What is Veeky Forumss opinion on Chrislam?
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on Chrislam?
Those two faiths are clearly incompatible on a very basic level. I'm intrigued how they deal with
a). the divinity of Jesus Christ
b). the status of Muhammad as seal of the prophets
>Christian Muslims believe that Muhammad, Moses and Jesus were all great prophets equally deserving of love and respect but with very distinct and different roles.[6] Worship services include singing of Christian hymns and Islamic nasheeds to praise God and attract his presence.[7]
So basically Islamic philosophy on Jesus' divinity and status as a great prophet, but with more Christian trappings.
Absolutely retarded at the most basic fundamental level.
Muslims believed god did the old bait and switch and Jesus never died but was levitated into heaven, which sort of fucks with the whole point of christian jesus. They also deny Jesus had any divinity.
Seems about as stupid as Jews for Jesus.
>We're not Christian nor Muslim
>But we use both the Bible and the Quran
>Except for where they contradict
>And we're both religions
>But not
>And we don't have any exact beliefs
>Just make sure you know we're both Christian and Muslim
>But not
I believe both of these incompatible points came about to discourage syncretism in Late Antiquity between Christianity increasingly concerned with the influence of Jewish/Samaritan thought and Islam increasingly concerned with Christian/Jewish thought. The most direct solution would be to hang the conclusions made by early Islamic thought and suppose that the Quran supports an Arian argument for the divinity of Jesus, that his divinity is distinct from his mortal self and not one and the same, and that Muhammad being the seal of the prophets was more an argument for the establishment of an eternal caliphate rather than any sort of commentary on Jesus.
Aren't Christianity and Islam explicitly proselytizing faiths? Shouldn't the ultimate goals of both of them be to completely convert everyone in the other religion?
They combine forces and convert all other people like buddhist or hindus.