>3 oldest gospels largely agree with eachother
>Jesus never ever claims to be God
>newest and by far most divergent gospel
>Jesus claims to be God on every other page
How do Christians respond to this?
>3 oldest gospels largely agree with eachother
>Jesus never ever claims to be God
>newest and by far most divergent gospel
>Jesus claims to be God on every other page
How do Christians respond to this?
>Jesus never ever claims to be God
He does in John 8:57-58.
57 “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”
58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
>A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. 2 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. 3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
>6 Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, 7 “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
- Mark 2:1-7
>Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
>When Jesus forgives sins, he never says “I forgive you,” as God might say, but “your sins are forgiven,” which means that God has forgiven the sins. This prerogative for pronouncing sins forgiven was otherwise reserved for Jewish priests in honor of sacrifices that worshipers made at the temple. Jesus may be claiming a priestly prerogative, but not a divine one
Different perspectives and shit. Also metaphors. RICH, DEEP symbolism that I don't care to explain how and why they work and you wouldn't get anyway since you're an unbelieving heathen.
>How do Christians respond to this?
It's called suspension of disbelief.
Get a good book on the "Q" source. The real Jesus really was pretty cool.
Imagine for a moment if Paul had not usurped the authority of the real "Jesus People".
For a real treat, look in JEDP textual criticism of the Torah.
Have a blessed day
>John doesn't count because I say it doesn't
Matthew 2:1 Jesus is born
Matthew 2:19 Herod dies in 4 BC
Luke 2:1-5 Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem after Quirinius becomes Syrian governer in 6 AD
Luke 2:6-7 Jesus is born
Matthew 1:18-2:23:
An angel appears to Joseph to reassure him, and so he marries Mary.
Jesus is born in Bethlehem.
Perhaps two years later (or perhaps not), wise men see his star. They come and inform Herod.
The wise men - bringing gifts - find Jesus in Bethlehem.
Warned in a dream, Joseph and family flee from Bethlehem to Egypt.
Herod commences the massacre of the infants.
Herod dies. Informed in a dream of Herod's death, Joseph takes the family back.
But he is afraid to go to Judea, and so makes his home in Nazareth, Galilee.
Luke 2:
A census requires Joseph and Mary to go from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem.
Jesus is born in Bethlehem.
There is "no room in the inn"; Mary places Jesus in a manger.
Nearby shepherds are told of these events by angels.
The shepherds visit the family.
After about a month or so, Jesus is taken to temple in Jerusalem.
There, Simeon and Anna praise Jesus.
Soon after, Joseph and Mary return to their home in Nazareth.
The Nestorian's were right
>Chelcedon never5get
Reread the OP.
>Imagine for a moment if Paul had not usurped the authority of the real "Jesus People".
Christianity would still be a meme religion, probably classified as a type of Judaism, and Europe would be Muslim.
I did. It's still idiotic and arbitrary cherrypicking.
>the other Gospels don't mention Jesus being God, those are the genuine ones
>but this other Gospel mentions that Jesus is God, this is obviously bullshit
Jesus is said to be God in all four gospels; John wrote about Jesus as the Eagle, the Son of God, to the world.
Hence the focusing in on very few days of Jesus' life, and the intense focus on His divinity.
The gospels were written for different reasons by different men for different purposes.
It's called belief, dipshit.
And there is no Q. It was always a hypothesis, and a bad one.
Paul is the greatest of all the apostles.
You Jews are just so fucking doomed.
>You Jews are just so fucking doomed.
1. You are rude human being
2. What Jews? Who says I'm Jewish?
Have a less profane and blessed day
>the other Gospels don't mention Jesus being God, those are the genuine ones
These three are generally agreed to be the most reliable, they are dated the earliest and largely tell the same story, hence the name 'synoptic'. You don't think its strange that they'd forget to mention something as important as Jesus being God?
>Jesus is said to be God in all four gospels
John's harder to believe in because it was written at a later date than the other three; and the synoptic gospels agree with each other in events, sayings, and Jesus' personality a great amount, whereas John agrees with no one else.
>Mark, Matt, and Luke all depict Jesus as trying to keep his identity secret for as long as possible, fearing he won't meet the Messianic requirements. He tells all the people he (reluctantly) helps via miracles to tell no one of what he did.
>John portrays Jesus as openly flaunting his divine power, for the sole purpose of making people understand he's "the bread of life" right from the beginning
>The Synoptics portray Jesus as firmly Jewish, with him being the only one who truly follows the spirit of Mosaic law. He also shows preference for helping the Jews, "the children he was sent for", over helping the Gentiles (those he refers to as "dogs")
>John portrays Jesus as being instantly disappointed in the Jews' failures to uphold Yahweh's laws. Jesus predicts from the beginning that Jerusalem would be destroyed, the Jews scattered, and the word of God finding success among the Gentiles, the new "chosen people". This message of course, angers those he preaches it to in the synagogue, who then drag Jesus outside to stone him
Islam is truth
>[mental gymnastics intensify]
There was no sacrifice so there is no priestly context. Jesus simply forgave the man of His sins (and called him son).
Islam might not even exist. Islam only exists as a response to the degeneration of Christianity and Judaism before that.