Why do they do it, Veeky Forums?
Why do they do it, Veeky Forums?
It wasnt for naught.
Letztendlich sind wir die relevanteste Nation Europas!
>tfw you were one of the originators of the "Germans like to destroy Europe" meme
Feels good man
Also, that picture is missing a Gothic chieftain
We wuz romans n shieet
Slander and propaganda b8 by faggot op.
They're simply not Westerners, yet they've always depended on the West and got all of their culture imposed on them by Westerners. So they resent it for excluding them, which is why they keep lashing out so violently.
>tfw you orchestrated two world wars with germany as the main adversary against the rest of the world
Are you the jews?
Please stop. This meme isn't funny and has been overplayed. It does not add any sort of civilized discussion at all.
Neither does the rest of Veeky Forums
Maybe ask this in the 10 other anti-german threads that are currently up
Neither do Germans. Kant destroyed Western civilization, Schop said Western civilization was worthless, Hegel invented fascism, and Nietzsche, the only one of any merit, hated Germans
We are the ones keeping Europe together
Show some fucking respect
People tend to forget that Germans are still predominately "Central European".
Remember the times when France and Poland were more important than """""""Germany"""" ?
Since Germany existed it was pretty much always more important than France or Poland
>destroyed europe
correction, the russians and the alies destroyed europe, not hitler.
>tfw you realize germans caused the napoleonic wars by attempting to seize the revolution as an opportunity to take over France
No since 3/4 of the Veeky Forums threads are about germany.
It's not a meme, unless you mean the particular pic
>Nietzsche, the only one of any merit, hated Germans
those are just autists
How did Kant destroy western civilization?
How did Hegel create fascism?
I can't believe how stupid you are wtf
Please be bait
>Are you the jews?
That's what they want you to think.
>T. nostalgic frenchie
Get back in your grave
>hating a philosopher because his philosophy influenced the creation of political movements you dont agree with
american education at its finest
Does this picture trigger you as hard as Britain is going to trigger Article 50?
>Roman Empire
>Good for Europe
Historically they've often been influenced by Jews. Makes sense desu.
It's in their blood. They want to destroy what they did not create.
WW1 was a nothing more than upholding treaties.
WW2 was on the American lapdogs of the Bankers.
people like you are kind of the reason this board sucks dude...
Why do you spam this cancerous """""""meme"""""""?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
It's actually King Hitler from an alternate universe where he won the war.
Schon ironisch das wir letztendlich durch unsere verlorenen Kriege herrschen sollten.
Found the Germ. Shoo shoo!
>tfw France get hated by everyone because Germany convinces them that France is the cause of everything that is bad in Europe
Fucking German people, I swear...