When did you realize that Jesus is the Sun god, Apollo?
When did you realize that Jesus is the Sun god, Apollo?
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He's also Dionysus and Amen-Re or something.
I didn't
God the Son
God the S[u]n
Doesn't take a genius
How Christian do you think Constantine was? Did he sincerely believe in the tennents of Christianity, or was he merely a pragmatic/opportunist?
Didn't his wife convince him? I think he believed it in a vague way, same way as the emperors before him believed in hellenic paganism.
His mom was Christian, and his dad interestingly enough refused to persecute Christians while he was Caesar of the west (though his dad wasn't Christian himself)
Idk about his wife tho
People like to use his deathbed baptism against him, but that was actually fairly common in the early days of Christianity, at least among the faith's more aristocratic followers. Doctrine on baptism hadn't been clearly codified, and neither had practice on forgiveness of sins, so the idea was that you got baptized very close to your hour of death so that you could be certain your sins were forgiven and your soul cleansed.
I think he was a Roman emperor first and christian second
But that's just a guess
When I read about Aurelian and how he tried to unify all the different cultures with a universal sun god
I think Apollo is a much better name and I would even settle for the name Horus over Jesus. I would probably be more into christiany if it was closer to paganism, especially ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman era.
He still worshiped the Roman gods after his vision at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, I think like a typical pagan he just added Jesus to his pantheon.
Did you read Aurelian persecuted early Christians or did you not make it that far in your wikipedia browsing?
Or saw himself as the second coming incarnate. Never under estimate the ego of an Empror.
I also believe the idea of one God over all appealed to him
Being that he was like the one emperor over all
Probably fit well with his views
Oh most definitely.
In high school, when I was actually leading a bible study. Go figure.
he's not; mosaicists just needed a figurative precedent to base their images of jesus on. but the imperial cult did combine the two. earlier he was depicted as some sort of magician with a wand, if he was depicted at all instead of the good shepherd for example
Pretty creepy watching cult material that tries to be funny.
>mfw u realise jesus was actually caesar on episode 1 of undercover boss
Top 10 Pranks That Went Way Too Far
Wasn't he baptised by an Arian tho?
When did you realize that spreading religions adapting themselves to the customs of the locals is nothing new?
he was too high to care or notice anyway
>the "burning bush" "spoke" to "me", maaaaannnnnnnnnn
but if not then when for?!
at least post the full version
>the uncomfortable looks on the disciples faces that jesus is blessing the stoners