I've never won a single argument on Veeky Forums

>I've never won a single argument on Veeky Forums
How do I get better at arguing on this board?

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Pls hepl

>How do I get better at arguing with trolls

>How do I get better at arguing on this board?
Don't. Go do something better with your time.

If you must insist on arguing, go join a debate team or find some other minds of turning your urge to butt heads with another person into something "productive"

Call people cucks

Foolproof 100% argument winner, never lost an argument because of it

>Forgot pic

Are there any good books on debating?

>Are there any good books on debating?
None that I have first hand experience with

And even if there were, I'd say fuck the books and just go out there and get your hands dirty.

You mind need to watch a handful of live debates to learn the ropes. You may need to get your ass handed to you in a few until you've learned from your mistakes and use that knowledge to forward your skill on the subject.

Remember; Training is good, experience is better

>tfw win 95% of arguments on Veeky Forums

Ok, but half of them are with brainlets from /pol/.

If you can't answer someone's question, make up your own and answer that.


just go to debate.org or com i forget. keep your arguments out of here. you need to fuck off if all you want to do is argue on here anyway.

Isn't that "begging the question"?

No seriously, is that "begging the question", idk what that phrase means.

I never won or lost an argument on here since literally nobody on this board (me included) would ever concede that the other side is right.


If you know history, you always win.
You don't respond to baiters, you respond once to people who are incorrect in the facts, and everyone else is just reactions to already posted posts.

Then, you kys, for giving a shit about any of it.

>thinking you can actually win arguments on Veeky Forums

I suppose it depends on what you mean by win. It could mean having to get your opponent to concede to your position like what this guy said: And that rarely happens. I usually just beat them into submission until they run out of points and stop responding. It's like beating a guy in a race but he won't cross the damn finish line.

Any kind of arguments, both in real life and internet, never really have a winner. People will never concede that you are right, same with you to them.

making acquiring information your goal

the only way to learn something new is to first accept that you are capable of learning, which takes the form of admitting that you don't actually know the entire truth yet

clashing with people can be useful, but only if you really intend to test your ideas against theirs. Don't just bully them with your ideas and then not listen to the response. (Veeky Forums is not an ideal place for this, it's saturated with counter-intel agents on all boards, who do the opposite of what I just described)

Read more, here's the bibliography index:


>The goal of an argument is to win

Maybe you should realise that you're a dumb shit, and that you should lurk moar to gain knowledge. Then, with knowledge, you can form persuasive arguments

You never won a argument in Veeky Forums because that's not the point, it's mostly about debate and sharing info about humanities and history, you're trying to go against the flow, you should try going with it. The truth is that you're lossing to yourself not to someone else.

>I am enlightened by my own intelligence, I win, trust me, they just runoff and think I am trolling them, but in reality, they are the ones trolling me

Someone is pissed today.

Of course you project the edgy reddit fedora stereotype onto me.

I'm not saying that they are plebs terrified by my "vast intellect" who go scurrying off when I "crush" them.

1. Not all people are easily convinced by rational argument.
2. Losing an argument isn't always very straightforward. I'll be quibbling with some ideologue and when I defeat him it's not as if his whole ideology collapses around him. He's gonna go fuck off and do some more research.

just keep arguing until the other guy gets tired and leaves. then make a couple of posts agreeing with yourself, like "not that guy but x...." it's easy.

Get pertinent education.

be right

Never admit you're wrong

Post frog pictures, and nose-face.

>numbered bullet points

I didn't even read your whole post because I know it's just retard fedora speak

This. Also, if you kill your enemy, they win - so kill yourself.