All memes aside, what is the objective best Protestant denomination?
All memes aside, what is the objective best Protestant denomination?
No such thing, there's only the Western Church and that is the Catholic Church.
High church ones
That's it
Lutheranism, Anglicanism, etc., excessive dependence on the state proved fatal in the long run. If the voter want sodomites, the state wants sodomites and churches will want sodomites.
I'd say Baptists.
Methodism because they literally don't give a single fuck as long as you bring donuts to church.
That would make them the worst rather than best.
OP never set the criteria for best.
As for me, I'd probably go with Lutheranism, because the reformation started by Luther was the final strike against the wedge placed by Wycliff and Huss that finally, conclusively, broke the church's spine and unwound its stranglehold on Europe.
Not if you're an atheist :^)
No point going to church if you're a memetheist.
I was going to rebut but I'd rather check those quads.
Lutheranism is the most rational. A lot of underground Hussites converted to Lutheranism and their descendant churches adopted core parts of Lutheran doctrine. Other mainline denominations are okay but Anglicanism seems kind of memey with their wannabe Catholic customs.
From the non mainlines the brethren churches are legit.
Baptist are more centered compared to Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostals, and Mormons even though some groups may hold extremist views. They also make up a sizeable portion of the U.S.
Who cares? Fucking Heretics
they're all shit
Fuck off pope cucks.
Protestants BTFO by this
>le pasta image
Got something else?
Episcopalians and Lutherans. But really most are fine except for Evangelicals.
>academic sauce
Protestant apologetics 101
non american ones
Scripture IS tradition.
t. Orthodox
Jesus is born from anal sex-Constantine
My name is Constantine
I argue like a fucking mime
Everyone I love to quote mine,
Because I'm NEET I have all the time
why are people so mean to constie?
As someone who grew up Methodist, it would do wonders for Christian PR. No emphasis on fire and brimstone, no weird rituals, just a pleasant Sunday morning spent singing hymns and learning from stories in the bible. As an atheist today, I still visit the church I grew up with from time to time.
Makes the whole religion thing pointless
I am a Methodist,
Whether or not I listen,
No one ever cares
As long as I bake bread
I don't understand why you have that impression of it. All methodists I know are sincere and devout in their beliefs. Otherwise they typically mind their own business and don't nuture fanaticism like Baptists or Catholics.
I am a Methodist
I no fundamentalist
I reject Creationist
And I am a feminist
>Insulting posters in haiku
This is some next level shit.
As a Methodist
My mouth's full of shit
And my teeth stuck with grit
From all the bread I eat
>I no fundamentalist
>I reject Creationist
These are sober minded and positive things.
>And I am a feminist
Made me chuckle.
I am a Methodist
The greatest Autist
I know the bible greek aorist
I only like white bread like a racist
As a Methodist
I am sober and pure
God or not, I not sure
But bread addiction I need the cure
shut the fuck up and go eat some bread you weirdo.
I am a Methodist
I love to bake things
Bread makes my tummy rings
And my craving sings
Are the western Churches the Protestant Churches?
Secular Humanism
spiritual humanism