Let's say Germany won in WW2. What would the world be like today?
Let's say Germany won in WW2. What would the world be like today?
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They'd get nuked.
Totalitarian, lack of free thought and will, and probably even more brainwashed and fanatical.
Conspiracy theories would abound.
It'd be similar to Orwells 1984
Whiter = better = more beautiful = more truthful
That depends on how much they conquered following the war. If they annexed all of Europe, including the UK, and Soviet territory, Europe would probably find itself resembling the Iron Curtin in the cold war, except with Nazis. A could war between Nazi Europe and the USA would probably happen, and the final solution would likely continue to finality.
If they conquered the USA, who the fuck knows. Nazis controlled a great deal of Europe before and during WW2 so it's easy to picture how that could've looked in the event of victory. But Nazis occupying North America? That's a tough one.
I highly doubt the Reich will last long. Sooner or later the occupied countries will rebel one by one with the help of the US of course.
Europe would have few hundred million people less, if anything. I'm not sure if I'd be alive, my mother is a Croatian woman but my father is a Serb so he might have gotten killed which would prevent me from ever being born. I still don't think Germans would have killed the majority of Slavs once they realized just how big the USSR is and how much work there is there. I guess I'd be a second tier Untermensch so maybe I'd be a servant to German family or working in a factory. If I was really lucky I'd be serving hot German milf but I wouldn't be able to do anything with her cause Rassenschade.
There would be a cold war between an occupied Europe and the US, maybe Britain would be like Finland was during the cold war? Eventually the nazi state would collapse due to nationalism of the occupied peoples and debt.
Like this kind of Nationalism?
>Europe would probably find itself resembling the Iron Curtin in the cold war, except with Nazis. A could war between Nazi Europe and the USA would probably happen, and the final solution would likely continue to finality.
Yup. What people don't tend to realize is that Cold War between two or three superpowers was guaranteed and one of those superpowers was guaranteed to be the US. The only questions were what would be the US sphere of influence and who would the other superpower/superpowers be.
The way the situation was set up in 1939 total global victory by any one side was impossible so ww2 would have been the staging ground for future ww3, once the victors consolidated their wins. The discovery and application of nukes did put a damper at potential ww3, though, so, ,even if the nazis won, it could have prolonged the Cold War indefinitely.
Lol! Chuckled.
lots of super mutants & genetic freaks, and more drugs
they should shut this board down
it was ok until some cunt started posting chicks and shit that shits just straight up embarressing, sometimes i dont like to view this board in company. take that shit to b or some crap
first ever sage post
it wouldn't be a nice one thats for sure but hey maybe there would be little bit of hope
Pigs would be the primary means of air transportation.
His voice is really nice, he was born in the wrong era.
I'm guessing America and Britain would still be fine.
The Jew lives...
You'd be gassed if you didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes :^)
But I was born almost 40 years after WW2, wouldn't the eugenics programs have already guaranteed by that time that I would be 2m tall blonde blue eyed Prime Arnold fit ubermensch?
Doubt it. I think they would go through a democratizing process similar to the USSR after a few decades. People tend to get tired of a dictatorship real fast if economy is in the toilet.
They'd be constantly killing people who were "undesireable"
so the economy would actually pretty good when they use those undesirables for slave labor and create commercial products for really cheap.
Only for a little while though.
I'd say the regime would last 150-200 years.
>slave labor
Would and did result in lower wages for laborers.
>killing undesirables
There's only so many you can kill. But anyway, the USSR. In the 30s it was "anyone I don't like is a kulak, to the concetration camp it goes" and within 50 years they were already yearning for democratization. Nazi Germany wouldn't get stronger internally, it would get weaker.
>That depends on how much they conquered following the war. If they annexed all of Europe, including the UK, and Soviet territory, Europe would probably find itself resembling the Iron Curtin in the cold war, except with Nazis. A could war between Nazi Europe and the USA would probably happen, and the final solution would likely continue to finality.
They'd be lucky to even win the war let alone conquer significant territory
>a world ruled by germans
no thanks
All white countries
t. Paki
>"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France".[223]
>The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[222]
>"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."[224]
What did he mean by this?
It would have been the closest thing to a perfect utopia but the jews want it only for themselves
Pan European political, cultural and spiritual renaissance. Disintegration of nationstates and emergence of transnational racial community underpinned by all that is noble and heroic in man
People watch Man in High Castle like its a divination, not an allegorical projection. The "hard reboot" that the NAZIs imposed would inevitably taper off, just like American culture of world intervention did in the late fifties. It would have been relaxed, and uncanny to the eye: swastikas on streets where sensationalist, arguably degenerate media and products are widely available.
So basically America with shallower troughs and softer peaks.
The west would be more white and therefore better in all aspects.
NZer of british/danish/german descent actually but feel free to jump to conclusions like the fuckwit you obviously are
>No anime. (which for you autists is a dead sentence)
>No vidya. (see above)
>Constant invigilation.
>No chilled atmosphere, everyone tense.
>Everyone speaks kraut.
>Race mixing(because they would need their people to be obedient and without culture of their own, just the reich).
>Atheism, Shinto and Islam left. Rest of religions banned.
>People are born to work for the reich and fuhrer.
>No individualism.
>Central planned economy.
>A lot of jackdaw logos.
>Ruling nazi party elite has it all, others are divided to workers and mid class and cannot go higher than that.
>>No anime. (which for you autists is a dead sentence)
Says who? Japan was Germany's ally and war partner and after ww2 Japan would control all of China, southeast Asia and India.
Not only would there be anime but there would be ALL THE ANIME IN THE WORLD.
We would have a united human race and the overall world would be a lot better
It would be the same, because Germany didn't win WWII.
>everyone in this thread
Veeky Forums is literally the history channel
I wonder if their economy was the best. Depending on economic conditions, they might crash.
Well there would definitely be no Jewish shitposters on Veeky Forums.
Much better