USA in the Axis

Could the United States have supported the Axis instead?

Japan, having taken over much of Eastern Asia, had a lot of raw materials that could be traded for American oil. This trade would benefit both the countries industries.

Germany on the other hand was step by step spreading fascism through Europe, as seen in Spain. The only three places left in Europe who would raise their tone with Germany were the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union.

Both Japan and Germany supported more patriotic, tradionalist and freedom oriented rhetoric (Japan for example had its Asia for Asians equivalent of the Asian Co Prosperity Sphere), while Britain and France were extremely imperialistic, dominant, opressive, etc, of other countries. Not to of course mention the Soviet Union - socialism/communism.

I think it would have made much more sense if the USA had supported Germany and Japan as opposed to the communists and brits.

What do you think?

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muh liberalism and muh democracy aside, i think that anglo-american business and economic ties far outweighed german-american and japanese-american


>Could the United States have supported the Axis instead?


>Japan, having taken over much of Eastern Asia, had a lot of raw materials that could be traded for American oil. This trade would benefit both the countries industries.

Except that the U.S. wasn't interested in importing raw materials, and the extant trade agreements were for a small amount of manufactured products and currency reserves (mostly gold). The U.S. had plenty of raw material access without needing to go across the Pacific for it.

>Both Japan and Germany supported more patriotic, tradionalist and freedom oriented rhetoric (Japan for example had its Asia for Asians equivalent of the Asian Co Prosperity Sphere), while Britain and France were extremely imperialistic, dominant, opressive, etc, of other countries. Not to of course mention the Soviet Union - socialism/communism.

Japan had also been kicking the shit out of China for a good long while, putting that claim to lie, as well as offending a lukewarm friend the U.S. had in the region. Not that they were exactly for British and French colonialism, but there were at least common cultural and much more significant economic ties, as opposed to Japan, which there weren't.

>I think it would have made much more sense if the USA had supported Germany and Japan as opposed to the communists and brits.

I think you haven't studied the subject nearly enough, and are quite possibly a Wehraboo.


It would be geopolitically the stupidest thing to do.

Well, no.
Japan had the second most powerful navy in all of Asia. Canada could be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks. Then its just a shortcut from there to Greenland, from Greenland to Iceland and from Iceland to Britain. You must be really naive to think that without having to bother with Japan in the Pacific, and with rentless help of fascist Europe, America against Britain would be a disaster. Oh, and remember the nukes? Please drop them on Moscow and Leningrad instead.

>Japan had the second most powerful navy in all of Asia.
That doesn't mean much. Much of Asia was either backwards compared to the West or a colonial outpost.

>America against Britain would be a disaster.
Why would America go against Britain?

Are you stupid? Not even him, but your response is so ridiculous it's offensive.

"Geopolitically" is not "LEMME LOOK AT MY RISK BOARD GUISE!"

>Japan had the second most powerful navy in all of Asia.

So what?

>Canada could be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks.

Why would the U.S. even want to "overwhelm" Canada? They're anti-imperial, the very foundation for supposed hostilities with Britain and France. Why would they want another colony?

>Then its just a shortcut from there to Greenland, from Greenland to Iceland and from Iceland to Britain.

Again, what possible interests can the U.S. further by attacking Britain?

I honestly can't imagine a situation in which America would enter the conflict on the side of the Axis.

If FDR dropped dead way back in the early 30s then MAYBE the US stays neutral as there was a very strong isolationist sentiment among Americans, but American commercial & geopolitical considerations were all on the side of Britain and by extension the allies.

No, FDR had a hate boner for Hitler and the obvious economic reasons make it an impossibility. The best situation for him would be the US remaining neutral, but even then they'd still supply lend lease equipment to the allies.

I don't know if you know this, but the Axis declared war on the US, not the other way around.

I don't know if you know this, but the U.S. had an increasingly hostile posture to all 3 of the major axis nations before the official declarations of war. For instance, U.S. navy vessels had orders to sink German u-boats before the "official" war.

>Could the United States have supported the Axis instead?

It is possible, but incredibly unlikely.

It's hard to imagine a scenario where the US would not only abandon Britain and France, but actually fight against them.

So? We're speaking hypothetically. Germany wasn't obligated to declare war by the Tripartite Pact because the Japanese were the aggressors.

>It's hard to imagine a scenario where the US would not only abandon Britain and France, but actually fight against them.

There's an alt history series that postulates it by a Confederate diplomatic victory the Civil War, wherein Britain and France recognize the CSA and become stronger trading partners, pushing the Union into alliance with Germany.

More realistically though, the Great Rapprochement had only occurred a few decades prior.

frankly too early in the piece to pretend they werent the full on worst blown fascists on the board yet

>Why would America go against Britain?

Maybe if the federal govt weren't full of jews and Roosevelt not an insane maniac constantly employing methods short of war to goad Japan into attacking the bait he had laid out in front of them so as to get a casus belli and drag the US populace into a war they did not want to fight in the first place

>the Japanese weren't imperialists
Stop this meme.

>the Japanese Empire was not being imperialistic when it expanded its borders at the order of its emperor

>"The peoples of Asia must unite under the banner of the Asian Co Prosperity Sphere. Communism and Western influence must be banished from the land of our brothers, so Asia may walk free and together towards another age of prosperity"
>"dude you have different skulls that means you're my slaves lmao"

You're quoting rhetoric as if it was reality.

The "Co-Prosperity Sphere" was just a dressed up name for political & commercial subjugation. Your argument is as shallow as claiming that North Korea isn't actually a Stalinist Dictatorship because they have "People's Republic" in their name.

>Both Japan and Germany supported more patriotic, tradionalist and freedom oriented rhetoric (Japan for example had its Asia for Asians equivalent of the Asian Co Prosperity Sphere),
>freedom oriented
I'm not even gonna post anything since the OP is obviously a braindead retard who knows nothing about Imperial Japan or preWW2 geopolitics.

Britain was a big rival of the US

The only possible way I could see it happening is if the red scare cemented itself right at the rise of Lenin.
If the majority of sentiment was staunchly anti communist they side with them in the fight against USSR.
But still would be very unlikely.

>>"The peoples of Asia must unite under the banner of the Asian Co Prosperity Sphere. Communism and Western influence must be banished from the land of our brothers, so Asia may walk free and together towards another age of prosperity"
>"Dude invade China, lmao."

>If FDR dropped dead way back in the early 30s then MAYBE the US stays neutral as there was a very strong isolationist sentiment among Americans
Exactly the premise of Dick's "Man in the High Castle"...

Whats that series' name?

the worlds exhausted its just strings farming left then collapse and probably repeat that you might get some builds but they will be quite isolated incidents because the resources arent there for it to be anything more. whats the point beyond ur fathers ego? peasent.t ry

lets just make a sparta full of oprinicks /w immunity pure

>be anti-imperial
>imperialize Cuba, Puerto Rica, Hawaii, Philippines, Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Germany, Japan, Guatemala, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan

I think this is the one user was referencing. Haven't read it though.

The U.S. never should have never been involved in the war in any way until Japan attacked us. Nazi Germany and imperialist Japan weren't exactly fans of fans of freedom either.

Hitler didn't like the US.
Thought we were a cultureless nonwhite shithole at the time. Halfway right tbqh.

>there are people who think the US would willingly side with the Axis
Economic ties to Britain alone outweighed any thing the Reich could have given us. And we had opposing interests with the Japanese in the Pacific.

>freedom oriented rhetoric (Japan for example had its Asia for Asians equivalent of the Asian Co Prosperity Sphere)

In other news, Kim Jong Un really wants to unifiy Korea
Get fucked, /pol/ retard.

It almost happened.

>Britain was a big rival of the US
By mid way through WW2 the British Empire is locked in it's death struggle that finishes it as a super power, American industry is making bank selling goods to the war effort, in a way it just couldn't with Germany, and Britain's half Yank PM is trying to charm the USA every chance he gets. Britain is no threat to America by this point.

"Co prosperity sphere"
Try selling that to the Chinese.

America is very similar to Rome in the sense that they conquered the world in self defense.

This. Hitler unironically wanted to give our land back to the natives because his fucked up idea of whiteness included the redskins as aryans.

>they conquered the world in self defense.
which is a fancy way of saying that they subjugated the world with the approval of their conscious.

It doesn't change the fact that a certain segment of society profited so much from war that they hijacked the machinery of government to make it inevitable and perpetual, and that there was nothing accidental about becoming the dominate military force on the planet