Lies you've been told when you was a kid.
>Ancient Egyptians were white
Lies you've been told when you was a kid.
>Ancient Egyptians were white
Other urls found in this thread:
uhh they were though?
>There's a Santa Claus
No the weren't white but they were not negros either.
If you want to see real egyptians see coptic christians.
>coptic christians.
they were arabs so it doesnt count
Fuck off, they're diluted with greek blood
Most egyptians are still egyptian
>the copts are diluted with greek blood they don't count!!!!
>but the arab bred ones totally are!!!!
And? Copts are white.
>Copts are white.
Schlomo pls
>Hitler wanted to kill all non-whites
>We were invading Iraq because Saddam was a threat to the US
>Israel dindu nuffin and its the fault of Hamas they are occupying the West Bank
>Obama was a well-intentioned anti-establishment reformer and totally hadn't already been CIA for decades
>Water fluoridation is safe and healthy
>All races are exactly the same and there is no difference between their brains
>cannabis is a dangerous drug
America is the greatest country ever.
Going to college will get you a job.
Being white will help me get further in life
>America is the greatest country ever.
But that is true
> Ghosts exist.
>One nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Studying mDNA from mummified remains show that the closest living relatives of ancient Egyptians are, in fact, modern day Egyptians.
"modern day Egyptians"
I like how you fucking idiots regurgitate the same bullshit, but know what they say about a lie if you repeat it often..
I wish I could see the faces of you fools who keep talking this nonsense.
All of these.
> m
>a.k.a. the genes that the arabs raped
You forgot about how they told you that the earth was a sphere and that chemtrainls arenĀ“t a thing.
Ancient Egyptian are BROWN. Not Black or White or Levantine
>The US government killed Amerindians with small pox blankets.
All of these except fluoride.
>everyone in the past was 6 feet tall
this was the real meme
The thing about "race realism" is that only racist assholes care.
And incredibly sad
mother fucking 6ft tall bunny dashes around the australian continent in the bush at 30 in the shade dropping pre-alfoil-wrapped cadbury chocolate eggs around the same time of year that a jewish african zombie from 2000 years ago was celebrated as the messiah & savior of the (white) human race.
i was in like.. highschool, full believed it, convinced by my father and brother at the time that it was legit 100% real to the point i beleived i HAD seen the feint blurr of such go by
Simply acknowledging that the research indicates something is true does not make someone a racist asshole. If people talk to you and try to state that all races brains are the same there is nothing wrong with pointing out that the evidence overwhelmingly shows otherwise. The people who make the biggest fuss about that issue are not the people who acknowledge that there are differences but the people who freak out and try to publicly shame others or get them fired when those people refuse to toe the line because they know it isn't true.
1) I'm pretty sure that exact piece of art comes from a larger one that was either made or painted by non-Egyptians. I don't remember who it was but as far a I'm aware there isn't any evidence that piece of art was colored that way by the Egyptians.
2) They were more or less Arab/Levant looking in the sense that day-laborers working in the sun would have worked up a deep brown tan but almost all of their art indicates that the upper-class who stayed indoors and didn't tan had pale skin as light as that of southern Europeans. So no, the Egyptians weren't "brown".
>hurr faded and inaccurate paintings are better evidence than DNA analysis
they are caucasoids too
So you're claiming the Arabs raped the ancient Egyptians, then?
In that case, then what difference does it make? If both ancient and modern Egyptians are products of mixing with Arabs, then either way they're still the same.
My point was that they raped the ancient female Egyptians and thus you got the modern Egyptians, much like they did with Mexicans.
Hence why the mDNA fit and presumably the y didn't
>Hey check out this information, not that I care, but isn't it weird that we aren't talking about it all of the time? Totally don't want to talk about it myself though, I just want to draw your attention to it repeatedly.
>coptic christians.
they're pretty white dude
more like
>palestinians dindu nuffin, they are just freedom fighters, evil Israel is oppressing them
back to /pol/ you retard. Israel are the good guys. Our guys. Bastion of Western Values surrounded by a pile of Islamic shit.
>inb4 t. Shlomo Shekelstein
lol how's that sad? Commie begone.
If they were truly our guys they wouldn't sink our ships in false flag attempts nor steal our info
So you're saying they were doing it long before the Arab conquests?
Do you have any actual concept of historical progression?
I'm not at all doing what you are accusing me of doing, I only briefly mentioned it because it was relevant to the thread. The fact that you are
going out of your way to try to make it seem like I'm making a big deal out of this when it was only a small part of the post I originally made just indicates you are butthurt.
nice meme
its almost as if we don't have plenty of ancient DNA to compare with thanks to all the convenient mummies they left us.
and all this shows they have no relation to the Bantu that populate the south currently and more connection to other Mediterraneans.
The situation is exactly the same with Mexicans, they're linked to Indians by mDNA, because the spaniards killed the males and took the females as their own.
By your logic, conquistadors were crossing the atlantic long before Columbo
You were the one who brought it up implying it was some injustice that no one talks about racial differences in primary school.
You know full well my greentext outlines exactly how "race realists" operate. They are no better than the people who were pushing Of Pandas And People.
Palestinians are not devoid of blame and they have done many things that are wrong but regardless of that Israel is the oppressor because it is illegally occupying another country.
If Israel wants to be no longer in the wrong it should withdraw to its internationally-recognized borders and stop illegally occupying Palestine.
Israel is the worst ally of the US ever, they drain our money, sell our military secrets to China and lobby our government to prioritize Israeli interests over Americans interests.
Its been objectively proven both that the Israelis knew that the USS Liberty was a US vessel and that the Israelis have sold US military intel to China and stolen it from the US at times when we didn't give it to them, and all of this has been documented.
>Israel is the worst ally of the US ever
Israel is your master, not your ally, now dish out these tax dollars goy.
>stop illegally occupying Palestine.
where do people get this idea
Palestine IS legally part of Israel. it was created out of their territories that had Arab majorities in order for them to manage the country better and avoid Muslims being powerful in their parliament.
the land divide was set into 3 tiers, land set aside for Jewish settlement only, land for Arabs only, and mixed settlement.
the so called "expansion" is in reality just Jews settling in either the mixed or Jewish assigned land in the West Bank, meanwhile the Arabs have so many children they turn their areas into overcrowded hellholes.
the idea that Palestine is its own country is laughable since it is little more than a subdivision of Israel, completely owned and administered by it.
>You were the one who brought it up implying it was some injustice that no one talks about racial differences in primary school
No, thats not what I did. All I did was answer the prompt OP gave which was list untrue things we were told when we were little. The fact that I just listed it as being untrue has nothing to do with an opinion on whether it should be widely discussed or taught in school.
Your bogeyman of "race realists" is irrelevant to the conversation. Many people who understand the truth about what the research indicates are not "race realists" but rather regular people who just think for themselves and examine the facts.
Maybe thats what they teach people in Israel but the entire international community understands that Israel is illegally occupying Palestine which is why the UN recognized Palestine as a non-member observer state. Every single US administration has recognized that as well. What Israels tell themselves about it won't matter when the worlds patience runs out and Israel is given the South Africa treatment and sanctioned into withdrawing.
1) Under international law its illegal to occupy another nation
2) The entire world takes the position that Israel is illegally occupying Palestine as do virtually all respected experts in international law
3) Therefore Israel's view of the issue is irrelevant
>but the entire international community understands that Israel is illegally occupying Palestine
the international community bows to public pressure and socialist rhetoric where somehow a legal part of Israel is now an evil colonial holding.
what the international community thinks is completely irrelevant since most of them either say this because they hate Israel/the united states or they are liberal shitheaps with a whiny ill informed electorate.
>entire world tells Israel to pursue a 2 state solution
>Israel says no
>Israel simultaneously refuses to acknolwedge the right of Palestine to exist while all but fighting a war against Palestinains
>wants to push millions of people out of their homes
>no one in the international community has acknowledged that Israel has any claim to the lands of Palestine
The JIDF is real.
The UN has time and time again told Israel to pursue a 2-state solution and Israel refuses.
>Israel is right
>what the international community thinks is completely irrelevant
get a load of this ignorance
>Israel sets up two states
>Arabs say no and invade
>Israel wins and Arab majority areas go to Arab states.
>more invasions by Arabs
>eventually Israel owns the west bank, gaza, and Golan heights.
>Arabs in these areas want representation but Israel doesn't want Muslim parties in parliament.
>creates an internal territorial division where Gaza and parts of the West bank are set aside fro Arab self rule, while other areas are set for Jewish settlement or mixed.
>Arabs don't like this, repeatedly attacks Jews and their settlements or settle in the wrong areas.
>socialists becoming more powerful in the West and hate America/Israel, support the myth of "Palestine" in order to further their agenda.
>get gullible mongs like those ITT who either hate Jews or are otherwise ignorant of the situation to support this mythical state.
ah yes, because the US is the final authority on what a country does within its own borders.
the Arabs rejected the two state solution and now Israel must live with it.
>someone else acted bad therefore we never have to act good ever again
they continue to reject it, they reject the existence of Israel.
and either way this does not change the legal situation.
Israel making a new state AGAIN out of its territory would be good for no one.
People who don't want to waste massive amounts money on programs that aren't going to work or lowering standards to accommodate people who are never going to meet any reasonable or workable standard for behavior should care.
It would be different if, for example, the EEOC didn't define "racism" as any policies which impact different races differently. But as long as people actually think that petty criminals are being shot because they look too dark and not because their luck ran out after a lifetime of spectacularly poor decision making, it matters.
>eventually Israel owns the west bank, gaza, and Golan heights.
And who said they could take that?
>J-Jews just want to peacefully mix with Arabs
Palestinians aren't the ones building the walls. Walls would be fine if Israel were pursuing a two-state solution though.
I don't see why I should be compelled to be so caring for all these wogs .
unconcerned with this brainwashing society puts over us.
>The middle east has always been unstable
>Shia and Sunni are always fighting
>This is a democracy
>Communism is in the dustbin of history
You may think the opinion of literally the entire planet aside from Isreal is wrong but just as an insane person in an insane asylum has no power, Isreal has no power when the international community is united in action against it.
With just a few votes the UN has the power to enact sanctions that would collapse the entire Israeli economy to an unsalvageable level that would eventually cause the country to fall apart and be subsumed by Palestine. Before it reaches that point though Israel will concede and withdraw to its international borders. This is the eventual and inevitable outcome if Israel doesn't willingly agree to the 2-state solution and many countries in the west have openly said they will eventually do this.
>And who said they could take that?
they themselves did through force of arms against a multitude of enemies.
what other justification is necessary?
Palestinians wouldn't be there is Israel never existed
>they continue to reject it, they reject the existence of Israel.
Which is exacerbated by Israel in turn acting like a dick.
>Israel has no power when the international community is united in action against it.
reality seems to disagree.
and again think about why the dislike for Israel exists in the first place, its not because all these countries have hearts of gold, or that Israel is literally the devil.
>implicit BLM violence reference
You are conflating cultural and genetic differences.
>acting like a dick.
putting down terrorists, trying to manage a swollen population of spiteful Arabs who want you dead, dealing with limp wristed Europeans who cry and moan whenever Israel does what is necessary because its "mean".
reality is "mean"
So stop throwing a hissy fit every time someone calls Israel out for being dick.
>when I was a kid
Fuck this board is too young
Bit of an idiot aren't you
>being a dick
>a country
if this is the kind of discourse that people think means anything in geopolitics then there is a reason why it consistently falls flat for anyone aside from the most ignorant.
I'm sorry but Israel is entirely justified with its actions and other nations do not even nearly face the same political/social issues that it does.
maybe in a decade or so Europeans will see what it is like.
Sure is shitposty today.
It's a simplification. Stop getting hung on semantics. The point is you are trying to make Israel out as righteous, when they aren't. They are self serving like any nation. The international community when you average it out wants to avoid destruction and violence. Israel would gladly screw over Palestine and vice versa, but Israel is the one with all the guns. Israel should catch the most flack for acting selfishly in these circumstances when they have all the leverage and don't care about Palestinians.
>reality seems to disagree
Thats because the UN hasn't enacted massive sanctions on Israel yet you moron, with the case of South Africa they proved that its possible for them to do. Its only a matter of time.
>race and Israel flamewars in the same thread
>The international community when you average it out wants to avoid destruction and violence.
the international community doesn't exist, there are hundreds of conflicting entities all competing against one another under the guise of some order.
and as for Israel somehow being in the wrong because its powerful, again nothing but slave rhetoric where the strong should be punished and the weak rewarded for their weakness.
the Arabs are in this situation because they are belligerent, backwards, and slavishly devoted to their spiritual leaders. they attacked and continue to attack Israel to the point Israel must defend itself and its people.
a Palestinian state only means yet another terrorist base for them to breed and further encroachment on a strong democratic and innovative nation as well as the citizens who have made it what it is today through their own hard work.
its the same rhetoric that sees Europe filled with migrants, so that through some ironic justice they may be punished.
>Thats because the UN hasn't enacted massive sanctions on Israel
and they never will
plus sanctions and the end of apartheid in SA was a major mistake done out of misplaced compassion and a desire by the US to eliminate any powerful African nations.
>the international community doesn't exist
>n-no one's opinion matters but that of the Jews
Good luck holding your own without resorting to nukes should the world withdraw your international support.
>the opinions of other countries matter when it comes to the decision of how one country is run.
this globalist nonsense is why the Iraq and Libyan invasions/bombings happened.
>hurr anyone who doens't think Israel is ebol is a joo
I respect them for being the only rational nation left in the West that understands realpolitik and actually looks out for ITS OWN people.
>Jesus was white
They have literally said they will if Israel dosn't agree to a two state solution soon. Even Obama has said that the US won't be able to stop the rest of the world from sanctioning Israel and that it might happen soon.
how would this "two state" solution work exactly?
its VERY easy to just shout this rhetoric but it means nothing when there is no plan on how to apply it, especially since the Arabs REJECTED the UN proposal which Israel has accepted.
Also my country now claims none of your countries don't exist and that you are allpart of our country. But we don't want all you foreigners actually voting on anything, or really mixing with us, so actually it would be great if you could either leave Earth or kill yourselves.
>the international community doesn't exist
I am agreeing with this one. There could be a international community, but the general lack of will/enforcement/oversight/farsight and a bunch of other qualities means it doesn't really exist.
UN is currently a global sock puppet, alongside IMF and a bunch of other sock puppet organizations.
And what is Israel's glorious plan for solving the current situation aside for taking more and more land for Jews?
>implying Israel is "taking" land
yet again you know absolutely nothing about the treaties there or how the land is divided.
its not like they invaded Arab land, the lands Jews settle are Class A and B lands set aside for their settlement.
I don't know if there is a solution and I don;t see why their needs to be. really the best option in my view is for Jews to settle the Area and Arabs to join with nearby Arab countries like Jordan and Egypt.
The BEST option would be for US to stop funding Israel and let things sort themselves out.
Fuck off with that legal right shit
Likes earned the right to live there when they slapped the Arabs about like the fucking bitches they are, and lmao, who gives "Palestinians" their right to live there?
Stop guzzling cum and shut the fuck up with your hippy shit faggot
Israel doesn't need US funding anymore. their economy is strong on its own.
if anything the US is the one who keeps Israel under control.
I wish they would retract support as well so Israel can do what is necessary.
Oh yeah also
>A real nation
Oh yeah cause everyone respects the UN right?
UN a fucking shit
Don't know what school you went, but in my school they always told me Egyptians ware Egyptians.
>be Jew
>move to barren undeveloped desert from Europe after WWII shitshow
>start a family and build huge farms/irrigation systems to turn the wasteland green and make it more fruitful than ever before.
>Arabs flood in from nearby tiny villages
>their populations swell because they have zero concept of birth control and all this new food/wealth causes their towns to explode beyond their carrying capacity.
>now demand the land owned and cultivated by Jews because they see all land not owned by Muslims as a sinful crime.
>Jews say no because they worked hard and built all of this for themsleves.
>Arabs blow a gasket and invade
>get BTFO
>invade several more times plus constantly undertake small scale attacks
>get BTFO every time and lose what they were offered originally as an olive branch by the Jews/UN.
>they cry and socialists use them as puppets to further their own internal political agendas.
>ignorant westerners tell Jews to give their land to the Arabs because it makes them sad to be weaker than Kafir
>God doesn't exist you bigot but you should do what I say is objectively "good" for humanity anyways or else you'll be bad, you don't want to be bad do you?