ITT: overrated intellectuals
ITT: overrated intellectuals
All of them
Every intellectual in the 21st century with the exception of Stefan Molyneux
this hack
everyone except me
Look at that fucking hand in his coat. Illuminati.
Just a pleb-tier version of Max Stirner
>Forgot pic
This motherfucker and freud ruined academia.
Please explain. I have no idea who he is and what his influence is.
His name is Michel Foucault and his life's work revolved around analyses of power and how all action is a struggle for power in some sense. Eg. sex stopped being about reproduction and became an object of study which allowed it to be controlled.
Jared Taylor and Ramz Paul
Butthurt christian detected
Post yfw you realised most intellectuals regardless of merit are pretty broken people
He said overrated. Not underrated.
>actually trusting the uneducated opinions on Veeky Forums