yet again you know absolutely nothing about the treaties there or how the land is divided.
its not like they invaded Arab land, the lands Jews settle are Class A and B lands set aside for their settlement.
I don't know if there is a solution and I don;t see why their needs to be. really the best option in my view is for Jews to settle the Area and Arabs to join with nearby Arab countries like Jordan and Egypt.
Jaxson Smith
The BEST option would be for US to stop funding Israel and let things sort themselves out.
Christian Davis
Fuck off with that legal right shit Likes earned the right to live there when they slapped the Arabs about like the fucking bitches they are, and lmao, who gives "Palestinians" their right to live there? Stop guzzling cum and shut the fuck up with your hippy shit faggot
Austin Cook
Israel doesn't need US funding anymore. their economy is strong on its own.
if anything the US is the one who keeps Israel under control. I wish they would retract support as well so Israel can do what is necessary.
Ryder Price
Oh yeah also >Palestine >A real nation
Lucas Ramirez
Oh yeah cause everyone respects the UN right? UN a fucking shit
Hudson Campbell
Don't know what school you went, but in my school they always told me Egyptians ware Egyptians.
Ayden Robinson
>be Jew >move to barren undeveloped desert from Europe after WWII shitshow >start a family and build huge farms/irrigation systems to turn the wasteland green and make it more fruitful than ever before. >Arabs flood in from nearby tiny villages >their populations swell because they have zero concept of birth control and all this new food/wealth causes their towns to explode beyond their carrying capacity. >now demand the land owned and cultivated by Jews because they see all land not owned by Muslims as a sinful crime. >Jews say no because they worked hard and built all of this for themsleves. >Arabs blow a gasket and invade >get BTFO >invade several more times plus constantly undertake small scale attacks >get BTFO every time and lose what they were offered originally as an olive branch by the Jews/UN. >they cry and socialists use them as puppets to further their own internal political agendas. >ignorant westerners tell Jews to give their land to the Arabs because it makes them sad to be weaker than Kafir
>God doesn't exist you bigot but you should do what I say is objectively "good" for humanity anyways or else you'll be bad, you don't want to be bad do you?