Vintage photos of pre modernized peoples
Vintage photos of pre modernized peoples
For a second i thought those are some high-tech VR goggles
They are they hook up to the spirit world.
Average finns before they meet swedes
Korea before Japanese intervention
There's something uniquely terrifying about the Fijians. The only people ever known who /preferred/ cannibalism to eating pigs.You know that every one of these olde timey guys literally ate probably dozens of people during his life.
>Japs raped this
Nice thread.
Kafirs (present day Nuristanis) of Afghanistan 1919
Could be 2016 desu
Kek true but the Nuristanis wear the shalwar kameez like the rest of Afghanistan now, they use guns instead of bows and they're Muslim now.
Their women don't dress like in pic related anymore either.
>picture is from Sweden
what happens when it rains
Top: Manchus
Bottom left: Mongols
Bottom right: Koreans
doesn't kafir mean disbeliever or something like that in arab these days?
Called that because they were (and a few still are) pagans from pre-Islamic, even pre-Buddhist Afghanistan.
Yep, their religion was Rigvedic and they are actually mentioned in Rigveda (sacred ancient text to Hindus) and were called Alinas. According to the text they fought in the Battle of Ten Kings back in 14th century BC.
They're really interesting and mysterious people. They're known for being hostile and are isolated so people don't often visit them. At least their cousins the Kalash retained their religion
>silent hill
>tfw no Mongol princess gf
I got some
>The only people ever known who /preferred/ cannibalism to eating pigs.
Most cannibal tribes prefer human meat over others, that's the point. There is no such thing as cannibalism due to necessity? Eating human meat consistently kills you.
Cannibals still exist to this day inside of PNG.
Are there any pictures of pre-Islamic Kafir women?
>Average swedes before they met germans
I got a picture of a post-Islamic woman
A Filipino woman with a shotgun. 1920s.
Sorry for the watermark
>that smile
>that trigger discipline
>those semi-round eyes
8/10, would kill Spaniards with
>Off-ByOne Kenobi
Most cannibal tribes practice it as part of religious rites or some shit, as far as I know.
>pool's closed
Mild kek
I posted one a bit below the picture of the men. I had a vintage picture of Kafirs women and children but my laptop got stolen so I lost it
Thanks, I noticed it after I posted my question.
Was that armor and helmet based on Spanish conquistador gear?
>Average germans before they met romans
awesome haircut
Dutch as fuck
Get in the boat motherfucker were going to the strip club
muh dick
Anyone have that emir (of Bukhara, I think?) from that collection of colored photos of Imperial Russia?
I've seen that somewhere before. Wikipedia?
That attire looks pretty modern tbf
>They're known for being hostile
They seemed pretty chill when I was there....but then again, I carried a gun, and had a bunch of friends with guns as well, so...
my great grandfather was the leader of a headhunter tribe in the mountains north of port moresby. i grew up hearing tales of him scuffling with his younger brother and decapitating him in front of their mother. he was renowned for eating enemies in front of their wives and children. he and his boys would constantly descend onto the "jimboo" coastal people to pillage their women. i am the first born of the first born of the first born of the first born and my last name is actually my great-granfather's first name (from a time when names where passed on in this way). If i desired i could return to my people in PNG and they would all be obliged to follow me unless another challenged me which would undoubtedly happen. feels bad to be an embarrassment to my ancestors desu.
Just set out some fish and pork for them. Internet and running water are worth it.
Irish girl, 1914
A traveller, I'd presume, from her garb.
What about a video?
The Moros - the Southern Muslims who largely avoid Spanish rule in the Philippines- pretty much bought their armor anywhere they could find as per what Pre-Colonial Filipinos did. Top salesmen being the Mughals, Indonesian warlords, and Ottomans since they were fellow Muslims after all, but they bought arms and weapons from the likes of the Chinese and the Japanese as well.
They had many wars versus Spain from the 16th Century to the 19th Century and stole shit from their corpses. Many Moro armor sets feature looted Spanish helmets taken off slain conquistadors and passed down from father to son. By the time of the American-Moro War in the early 1900s/late 19th Century, they were still in use by the elite warriors who went up against US doughboys and Philippine Scouts.
Ah so these are the Zunbil assholes in my CK 2 games.
>everything covered but the hair
Isa, it's like you're TRYING to offend Allah
Selknams were amazing.
Where is this Buddha statute today?
Did you take any pictures while you were there?
Nah, just a weshtie. Most Irish people who weren't city folks dressed like that back then. Hard to believe it was only about 100 years ago.
I believe this one is from 1927
Brothers Poavila and Triihvo Jamanen singing runes in the village of Uhtua in 1894. Photograph by I. K. Inha.
Nope. Not a one.
None in Iraq either.
Never was a "picture" guy.