well.
For Poland and Ireland remaining catholic was a matter of affirming national identity verse germans and english.
I think it was the rise of a middle class caused by businesses like the Haseantic league which required educated people who could read.
Its just a short jump for someone who can read, to desire the articles of faith in their language.
The German states were decentralized. Protestentism, by its nature, works better when there aren't central authorities to enforce a particular dogma.
>a religion works better with 30000 denomination that disagree on central issues of theology
Sure bud.
uh what, they're catholic
thats what he means.
they stayed catholic to separate themselves further from the now protestant english
Irish and can confirm
It seems like hating the English is build into us
Still, im sure the opportunities provided by the Church also played a role
And the whole point of Henry VIII making himself the head of church instead of the pope was to get the crown power to do as it wants. Of course the Irish didn't want any of that.
It's because the old testament is literal jewish garbage. Protestantism was basically a form of heathenry (the Wilfula bible depited Jesus as a norse germanic warrior with blonde hair and blue eyes too) so naturally it was appealing to northern europeans. Luther was anti-jewish and of germanic extraction too. This is also the reason positive christianity (which was basically a norse-derived faith in the making reconstructed from the ground up) in the Third Reich was based on lutheranism rather than any other form of judeo-christianity
When will this meme end?
Jesus wept
Because in Lutheranism you can tax churches
You could in Catholicism too.
Now THIS is shitposting.
Of all Christemdom Protestantism is the closest to Judaism.
Sweden converted because fuck church holding land
It's actually the furthest away. Most catholic churches are run like synagogues and make up rules for their goats to follow. Then they have goat rituals and rites to atone the goats for the sins they remember. Then they strut around holier than thou while they worship idols, justifying their idols on the creation of the ark of the covenant.