That guy thread?

That guy thread?

>that guy that gets all of his historical information from manga, movies, and tv shows
>that guy that uses the term sub saharan africa(n) for a black african when discussing african history
>that guy that unironically days 'holohoax'
>that guy that buys into the solutrean hypothesis
>that guy that constantly gets in the way of serious discussion by meme posting about vikings
>that guy that unironicallu believes that rome was the greatest civilization of the ancient world

Other urls found in this thread:

Who was the greatest ancient civilization then?

Great Zimbabwe

Dumb frogposter

What do you think? Use your brain you fucking moron. Mental midgets like you are what caused this board to drop in quality


>that guy who post things that I disagree with
Neck yourself, homo

>that guy that compares historical politics to the 2016 American election

Consider that he had an opinion and merely asked for yours you insufferable autist

>sub saharan africa(n) for a black african when discussing african history
what's wrong with this