Did nazi germany actually help save western europe from marxism?
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Not at all, they just delayed the inevitable.
No, they tried but failed
Germans are almost solely responsible for inventing and propagating communism.
It's more England's fault to be honest. They let Marx live there. If he was in Germany he would've been Imprsioned. Also the Beatles are responsible for spreading marxism in America
>Marx: German Jew
>Engels: German
>Lenin: supported by the German Kaiser to topple the Russian empire
I'm not even mentioning the Frankfurt school and how German Marxists were fucking everywhere in supposedly "capitalist" BRD
Yes blah blah germany everything bad blah blah fuck off you retard
It could have been worse without them.
Nazi Germany is the reason communism spread beyond the Soviet Union. Never could have happened otherwise.
The Soviet Union would've eventually expanded into countries like Finland and Romania.
No the soviet union didn't want the world revolution how could someone even think about that it was all germans after all le eternal teuton and so on
No. They actually accelerated things.
Stalin wanted to conquer the world
Yeah, that's why he didn't invade anyone for over 20 years
Occultation of the Baltics.
>the Beatles are responsible for spreading marxism in America
What is the Cold War?
It's funny how they didn't until they signed the Molotov-Ribbentorp pact.
he is responsible for the deaths of a LOT of communists to be sure.
but communists are also to blame for this.
>occupation of the baltics. lets us invade you, or we will invade you. then rigged elections with only communist candidates.
>Finland's Winter War.
>post ww2 occupation of eastern europe and setting up of puppet regimes
>1940 invasion of what is now Moldova and threats against Romania.
>doesn't invade anyone since the war with Poland
>Germany sings agreement specifying areas as Soviet sphere of influence
>Soviets start exercising that recognition
It's almost like Stalin didn't want to invade these little countries if he wasn't guaranteed a few hand by a close major power.
You say that like Marxism was a bad thing.
He only did that because of this.
economics and politics as done by /b/.
This is what Marxism is.
It is like Marx read Adam Smith and got everything wrong.
>Imlying that the occupation of the Baltics wasn't just a continuation of the wars of 1919
The Soviet Union under Stalin or anyone else in the early 1900's was hellbent on spreading communism.
germany helped save marxism from western europe
and the world would have known them as the worst thing ever since no one could possibly be worse. not like some pointlessly evil idiots declared war on the entire world just to give them a chance to do something that almost looked cool.
Oh yeah because British and French generals and politicians were totally going to launch an invasion of the USSR and destroy communism, that's why they even allowed communist movements in their countries. The intervention during the Russian civil war was the closest there ever was to the west actually doing anything against communism before the Cold War.
Well, it showed
1) the world what fuck ups the French and British were at this point
2) that the USA can actually go for super power if they really want because of that power vacuum
I mean they would have laughed at them for being so obviously shit and the memes wouldn't have lasted the entire fucking century
but then europe was shit too and no one was laughing
>Communism doesn't expand for 20 years following its creation
>France creates ring of states in Eastern Europe to attempt to contain it
>Communist parties kept in check in all of Europe
Everything is going well at this stage, even with the Great Depression beginning nobody has fallen to communism, and Eastern Europe is still a bulwark against Communism.
>Germany remilitarizes under "anti-communist" regime
>Fuck up security cordon and lose Eastern Europe to Bolshevism
>Get themselves mostly occupied by Communists
>Cause massive increase in communist parties throughout Europe
>Germany has created, installed, and spread communism, with every stage of its increase in power coming from German actions
"We did it Heinz! We saved Europe from Communism!"
inb4 "But Stalin was just going to invade a few years later anyway!"
Yeah, I'm sure Stalin's invasion of Europe would have gone so much better if the Europeans had been united against him, instead of Germans having invaded everyone.
Also fuck Britain, the British encouraged the Germans to re-arm against Communism and look what the Germans did. The Eternal Anglo struck again.
had hitler never started WWII but had a strong fascist Germany the USSR never would've gotten the influence on the world they had
>the Winter War never happened
>the Beatles are responsible for spreading marxism in America
>The Nazis didn't recognize Finland as in the USSR's sphere of influence and gave the green light for them to attack.
right, that's why they gave the Finns German helmets and weapons to fight the Russians with.
>Article I. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement in the areas belonging to the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern boundary of Lithuania shall represent the boundary of the spheres of influence of Germany and U.S.S.R. In this connection the interest of Lithuania in the Vilna area is recognized by each party.
>the Beatles are responsible for spreading marxism in America
Well of course Germany isn't going to claim Finland as a sphere of influence, it's too far away to care about starting a war over it.
They did help the Finns out a ton though.
Yes, but they recognized Finland as in the Soviet sphere of influence; at least indicated to Moscow that they'd be ok with the Soviets rolling in and taking over.
All I've been saying this entire thread is that the Soviet expansionism suddenly starts up again post MR pact. It would take a staggering level of coincidence to claim that the two are unrelated.
No, unfortunately they just delayed it slightly at first, and accelerated it after they lost the war.
It was really a globalism vs nationalism war, and nationalism lost, probably until the end of the world.
During winter war Finns were supplied by everyone in europe but Germany who was doing their best to slow the supplies from coming the best they could. During the continuation war Germany supplied Finland.
Yes it was the (((Germans)))
>Kaiser Wilhelm's government were JOOOZ!
And this is why /pol/ gets laughed at by everyone else.
it totally would as third world countries tought communism would be a shortcut to development
Not really he kinda exasperated it actually
USSR after civil war and purging didn't have any power to expand anywhere and probably would've died on its own, but when Nazi Germany attacked it they modernized their army, "saved" a bunch of countries from Germany and made them into puppet states, raised moral for themselves and communism greatly while selling communism to the world as "fascists destroyers," and took over half of Germany on its own.
That and they took a bunch of nazi rocket scientist and make nuclear ICBMs which meant no one could touch them without risking nuclear war creating the cold war and prolonging it for decades.
No. They handed Eastern Europe over to the Communists on a silver platter.
Include OP's post and it's perfect.
Well, USSR was heavily funded by the globalists who actually even wanted the entire Europe under USSR and communism as a way to unify it (this was a legitimate idea that was pushed after Kalergi approached Mussolini and Hitler and got BTFOd by both) to create their retarded pre-WW2 vision of Eurabia/Eurafrica.
They could have completely avoided WW2 and just pushed for it on the account of "never having another great war" though, if they played their cards right. Worked out quite well for them in the end though, it just took a bit longer, and the version of Islam they were planning on importing unfortunately isn't the "European Islam" from the 1920s, but here we are.
I would recommend reading all the references in this article, going back all the way to WW1, and especially the official European Commission document from 15 years ago in the second link.
This mainly references Europe and the creation of the Eurabia/Eurafrica centered around the Mediterranean, as well as the planned (and largely already executed) introduction of Islam into Europe.
>Well, USSR was heavily funded by the globalists who actually even wanted the entire Europe under USSR and communism as a way to unify it (this was a legitimate idea that was pushed after Kalergi approached Mussolini and Hitler and got BTFOd by both) to create their retarded pre-WW2 vision of Eurabia/Eurafrica.
Are there really people on this board who don't know that? Communism was always envisioned even by Marx as a global revolution against capitalist order that would establish global, multicultural Communist order.
The whole "communism in one state" thing didn't even start until Stalin solidified his power in the 1930s.
Yes...by forcing all of Western Europe to unite against Germany. Stalin just helpfully reminded Western Europe he was a major threat before the alliance could fall apart like it did after WW1.
>>Are there really people on this board who don't know that?
Unfortunately I'm finding myself constantly explaining things to people who think legitimate EU/EC documents such as the one linked in the second link that literally openly talk in great detail about the creation of financial foundations, educational institutions, media institutions, think tanks, etc. to reshape the population are a "conspiracy theory" so I honestly have no idea what commonly known basics are anymore...
Th term "Marxism" is a nebulous and inaccurate term now used to label many things the right wing (justifiably or not) doesn't like.
If by "Marxism" you mean multiculturalism and leftism in general, then NO. Not only did Hitler fail but all his actions were a boon to Leftism.
"Marxism" had such a huge success because any strong opposition to it was easily associated with the evils of Nazism.
Nationalism and tradition became stigmatized.
>The beatles were responsible for spreading Marxism in America
>Hey guys, i'm OP and I spend a majority of my time floundering around on /pol/ and Veeky Forums trying to find pros to a genocidal fascist and totalitarian regime because it makes me feel tough online :)
au contraire
He tried though.
remember who the nazis had streetfights with before they got into power
the commies
if you think there wouldnt be a commie coup you are wrong
>commie germany
this get real quick to france, since they had enough of wars already
the entire continent red in a decade
they did allow Lenin to enter our country
>millions and millions dead
>millions of dollars worth of industry and infrastructure destroyed
>silver platter
>They did allow Lennon to enter our country
>implying that's not how Russia works at all times