Were the Sumerians related to Indo-European Caucasians? We know their language has no relation to Semitic ones, so who were they? What did they look like? Racially/ethnically, did they resemble Caucasians/Caucasoids?
Were the Sumerians related to Indo-European Caucasians? We know their language has no relation to Semitic ones...
They were Turanic
A memeword if there was one.
They are known as the "black headed people" afaik, so I'd say its a safe bet to say that they weren't blonde, at least.
Their languag ealso has no relation to indo-european ones, it's generally consired a language isolate, but I think there are some lexical matches between sumerian and Hurro-Uratian languages.
Personal guess based purely on speculation is they'd look something like pic related, but dont tell the chechens as they're awful enough as it is.
They weren't semitic, that's for sure
They were the same fucking people who live there today. Millions of people aren't replaced every time a few goat herders wander in from the desert.
Probably if your talking about modern North Caucasians. The mixing between peripheral groups outside of the main cities with Afro Asiatics coupled with the Assyrian and various subsequent Semitic plunders and rapes led to the genetic mixture you see today.
>Indo-European Caucasians
While there are attempts to hypothetically connect ancient Mesopotamians with people of the Caucasus linguistically and genetically, you'd have a harder time demonstrating a connection with Indo-Europeans and they are latecomers to the technological advancements of the Bronze Age and probably acquired knowledge of it from places where it had developed much earlier.
t. a Chechen (I am one for real)
Please don't hurt us
no you're not, you're either a buttflustered Mediterranean tour guide or arab.
>embellishment did not occur in history.
Veeky Forums is alright, you're safe
I am one, 100%, coming from the clan which gave my nation its name in Chechen (Nokhcho).
>that wink
They were related to neither, their language is an isolate. Nothing unheard of in Neolithic culture areas without writing, see New Guinea or Americas.
they were a reptilian designed race of blood sucking proto-jews, part of the ancestors of blood sucking, parasitic semitic peoples, the assyrians, babylonians, jews and arabs of the fertile crescent region, all these ugly, disgusting demonic semitic creatures
They spoke a language isolate
It was more common back before huge empires and exotic foreign religions
They looked like the modern marsh arabs of iraq
but muh racialism
>They looked like the modern marsh Arabs of Iraq
And you've seen a living Sumerian to note this?
Thanks for your input ,/pol/
>not Semitic
>not related to Semites
>more closely related to Etruscans and pre Indo-European Anatolian people or those of the Caucasus
>somehow a super jew boogeyman
Nice b8 m8
We have a lot of Chechen people living in my city, most seem to live according to a mixture of islam and "gangster" culture with a lot of focus on masculinity and violence. Also why do you hate the Kurds so much? At least here, Kurds and Chechens have street fights and stab each other.
/int/ told me they were Finns
You tell me.
>Chechen people living in my city
I assume you are from Germany (Celle, Herford?) or Austria right?
The Chechen youth today is weird desu. A lot of them are behaving like most people would think of Turks in Germany. I don't like this gangster-behaviour. They should do martial arts, be good in school and learn about Islam.
>why do you hate the Kurds so much
The Chechen-Kurdish conflict is really new. It started with the ongoing Syrian-Iraqi-ISIS-war. There are a lot of Chechens fighting for ISIS against inter alia, Kurds. Kurds started to attack Chechens in the European diaspora because they wanted to revenge for the Chechen actions in Kurdistan (northern Iraq/Syria). Then Chechens took revenge and it became a vicious circle.
I myself don't hate Kurds and want Kurdistan to become an independent state, but I dislike the PKK/YPG (communist shit).