Why didn't Europe support the Byzantine empire against the Ottoman empire?
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Europe didn't exist. The Byzantine/Orthodox world was a completely separate civilization from that of Western Europe, and the two hated each other.
/pol/ LARPers need to stop thinking the christian world was united during the time periods they fetishize
Western Europe hated the Roman Empire, are you surprised?
>The Byzantine/Orthodox world was a completely separate civilization from that of Western Europe
Pretty much this,that and there was no reason for them to risk suffering loses in order to help the byzantine when they would get nothing out of it.
This. The West hated the Orthodox church.
i think greek women are the most disappointing i've ever encountered
literally like a 4/10 on average, kinda surprising since the surrounding countries are full of hotties
What the fuck does that have anything to do with this thread?
byzantines were by and large a greek society
thread question was already answered
take your pills, spergy
>Asks random outfield question in a thread that was already answered and ready to be recycled
That makes me the spergy?
OP here. I'm not from /pol/, nor am I a Christian. It was a genuine question
They hated them enough to let the empire fall against the Ottomans? That doesn't sound right.
Ottomans were so far away from western europe they prob didn't give a shit
Some people view dissenters within as worse than dissenters outside Christendom
I'd imagine they wanted to get rid of the orthodox and thought that the ottoman doing the job for them was a pretty good deal and once they're done they can decide how to deal with the ottomans,or atleast something along those lines i really don't think they cared all too much about the byzantine since they were considered heretics and helping them would cost too much at that point.
Though they came to Spain, Vienna, and other places throughout europe
How far in did they get and whats the dates?
Think about it like this, when the Crusader states existed for a while, they got used to the muslims and kinda liked them.
They never stopped hating the greeks/orthodox, from like day one of the crusades to after they sacked Constantinople, the west hated those guys far more than they ever hated Saracens.
Well yeah. I would also imagine that the pope would not let the countries help them even if they wanted to. People forget how much religion meant to people back in the day.
But the Byzantine empire was very, very wealthy. All of that wealth and technology ended up with the Ottomans who then ended up in Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Cyprus, Vienna (1500s), Hungary (1500s), France (732) in the battle of Tours
Doesn't seem like a good tactic desu
Ottomans =/= All Saracens
I never said that. And if you are implying that something I said made you say that, you need to be more specific.
The Ottomans ended up in all of these places through war. Probably even more places then the ones I mentioned, these are just the ones I remembered
Not that they could do much against it. By the time Constantinople was surrounded the Ottomans had the most powerful army in the world
>Ottomans who then ended up in
Never happened
Never happened
Never happened
>Battle of Tours
Absolutely none of these have to do with the Ottomans/descendents of the Seljuk Turks.
They didn't. You're confusing the Moors, Arabs, Berbers and others with the Ottoman Turks. The Ottoman Empire never got anywhere near Western Europe, furthest was to Austria.
Most powerful? Is that not debatable? I wonder who comes up second in that time period. Britain?
The Ottomans weren't a thing at the time of the battle of Tours.
And when did they land in Portugal and Spain?
It's easier to convince peasants to fight muslims rather than fellow christians.
Maybe they planned on using the liberation of christians in greece as a pretext for a crusade so they could set up a puppet kingdom and they thought the turks wouldnt get out of control?
had a greek gf a couple years ago. she was tiny and always super horny. okay by me desu
You're confusing the Arab Caliphates with the Ottoman Empire, dumbass. The Rashidun Caliphate, the Umayyads, and the Abbassids through their vassals were making inroads from North Africa at Greece, Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal from those points. The Turks moved West from East of Anatolia after the fall of the Byzantines taking the Balkans, Greece, and most of Southern Europe until they got stopped at Vienna in Austria.
>"second in that time period"
This is the best map I could find quickly at the time of the fall of Constantinople.
I would guess the Austrians or Spanish would have the best army at the time.
There was no "Britain" at that time and the English were regardless a FAR CRY from being in the top 5 armies of the 1500s. The French were probably the most dominant single nation in European history militarily speaking until the mid early 19th century.
Didn't they go through Spain much of the time in the 1500s? I thought it was the Ottomans who went through Spain to Algeria in the 1500s
Didn't they also reach Granada to help the muslims there?
You're right on that one, my bad.
Yeah, my mistake on that one too.
>Battle of tours
See the last two
Austrians? Really?
Didn't know they were ever powerful
>Through Spain
>To Algeria
Do you even history?
Never even had the opportunity to study it. Though I do find it interesting and like to learn about it casually, even if I do end up looking like a fool by questioning Austria's historic power
I know ottoman pirates were raping the spanish mediterranean coast in XVI century.
But what youre saying doesnt have sense.
*if not the Ottomans
>aragon v ottoman deathmatch.worldsmostonesidedfistfights
new world gold hax
Ottomans never got there, they never got past Austria.
>Ottoman Empire
lol no
>what is the Crusade of Varna
Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Lithuania, Serbia, Wallachia, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Holy Roman Empire, Papal States and the Teutonic Order sent armies to fight the Ottoman Empire in the Danube Valley.
Byzantium DID NOT even fucking declare war in the campaign to save it. It traded with the Ottomans while the rescue operation to help it failed without its support.
The battle between "Europe" and the Ottoman turks happened before the fall of Constantinople.
Seriously, I thought this was a history board, where people who know history post.
Even vidya armchair historians should know from playing Europa Universalis IV that the game starts with a log of peace treaties, since the Ottomans just got done fucking the European Coalition to save Byzantium, which Byzantium didn't join nor support.
>Didn't they also reach Granada to help the muslims there?
granada died before the ottomans even fully conquered anatolia.
>Murad's casualties at Varna were so heavy, it was not until three days later that he realized he was victorious
Now if only the fucking Byzantines could've helped the coalition to save Byzantium. Hmmmm, I wonder what could've been. Fucking sea kikes.
The Ottomans were still recovering from losing to Timur's Persia as well, not like they had endless reserves of men and weapons. They got smashed in Ankara a generation earlier.
>the Ottomans ended up in France in 732
Now I've heard everything.
You mean you haven't heard of the /pol/ rhetoric that all muslims are the same nation and they are united in their desire to fuck with "white people", who are also the same nation?
>Ottomans in france
Why didn't East Asia unite against the Mongols?
Why didn't Africa unite against the Europeans?
Hahaha no, Britain was at that time getting rekt by France at the conclusion of the hundred years war.
In Europe the strongest army was probably France or maybe Austria. Poland-Lithuania was also created around that time so they might be a contender as well.
It gets funnier whenever they forget muslims aren't a race
And when they denounce "dirty brown religions" but follow one themselves
>muh unity
Stop trying to apply modern thinking to historical situations.
>this is what the eternal anglo actually believe
1400 england was an infighing cesspoll
St. Agostine said it best: "With an heathen, you can reason. But an heretic, he must be put to death".
The granada emirate was the last remnain of an exiled branch of the abassid caliphate, not ottomans. Based Timur, the first kebab remover. Murad I is still salty I bet.
But they did.
This one is very much a pan European effort, and a good example of using the tradational numbering system of crusades one thru nine is dum because there was a lot more crusades then nine:
To add to this four Genoese caravels and one Byantine galley braved the block aid of Constantinople during the final siege together. There was later effort by the Genoese during that siege, but they failed.
what a retarded fucking thread
european states formed coalition with each other almost everytime whenever the ottoman threat was bad enough and most of them ended in crushing defeat despite the le kebab remove meme
it was only until vienna and lepanto the ottoman advances in europe were stopped
the european coalition lost around 20.000-30,000 men in varna while the ottomans lost 15.000.
>/pol/ rhetoric that all muslims are the same nation
It's an absurd idea, but this is also the rhetoric of Muslim extremists. It's not /pol/ that came up with this.
Valid point
Muslim nations wanked over the notion of being the successor to the Caliphate like Christendom wanked over Rome
I remember some catholic lord claiming he wanted to crusade in order to avenge Crassus against the Parthians
There were mini crusades but they obviously failed.
ISIS morons don't excuse /pol/ morons.
One imbecilic proposition doesn't make another imbecilic proposition more sound and reasonable.
The idea of a global muslim spiritual nation is widespread
It's not an ISIS thing
Are you stupid? It would be a global state, not nation.
>have the white knight aka the turk beater leading the army
>battle is going well
>precisely tell the polak NOT to charge into the ottoman mass
>charge in anyway
>global nation
Its the idea of an empire. Its imperialism, not "global nation". Islam isn't a nation.
Jesus fuck
>ISIS morons don't excuse /pol/ morons.
It wasn't an "excuse", you retard. It was an explanation.
>nation and state have the same meaning
Holy cow tits, Batman! This sheep really got lost.
hurr durr
>it's a multikulti episode
>It's a retard continues preaching his cult in the face of facts episode
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm a nationalist.
What do you mean the west didn't help? The crused of Varna? 20+ countries from the west against the ottomans. Well, they failed, but still they tried.
That was to save Hungary and finally call a Crusade on Ottoman Asses.
Byzantine empire was founded by Cheon-gwan-pa-gun I(천관파군 1세, 天關破軍 1世), one of great devil deities whilst Ottoman empire was not founded by evil deities in the aspect of their real identities in the immortal world.
Founding Roman Empire was the start of the 2nd cosmos coup in the universe.
Even countries founded by good deities were sometimes usurped by great devils or evil deities.
Axis of Evil :
Great devils generally have animal's bodies as their souls' bodies whilst great devil deities as evil deities generally have shellfish's bodies or insect's bodies as their souls' bodies.
Table. Classification of young-sins(영신, 靈身, the soul’s body) who are able to be born with human bodies according to Cheon-bu-su-ri(천부수리, 天符數理, Cheon-bu mathematics)
Hello Park Yu
It didn't help that they also sent Merc crusaders to attack Byzantium, which left them severely weekend
>unrelated events centuries earlier by a different kingdom excuses not cooperating with a rescue expedition sent to help you
I don't care about muh religion, muh white race or anything of the sort. I actually dislike nationalism with a passion. I don't give a shit about what religion or what ethnicity they are, km just an ignorant twat that confused a few things. I may lack knowledge when it
comes to history, bur I'm trying to learn
They destroyed major cities of the empire
Major cities were destroyed in every one of the countries involved in that same time frame.
Just 20-30 years before the battle the Persians sacked half of Anatolia and Ankara. The sultan was captured, and only the loyal serbian servants saved the princes from being too.
There was a Civil war in the Ottoman Empire. Rebelion by bulgarians and albanians and anatolians. This was the Ottomans at their weakest ever, and you complain that 200 years ago the Byzantines lost a city which wasn't even theirs during the Varna crusade?
You are making up excuses in an attempt to rationalize, rather than thinking first and making conclusions later. Please consider another hobby, history is above you.
t. Venetian apologist
Shitposting aside you're right though.
You're historically illiterate ask more answer less
Nah. The Crusaders did a lot of damage to the Byzantium empire. Why does this upset you too much? It's true. I'm sorry to burst your bubble. The crusaders aren't as romantic as movies and stories make them out to be
You're being really dumb my man.
The Crusaders are pretty much responsible for the collapse of the empire or at the very least were responsible for its final decline. The economic damage that was caused was beyond recover
In 1182 pretty much killed of all the Catholics who dominated martitime trade and financial sector of Constantinople and sold the rest as slaves to Turks.
This is one of the main reason for Catholic/Orthodox butthurt.
Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI both threatened to invade Constantinople in return.
Later when fourth crusade came Byzantine Emperor didn't pay what was promised and got their city ravaged in return.
You could see why Western Europe didn't like Byzantines or wanting help them.
They did support them, in that no one was really rooting for the Ottomans and their conquests. They just didn't want to bother with directly confronting a powerhouse like the Turks without both a lot of support from Christendom in general and local kingdoms on the border with and inside the Ottoman Empire, and without guarantees that their neighbors wouldn't take advantage of any expedition to backstab them in one of several European wars and disputes going on at the time.
Is your reading comprehension that poor? He never argued against that, what you're saying is completely true and verified. He just highlighted the ability, on ottoman's side, to go to war and potentially field a vast and dangerous army on par with any other european power merely decades from the brink of collapse, whereas Byzantium could never truly recover from some city sackings over a plurisexular timespan.
>this is Veeky Forums
no wonder we get all the anti-Austrian shitposting threads
Austria wouldn't become powerful until later. Hungary was stronger in the mid 15th century.
Why the fuck am I going to care about some Greeks sucking horsecock when I've got a plague running about and my brother has half the kingdom rallying behind his banner?
Goddamn Hyperwar
survival of the fittest, East seperated from West then they got FUCKED.