Stuff that sounds legitimate and/or reasonable even to intellectuals, but which is secretly bait.
Show us your high class/intellectual bait
Natural rights.
International laws.
Stuff like the My Lai massacre isn't even wrong, because in a time of war you should never disobey your commander unless you want to endanger yourself and your squad mates.
Semper Fi.
This would be better bait if it America itself hadnt very firmly established that this is not an acceptable defence
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
Any unfalsifiable stance on a philosophical topic.
>your flavor of nihilism
>epistemological relativism
Zeno's paradoxes
It is more morally correct for a self driving car to kill any number of pedestrians than to kill one occupant.
The Reconquista was seen in the muslim world as akin to the fall of the Roman Empire; drawing a parallel between the spanish taking of Granatah and the surrender of Rome to Odoacer2: a culturally and intellectually superior, albeit declining, civilization succumbing to inferior barbarians; who brought upon the region a technological and economic recession.
That's some top-class bait famalam.
My god its not even wrong
*quotes voltaire*
The achievements of Euro-Americans is due to white privilege, and not any competency on the individual's part.
>"The personal is political."
But this is obviously true.
The owner of the car paid for the car. To make him pay for a machine that may choose to kill him is morally wrong. Therefore robocars should be programmed to kill any number of outside pedestrians if it means saving the owner's life
wow, a neo-liberal ethics system. How disgusting.
This is true for most individuals.
baited in a bait thread, how embarrassing.
hahaha, you fell for it!
If a negro builds a deck that is supposed to bear 500 bounds of weigh per square foot, and he employs the correct carpentry techniques and calculations to build such a deck, then he did it himself. Privilege, it's lack or presence, has no bearing on the outcome of technical tasks.
Well crafted.
Silly boy, why are you assuming that information available to negroes and whites is symmetric?
Negroes simply can't comprehend basic algebra, so they couldn't learn how to build a deck correctly in the first place.
I know it's bait, I know that's the point, but I just have to say...
>Technological and Economic recession
>Granada conquered by the Spanish in 1492
>Columbus finds and claims New World for Spain that same year.
>Spain becomes the richest, most powerful European nation-state for the next hundred years.
You seem to think the two thing are even remotely related. They are not. UNLESS you're counter-baiting.
>>Negroes simply can't comprehend basic algebra
Behold: The oldest lie in America.
Are vampires are at risk for Hepatitis C
1492 was a pretty good year for spain 2bh famalam
There is a lot of evidence that suggests that the holocaust did happen.
I cannot understand the reason of this post, isn't this board suppose to be about humanities and history? How "make a good bait" fits in this board?
Epistemology shit.
>If there is no absolut knowledge, how do we believe in science?
Positivism shit.
> We needed phylosophy only until science appeared.
>/pol/ is bad maymay
Plato was ironic.
Machiavelli was ironic.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Al-Farabi, Avicenna, Averroes, and probably Aquinas were all secret atheists.
If you look at interwar thinkers like Fuller and Hart and Trenchard talking about air war, they do so in terms that are very reminiscent of nuclear war today: That there is no defense, only deterrance, and if the button does get pushed, you'll have millions of people dead in a very short time, and the only way to "win" is to bomb first and bomb harder.
They were pretty demonstrably wrong, a la WW2.
Ergo, people who talk about MAD, and ending life on earth with nuclear weapons, are also probably wrong, and that a nuclear war is survivable and even winnable, as long as a government is willing to accept 7 figure death tolls.
Holocaust didn't happen and that's a shame
>high class/intellectual bait
The word jubilee is inherently anti-semitic since it's derived from "Jew Billy", a clown in a Jew costume that was commonly hired for birthday parties.
Oh come on, nobody's going to believe that unless they're an ignoramus. You find the word "Jubilee" (well,
but that's what it anglicizes to, in the Bible.
Sorry for the weird formatting, Veeky Forums gets upset when I try to mix Hebrew and English.
Even if it wasn't retarded, it would still be cancerous, because it's reddit tier. When ever fags on reddit see le funny Veeky Forums screenshot xD, they either come to /b/ or /pol/.