what do you do
ITT its the year 1066
Other urls found in this thread:
Farm my piece of land
have hot incest sex with my ancestors
Start the Reformation early
Born as polynesian, live in literal heaven and have sex wit cute native girls.
Tell Harold to wait for William instead of going after Harald
Suicide because the medival period is globally the least interesting period in history.
Die at age of 26 from inter-tribal raid or tooth-rot or vitamin deficiency.
Faggy colourcucks
Hope I was born in Baghdad instead of a shit farmer in Europe.
Toil those crops hard.
Stage a Palace Coup to get the idiot Doukas Dynasty out and prevent Manzikert
>Born in baghdad
>grand children get horse nomaded
>be poor
>die of hunger
deus vult
OUT NOW! Reeeeeeeeeeeee
26 years of living in heaven then going out in your prime is a pretty sweet deal.
Conquer northern India. Create a dynasty
>Die at age of 26 from inter-tribal raid or tooth-rot or vitamin deficiency.
No worse than he could expect anywhere else.
Wasn't it even shittier before that?
Fug qt English maidens
>No worse than he could expect anywhere else.
Not really. He could expect at least twice that as a European lord and even more as Byzantine wealthy person.
The myth of the vampire comes at least partially because the nobility, because of their superior diet and comfortable living conditions, were taller, paler and lived much longer than the peasants. Think about it, if a King ruled for 50 or 60 years that's easily three or four generations of peasants, possibly more, that will be born and live under that single king. It's easy for him to be seen as immortal and even more when you consider how your average peasant would never see the lord. So the lord would be this mysterious, shadowy figure that you have to pay heavy tax (pay blood) to that was also tall, pale and seemed to live forever. Vampires.
Become a merchant and do the best I can to survive.
Find the nearest noblewoman and smell her feet just to see if my foot fetish would made never washed feet better or worse.
I wouldn't smell peasant girl feet because they were always barefoot so they'd just smell like grass and dirt.
>never washed feet
Cool theory but I don't think the myth of vampires came from that
Peasants didn't actually all die off in their 30's. If you survived childhood you would probably last to your 50's or 60's
No, it was pretty shitty at all times. But at least in the Antiquity there was the roman empire and a unified mediterrenean, plus interesting stuff was actually happening.
Unless you're one of those cringy crusades role players of course then its DEUZ WULT
Get some preemptive revenge on those catholicshits
Peasants didn't die at 30s. The life expectancy was around 30s because a lot of babies didn't survive infancy, also people were killed in wars. People lived to their 50s regularly.
Nobles had better nutrition and medical treatment though thus were taller and lived longer on average that's true.
Also vampire legends came from eastern Europe and is assumed to be tied to some sort of disease, likely rabies. The aristocracy vampire is a later version.
On one hand I'm descended from a Norman who fought at Hastings and on the other an Anglo-Saxon Noble, I assume my other ancestors were serfs in Europe. Odds are I'd be an illiterate farmer
invent gunpowder and the printing press
warn the world of the ottomans and tell them of the new world
Likely die of an infectious disease which my family will think was due to a curse by some angry god.
Or maybe die at birtth who knows what other wacky adventures expect me back then.
Definitely not living past 50.
Die of some ancient disease that I have no immunity to.
Teach them proper hygiene, Teach them proper farming, Tell them about economics, Tell them rats are not pets, and teach them football
Teach them 3-field rotation, invent the movable-type printing press, tell them proper nutrition and sanitation, chart the Americas and East Asia etc.
This guy... this guy knows.
till some crops
>unironically being a heretic
Orthodoxy is a practical joke that went too far.
This post is a good way how to spot someone who's not a Catholic but masquerading/roleplaying as one
Help prevent the Manzikert disaster from happening.
>be a farmer somwhere in the british isles
Bait the already exhausted Saxon Housecarl infantry to charge down the hill, abandoning their favorable ground and exhausting them even further before I rout them with a cavalry charge.
Stupid fucking Anglos
>buy apple stock and wait till the Ipod comes out
>make millions of ducats
Travel the world, learn martial arts, history, start a family, and write a book of my adventures
1. get Granpappy's Viking Axe off the wall
2. kiss my Norman Momma good bye
3. get in boat with my Liege Lord William
4. ?????
5. PROFIT!!!1!
Sure but Antiquity was cold as fuck. If you're going to live of the land the Medieval Warm period (~700-1270) is the place to be.
>disembark after a treacherous sea voyage on the shores of Albion, marching under the banner of William of Normandy by grace of God Almighty and the authority of the Holy Father of the One True Roman Catholic Church, Duke Of Normandy and rightful claimant to the Crown of England
>bard starts strumming Tis Arn't I
Find ways to make my food sweet.