Why did Eastern Europe fall to Communism so quickly after WWII? Was it purely due to Soviet backing?
Why did Eastern Europe fall to Communism so quickly after WWII? Was it purely due to Soviet backing?
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nah lad, those millions of soviet soldiers stationed over their ruined countries had nothing to do with it
Is this bait or there are still ignorant anons on this board?
Soviets installed puppet regimes in all territories they conquered if they didn't annexed them.
Only Finland was lucky to have remain independence and Yugoslavia and Albania could get lose from leash as still communist states later.
Of course, the Fins are too autistic to fall for an idealogy based on feels.
I want you to look into the Percentages Agreement and what it entailed and ask yourself if the Soviets truly had sole responsibility for the clusterfuck that was Eastern Europe in the immediate post-war era. The U.S. may have thrown a giant fucking fit about Poland, but I assure you the rest of the Allies didn't give a flying fuck until it was too late. They had already signed away Eastern Europe in return for fucking Greece of all things.
Stopping Nazism is not free, we must give away half of Europe to the Red Beast before accomplishing it, plus 1/3 of Germany too, for good measure.
None of those countries "fall" to/for communism. They forced to in rigged elections and west didn't really gave a fuck about it.
Yugoslavia did because leader of resistance was communist
We had a civil war over it though in 1918
It was Britain (Churchill) who cared about Poland (not enough to do anything about it), it was thanks to them that Greece was free (only country they managed to bargain for). USA was happy about being heroes and freeing world to care they selling bunch of nations to another totalitarian regime what is doing so well aslo thanks to US economical help.
Country what started it was punished least for it, practically getting away from this.
>It was Britain (Churchill) who cared about Poland
In 1946... He happily signed them away in 1944. Truman voiced very vocal concerns from the moment he took office.
To bad main decision was in Tehran where all important decisions were made with Roosevelt
Roosevelt wasn't actually involved with the Percentages Agreement. TMYK
And Poland wasn't subject of Percentages Agreement.
>Was it purely due to Soviet backing?
Yes. Every single election was rigged and the oposition was violently supressed.
Gee I don't know man...
It's not like it was occupied by the Soviets or anything...
It was a bit different in Czechoslovakia.
People felt betrayed by the West in the Munich Agreement and Soviets were seen as liberators from fascism and was also a considerable pan-Slavic sentiment.
Soviets won a democratic election and then gradually usurped all power.
We were all sold out by the west.
First we were sold to the German.
Then we were sold to the Russians.
Fuck the "West", fuck Germany and fuck Russia.
You know nothing about your own country.
>do a coup to prevent democratic election that you are sure to lose from happening
>some faggot on Kazakhstanian Female Volleyball Imageposting Fanpage calls it democratic
>gradually usurped all power
I was talking about the 1946 which they won and which was also democratic.
That was pretty unique in Eastern Europe.
>Was it purely due to Soviet backing?
Walter Ulbricht - flew from the Soviet Union back to Germany on April 30, 1945 to seek out anti-fascist individuals and prepare the groundwork for the re-establishment of communist organizations and unions in postwar Berlin. Knowledge of the Ulbricht Group composed of Ulbricht, Wolfgang Leonhard, Otto Winzer and several others remained secret until 1955.
Bloeslaw Bierut - sent to Poland to join the leadership of the new Polish Workers' Party (PPR) in 1943. He headed the State National Council, a communist quasi-parliament established by Władysław Gomułka and the PPR, from 1944 to 1947. Along with Jakub Berman and Hilary Minc, the other two members of his troika, Bierut played a leading role in the establishment of communist Poland.
A confidential Soviet communist party biography notes - 'from the moment Hitler invaded the USSR information is lacking on Bierut.
A polish communist who met him during the war commented. "I knew nothing of his past. He simply appeared"
Mátyás Rákosi - returned to Hungary, on 30 January 1945, sent by Soviet leadership, to organize the Communist Party along with Josef Revai and Erno Gero
Bierut, Rakosi and Ulbricht were all active within the Comintern. They all fled to Moscow during the war. All were Moscow men -Soviet trained. Just as Klement Gottwald, Josip Tito, Georgi Dimitrov were Moscow men, so too were the Frenchman Maurice Thorez and the Italian Palmiro Togliatti.
One exception was the Romanian,Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej who was a 'local communist'.
As an interesting aside; when Ulbricht and co. returned to Germany they found that the many of the 'anti-fascists' or communists who'd remained and suffered under the Third Reich were not as receptive to the Party discipline as Moscow required, unlike their National Socialist counterparts and so, it wasn't just anti-fascists who were recruited in the service of Moscow.
The 'danger years' from '45-'52 were pretty touch-and-go
>Soviets won a democratic election
was it anything like the yugoslavian election, where the votes were done by clay balls and the "wrong" choice had a hard floored box, so it would thump very loudly if you dropped it in there?
pic: "Who votes for black is the enemy of the people"
Truly democracy at its finest :^)
I bet 10 quid that this chick has military rank and is in mil recon/intel.
my dick says she's an angel though
>an army of bydlos pour into your country
>they install puppet government consisting of communist puppets
>they kill every opposition
>they organise referendums which they win by 99%
Congrats, you're now part of communism
Mhm, 'till you have an "accident".
Pretty much that.
Besides, Soviet Union, from the very beginning, was a terrorist state. They practiced on themselves first, and then did same on others. The success was absolute.