Did he *really* do anything wrong? Or was he just a flat-out tyrant?
Did he *really* do anything wrong? Or was he just a flat-out tyrant?
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early second half of twentieth century in latin america says everything
Why're Catholics always perpetually butthurt about communism? Him and the Kennedy's were ravenous lunatics in their campaigns against it.
>s everything
> Anonymous 08/18/16(Thu)15:33:09 No.1568312▶
McCarthy and his phobias...
Americans are really REALLY fucking retarded
What, as opposed to the brilliance of Europe? Get over yourself.
The succesful countries in Europe have higher living standards than Americans, because they found the middle ground of capitalism and communism
get fucked
Your rape rates and destruction of civil freedoms say otherwise.
>inb4 the hilariously unsuccessful countries like Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Poland, etc. aren't "real Europe"
How the fuck is Belgium unsuccesful
I hope you enjoy having to pay thousands of dollars for a broken arm
Your country is split between three regional and conflicting governments, it was founded as a buffer state against France, your capital is currently the home-nest of Islamic extremism on the continent, you're the primary cause of europe's inability to stand against third world migration, and you're one of the primary destabilizers of Africa in history
As the laughingstock of Europe, the real question is what went right?
Which likely doesn't have anything to do with the country's political ideology.
The north is doing perfectly fine
>Did he *really* do anything wrong?
He literally falsified information and despite claiming to have a big list of communist spies in the government refused to reveal it and his commission never found *one* spy.
All he succeeded in doing was ruining the careers of a bunch of actors and academics.
Oh that and he allowed his chief of staff to try and threaten the army into releasing his (the staffers) gay lover
>The succesful countries in Europe
You mean Scandinavia? Which is arguable more capitalist than the US?
>Which is arguable more capitalist than the US?
Please, argue that.
Well, it actually lets its car companies go bankrupt for starters, has a lower corporate tax rate, laxer regulations on banks and investment.
I could go on.
>has a lower corporate tax rate, laxer regulations on banks and investment.
uh lol
Oh, and it has no minimum wage, inheritance tax, and minimal capital gains tax.
Great arguement
America has among the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. On an individual by individual basis those who benefit from owning these banks and corporations fair better to do whatever they want more than anywhere in Europe. They could show off how easier it is smuggle money into the Caymans.
>The succesful countries in Europe have higher living standards than Americans
And there's like how many of them? Switzerland, Norway and Luxembourg, that's literally it. Everyone else is poor compared to the US.
You forgot Denmark
No, I really didn't.
>America has among the lowest corporate tax rates in the world
No, that's factually incorrect. It's 35% nominally and 27% effective.
>On an individual by individual basis those who benefit from owning these banks and corporations fair better to do whatever they want more than anywhere in Europe
Europe has countries that function as literal tax havens too you know? Switzerland literally built it's country on that idea.
Please stop posting.
>All he succeeded in doing was ruining the careers of a bunch of actors and academics.
HUAC and McCarthy are not affiliated.
>HUAC and McCarthy are not affiliated.
My mistake I mixed it up the with Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. However my points on this bodies failure still stand true
Rather be poor than raped.
You are retarded. It ties directly to your stupid European ideology.
you mean capitalism and socialism?
Might be bait, but here's a nibble.
You would rhetorically characterize a minor politician as a tyrant, while the continuum of stalin, mao, castro and pol pot remained in fulll swing?
One thousand percent, OP. Get fucked. On every level. The idiocy of this appelation of the simple label to Mccarthy, in lieu of the above, puts the lie to itself.
Meanwhile, whoops, there were, in point of actual historical fact, multiple literal communists in Hollywood, a truth that Ann Coulter has correctly told, and I don't even like her.
As to Mccarthy himself? "flat-out tyrant" is an appellation worthy of the legacy media, and it even imputes a power to Mccarthy that he did not really have. Or to the extent that he did, then it was used properly to put down and shut up communism in the United States.
>>Meanwhile, whoops, there were, in point of actual historical fact, multiple literal communists in Hollywood
Oh no! Thought-crime!
>red scared
Hope you enjoy paying thousands of dollars to give these assholes welfare