Cause at my college it seems like more white millenials that are into non-white cultures over "white/european" cultures...i wonder if its cause they think its "cooler" or they don't want to be seen as "racist" for stanin european culture
What is it with many white millenials that see non-white cultures as more interesting
They are seen as "exotic".
Because it's different than what they've seen their entire lives?
White guilt inculcated into them by the leftist media m8.
We're standing in the shadow of European civilisation, the finest that Earth has ever seen. And we've defeated every other culture from the Japanese to the Zulus.
But after winning against everyone we had the world wars and especially the holocaust. These events shattered our self-confidence and now the society's in free-fall.
That's my theory, anyway.
Sure, because the average white american college kid has been heavily exposed to medieval swedish folklore and such.
Shit theory.
Back to /pol/ you subhuman.
Not an argument.
Because they have been taught that xenophobia is immoral and that xenophilia has no downsides.
White culture has been DUDE JESUS LMAO for near 2000 years. People are desperate for literally anything else.
Jesus Christ this guy is autistic.
>Instead of disproving his argument he goes for name-calling him and automatically assuming he's a /pol/ack
Veeky Forums can get dumber than /pol/ a lot of times
because dude leftists lmao
They are into them on a purely aesthetic level, I don't think any hipster gives a fuck about the Indian caste system, a tribal harem, or the rituals of a shaman
They just like colorful clothing and cool beats
I don't think its ncesssarily just "white" cultures, but rather cultures that are different altogether, for instance,
Look at the popularity of Vikings and other pagan cultures and such; I think even the most SJW feminist would prefer that over Islam
You don't have to abandon your own culture to be interested in others'. At uni there's a wide range of peoples and cultural events, I don't see how it's noteworthy that people would want to participate.
>Asian culture has been CONFUCIUS LMAO for near 2500 years.
>Middle eastern culture has been MUHAMMED LMAO for near 1500 years.
If the civilisation doesn't belong to its members, who does it belong to?
I'm a millennial and likely so are most of you, I only really have a hard on for Indian/Middle Eastern/Oriental cultures but beyond that its mostly European.
Orientalism is pretty old school so I think that's acceptable.
>civilization can be owned
Yeah civilisation belongs to all the people upholding it. It's like a torch or something.
anything western culture appreciation is seen as racist or evil by the left
What do you think Tolkien and medieval high fantasy is based on?
tolkien is based on germanic mythology (anglo saxon and norse in particular)
but what does that have to do with learning about swedish literature lol
do you also think reading Ender's Game means your exposed to Quantum Mechanics?
>do you also think reading Ender's Game means your exposed to Quantum Mechanics?
Not any more than I think wearing a headdress for halloween means that someone is "into" Injun culture
well your argument was that white millenials are exposed to Tolkien so thats why they don't appreciate things like swedish literature..some weird ass argument
I'm saying that Scandinavian folklore doesn't have as much "exotic appeal" to white millenials as whatever OP is complaining about because they think they're already familiar with it through medieval fantasy
He could have saved us from all of this....
So African Americans can claim ownership of Western civilization?
That isn't true at all. Source your claim.
They built America.
Everything is made out of cotton.
>implying cotton didn't sustain most of the southern economies agricultural export
>implying enslaved people just picked cotton and didn't have innumerable skills needed for survival in the southern colonies and States via inherited knowledge from societies before their enslavement.
Not him, but I'd say they can certainly claim to be upholding it if they support it. The issue is these college students OP is whining about aren't rebelling against 'white/european' culture. They're rebelling against a lesser culture that has spawned from it whose only accomplishments are being born in the same cities left behind by praiseworthy past cultures and can only talk about how proud they are of themselves for doing nothing but existing. The hypocrisy sends them scattering for shallow things to fill the void like light to kitchen bugs at night.
"White culture" is globalized as fuck, everyone wears american business attire, for instance. Were are the local european traditions in Europe? Paraded about on Holidays like a zoo for endangered memes.
I don't think its non-white culture per-se that people are interested in, its authentic culture. Something that isn't McCivilization.
People like mason jars now, farmers markets, Renaissance fairs, a ton of hipster stuff.
How about new western culture, for all the anime fans, there are also a legion of MLP fanatics. That's western culture.
There is probably more people interested in History than ever before now.
I think, OP, that you might be making assumptions a little. Why not start a culture club? Of coarse 'white culture' is a little too broad, asians today can hop on theire computers and read John Lock, y'know kinda hard to keep things like that 'whirt culture' and not 'human culture' in the age of the internet.
Colonial American cultures perhaps? Civil war society? You can do a lot of neat things. Hipsters and millennials love authentic shit.
Considering how Americanized the entire Western world is, I'd say yes, partial ownership, partners. They are a big part of the western world now.
It's not that they hate "White Culture" (A stupid term made up by stupid people).
It's that they hate themselves and anything they associate with themselves.
Because they're not abandoning the culture that gave us Beethoven, they're abandoning the culture that gave us Kim Kardashian.
The Brownshirts are needed again
First greentext isn't true
>The Brownshirts are needed again
"Whats going to save western civilization?!"
"Socialist Homosexuals"
just like European culture wasn't just "Jesus 2000 years"
As in If you replaced him with Buddha it would be truish
You mean the Blackshirts?
Millennial from Tennessee here
I personally like Nobunaga and Romance of the 3 Kingdoms stuff.
Because of videogames and TV shows.
Sorry for being a bluepilled race traitor or whatever OP.
We sure as help aren't a part of West African civilization anymore, so pretty much.
>Anywhere below the Sahara
Define "white" cultures.
Celtic, Norse, and Germanic seem to be fairly popular with people I pretend to be friends with by being nearby them and they are white-looking.
>We're standing in the shadow of European civilisation, the finest that Earth has ever seen
It was the Enlightenment that destroyed your civilization. Figures like Marquis de Sade deconstructed the foundation of Renaissance values, and both the left and right are tainted by libertine nihilism.
You lost all that can be called "culture" to the Enlightenment, which promoted values that upend all attempts at a common embrace culture.
>a common embrace culture.
an embrace of a common culture*