At what point in history did intellectualism become merged wth pseudo and anti-intellectualism?
At what point in history did intellectualism become merged wth pseudo and anti-intellectualism?
19th-20th century, when people made the horrible mistake of trying to educate lower classes and give them the right to vote (seriously wtf)
haha old man said something dumb, stupid jew cuck
i cant wait for based trumpepe to be elected so he #btfos the sjws. then i can stop ironically masturbating to cuckold porn to spite them
B-but muh democracy and equal rights. Stupid people deserve the right to vote don't they?
CTR pls go
haha yeah only shillarydrones would possibly oppose the dankold meme supreme trumpepe train 2016! fucking cucks
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account
>pseudo and anti-intellectualism
This is just a term used against intellectuals with a different opinion than you
since Socrates
Wow, I guess I should rethink everything and consider these fine individuals to be "intellectuals"
I love when alt-right crypto-white-nationalist /pol/-mongers try to talk about ideas as though they have anything serious to say.
well, one thing is for sure
you should keep posting these hilarious comics
i mean, not only are they side-splitting, but it's like a 100% accurate representation of what those libcucks and SJWs think
in fact, it sums up all of their arguments so concisely and well, you should just post these in lieu of actually arguing with them
Do you know what either of those terms mean? Bernie isn't an "intellectual", he's a run of the mill fraudulent politician.
>owning an iphone
you're a goddamn degenerate
The term 'intellectual' is pretty fucking fumb aswell let's be honest
The best part is realizing that these aren't comics and are actually things that the average SJW or leftist could be quoted as saying
i can't even tell if this is sarcasm or not anymore
He's probably autistic so I don't think even he knows
African-american means american niggers friendo
sjw r dum
lik dis if u agree
>What is African-American culture
When the pedal of 'the proletariat will awaken to bourgeoisie consciousness' met the metal of 'that's literally not what happens in revolutions'
I say this seriously: sometimes I actually feel bad for /pol/, they want to talk about their ideas but everyone else (rightly so) treats them like mongs, paranoids, and similar, so they resort to Veeky Forums.
they have it easy, 80 years ago, they'd have been caned by the teacher instead of sending them to corner for "timeout" where they can post on their phones
Did he really say that? If yes, he's a pretty big hypocrite.
>Stupid people deserve the right to vote don't they?
I like the idea of weighted voting, desu. Certain people get greater weight to their vote depending on who they are. But that would never take off in the US not the least because Americans are too retarded to even set up ID system.
It's true though. Someone who extrapolates general data to individuals regardless of individual ability is a racist.
what's your unique, infallible definition of race that no one else seems to know?
Aryan or mongolian?
Only German scientists can tell
Blacks are on average more athletic than whites. Whites are on average more intelligent than blacks. So why is the second statement racist but the first statement not?
Because IQ's connection to intelligence isn't known. That's what most scientists agree. It's correlated with success, but no one knows what it actually is.
Neither statements are racist. It's what you do with those statements afterwards that is racist or not.
People are not equal so why should equal rights be a thing? Basic rights sounds more reasonable. I suggest a cognitive/IQ test for voting rights. Nobody with an IQ below 100 should be allowed near a voting booth, it's absurd.
Why IQ 100 though? That's just average. Why is someone at 99IQ worthless while someone at 100IQ is completely knowledgable?
>Because IQ's connection to intelligence isn't known.
Educate yourself with some basic wikipedia articles such as the one on g factor and then come back. Preferably do not post a single post until you've done this.
You have to put the limit somewhere. Anything under 110 is arguably already too low but you will encounter problems if you put the requirement too high (unreasonably skewed representation etc).
Then we also have the problem of personality types and how some people manage to be incredibly stupid even with a relatively high IQ.
Since the Greeks. The sophists were in vogue back in the days.
Most governments manage a good middle ground with an unelected body, like the House of Lords, to moderate the silly proles. Why isn't that good?
Perhaps you should consider looking at the rather long "challenges" section, the Flynn effect is rather damning for one.
Or, do you think that humans now are significantly smarter than humans 50 years ago?
>mongolische rasse
I don't get the joke. You're calling a white woman Mongolian?
Because all people are affected by government decisions.
Of course they do; they too, are on the line, and they too, have interests that should be defended.
Denying someone the franchise sets up an institutional incentive to discriminate against them for the benefit of the enfranchised groups. Armed revolt is usually the response, and it ain't pretty.
Oh, and what is this? Modern g theory is unfalsifiable? Did you read this article? This is your "scientific" argument? Something that is unfalsifiable? Kek.
Direct democracy is superior and suffers from far less corruption issues.
>Educate yourself with some basic wikipedia articles
What the actual fuck is wrong with people today.
Literally pseudo and anti intellectualism, which they project onto their political rivals.
Right to vote... Does it matter when the 3-choices list is just a bunch of egocentrical megalomaniac people ? Who stepped on others during half of their life and who are also corrupted by power and money ? Do you have the right to vote when they control the media with money and omniscious brainashing campaigns ? Your vote does not mean nothing, if the rules are not fair from the beginning.
I don't remember anyone asking me to sign the constitution when I was old and impartial enough to do this choice. You never and will bever have the choice, especially if you cannot convince 200M people.
As per the 19th century racial theories, this novgorodian russian woman would be considered "Mongolische rasse"
>Oh, and what is this? Modern g theory is unfalsifiable? Did you read this article? This is your "scientific" argument? Something that is unfalsifiable? Kek.
Retardation confirmed.
>if you don't like my political ideology you can't be smart
Lmao okay special intellectuals that failed school know the best
Completely agree since trump has pretty high vote rates among people with no college diploma and lowest vote rate among white college educated people
She's not Mongoloid at all as she lacks epicanthic fold and Mongoloid facial features. Stop memeing.
Direct democracy will always lead to marxism and utilitarianism though, which is cancerous economically and socially
It was the german scientist who was the memer lad
You do realize what unfalsifiable means, right?
I think this is a map of the natives, no? The ones that were there before Russians
Except that's only a rough geographic distribution rather than saying "every person from an X country is X". Guess your IQ is too low to comprehend that.
This. It even says they're Finns.
>your college education at work
the native hungarians then?
the map is a fucking disaster lad
yeah, rough geographic distribution of the mongolian novgorodians, finns and hungarians for example
hhehehe stupid shit
It doesn't mention "Novgorodians", it mentions Finns and Karelians. AKA the people who lived there before Novgorodians.
and did the crimean tatars live there before the russians?
or the hungarians?
what about south slavs?
the indigenous turks in anatolia?
As I've said, the map is just a huge meme disaster.
>Indiginous Turks
You mean the Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, Caucasians, and Assyrians? Turkics just united most of them and killed off the ones who didn't want that
Not particularly damning considering the flynn effect is a disputed shitshow. I don't see the problem even if IQ continued to increase though, you could let people take the test when they're 25 or so and that's it, once you've passed you've proven yourself against your peers and you're good for life. Or you could demand a test every single vote to filter out people who haven't aged very well or were simply already close to the lower limit. Obviously all this is something that would have to be introduced slowly and it depends on the nation (demographics) whether this would go smoothly or become a shitstorm.
Government decisions affect pets too, should they be allowed to vote? I see your point but some people are simply too cognitively limited and should not be listened to. Should someone else represent them instead? Possibly.
Do you have some sort of brain damage? You said that "IQ's connection to intelligence isn't known", that is the dumbest shit i've read today and i read alot of dumb shit. Whether it is unfalsifiable or not is entirely irrelevant, there is a massive amount of science behind the idea of intelligence while you essentially have nothing but "hurrrdurr BUT YOU CAN'T REALLY KNOW". Please don't use the word scientific, it's embarassing (as if i ever presented my argument as "scientific").
>i read alot of dumb shit
I believe it
The irony is pouring out of my monitor at an alarming rate.
as so you're saying Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, Caucasians and Assyrians are "Mongolische rasse?"
>if dogs can't vote, why should some people vote
>Natives to Anatolia were Mongols
i don't understand, I was saying this map is shit and you were disagreeing with me, but now you're saying it's the other way around?
I'm confused.
>Educate yourself with some basic wikipedia articles
Laughed in real life
t. reddit era
>Because all people are affected by government decisions.
so why subjugate the intelligent to the will of the retards?
pets aren't people