Are Germans the biggest enemies of the Latin civilization?
Are Germans the biggest enemies of the Latin civilization?
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They're the biggest enemies of civilization full stop.
Yes OP.
Invite Arabs to Iberia
Praises Islam and Ottomans
>Friedrich the "Great"
Helps Turks and says Islam is wonderful
Thinks Islam was made for Germanics
Inivites hordes of Arabs to Europe, they rape and destroy European culture
They're the biggest Islam enablers in the whole Europe.
Don't forget this one:
>implying there is non-latin civilitzation
Ultra kek
>Latin Civilization.
>Maker of shitholes around the globe since 1492.
Latin Civilization is clearly a worse threat.
the Germanic kingdoms of the middle-ages defended Christendom
the WE WUZ ROMANS of the Byzantine were traitors and sold their own people off to T*rks
>the Germanic kingdoms of the middle-ages defended Christendom
oh yeah, by fighting between themselves
oh, so Charles Martell fought Germanic peoples in the Battle of Tours?
I didn't know
>All Germanics are German
I love this meme.
Do you also think all Turkics are Turkish?
>germanics = germans
Stop right there and read OP once again.
you two are genuinely retarded
I was clearly responding to someone who said that the GERMANIC peoples 'defended Christendom by fighting themselves'
I then mentioned that Charles Martel fought Muslims on the border of Spain and France
I did not confuse Germanic peoples with Germans
the average IQ on this board must be 80 or something
He probably meant HRE.
Fuck off
Charles martel was a french, if he was german he would have welcomed the muzzies with "Rapefuggees welcome" slogans
Charles Martel actively allowed the muslims to cross the Pyrénées without reacting, just so he could come just after and steal Aquitaine for himself.
OP, in what way is pic related to your post?
All Latin colonies are shitholes
All Germanic colonies are extremely highly developed, safe, and wealthy
>I then mentioned that Charles Martel fought Muslims on the border of Spain and France
This heavily calls for a [citation needed].
He never ever in his life saw the Pyrenees with his own eyes. He probably was aware of the existance of these mountains, but never ever got remotely close to them.
He profited well off the buttfucking of Duke Odo of Aquitaine at the hands of the muslims after their sack of Bordeaux, and as Odo was desperate for help, Charles took the chance to cuck him and made Aquitaine his vassal state.
Wouldn't Venice be the Latins in this case?
Your pic literally details romance speakers wrecking greek speakers.
Nothing safe and wealthy about India and Africa, snownigger. The only successful anglo colonies are the ones settled in lands without a significant native population.
enemies of planet earth in general
germans must be alien life or something