Question to LIBERALS on Veeky Forums

Question to LIBERALS on Veeky Forums

We will agree that the West is the most liberal civilization in the world,as of right now.
Now,even at this stage,where most what the left wants(gay acceptance,trans acceptance,no racism,abortion acceptancemetc) is not fully accepted,and most of the people are still living on conservative principles,we are stil DEPENDANT on immigration cause of the LOW birth rate.

NOW,the fun part.
We will disregard human nature,real world and imagine the PERFECT liberal,progressive scenario.
People can fuck who the want and how many they want,people can be whatever they want,people can abort as a sport,everyone is a mudshit so we're all fucking equal.
Everything is acceptable by the general public,and normalized.
Now this spreads all over the world.


Other urls found in this thread: racistDurr

who says I want the economy to grow


Do you have a mental illness?

Do you Know where the immigrants will come from?

All over the world? As they usually do?

You're not being very detailed with this scenario.

liberals don't really understand logic

>analogies make good arguments
it's how i know a lazy retard from someone who actually thinks

Not an argument

Are you dumb?
We are talking about the end game scenario.PERFECT ONE.
Western culture SPREADS all over the world.

By the time liberals learn to lose their "equality" bullshit it'll be too late

Immigrants are just a temporary strategy until we have robots.

>caring about economy at the expense of people's freedom

from other parts of the world

the thing about migration is to make things work better and sate what the market requires in terms of work force, if there are doctors in X and need for doctors in Y, Xians can move and so on

these things will never settle in a solid state, because new inventions will happen constantly thanks to capitalism and new situations and states will happen, new people, so on so forth

you are incredibly young if you cant see how a liberal will respond to your question, shit on your scenario completely

you had to make this thread

>dependent on immigrants because of the low birthrate

This is fucking wrong. What? We use immigrants for cheap labor, we don't *need* them for a functioning economy, you fucking dolt.

literally kill yourself.You Know nothing.
>from other parts of the world
Are you retarded?Did you read what I said?

>literally kill yourself.You Know nothing.
good response my man

>OP makes thread claiming cultural homongeny will make immigration unviable.
>Gets assblasted when people rightly point out that his scenario makes no sense since migration frequently has labour market components.
>Makes weird demographic assumpsions.

That's just a few.
But,that aside,even if you were right which you're not,I'm talking about a world that liberal,progressives want.No borders.NO ONE IS ILLEGAL HURR DURR KMEEE KMEE.
In that world,there is no foreign cheap labour.
Kill yourself my man.

you fags should read some economic books that aren't about


If you believe in ''free market'' you're fucking retarded and there's no way to go about it,

Did YOU read what I said.

Ofc you did. Let me say it again. Immigration will always be a good idea in a capitalist society simply because there will always be different demands and different markets, even if they all have the same culture, which will never happen either but it happens in your dumb scenario.

Earth doesn't have uniform geography, you can never tell what invention gets made in which part of the world and how people need to shift to create more wealth.

This is how you grow the economy of a globalized world using migration.

I know, it completely shits on you, and you thought you were SO clever with your post.


>I know, it completely shits on you
But it doesn't.You completely fail,my man.
Let me break it down for you,since you can't see further away fromy our nose.

Globalization.You heard of it?My scenario is based on the time where one world government exist.
COMINTERN,you heard about it?
Now,I even improved on this scenario,and made it PERFECT.No racism,no monogamy,abortion is normalized and nobody is against it,homosexuality and transexuality is normalized,thus there are more of them.
Liberal paradise.

BUT THERE ARE NO KIDS.Just like every Western country today has low birth rates,and depends on immigration from countries that are NOT liberal.

there are tons of countries with low birth rates that have emigration


the 'left' wants multiple different things
buying into a left vs right spectrum is dumb too

Not an argument.

Not meant to be. I'm simply highlighting that a massive segment of the U.S. population has sub-IQs.

>being this racist
wow there Klansman,

You mean Black population or?

No, any non Asian population.

Put a space after your punctuation marks you fucking animal. To answer, the idea of total equality would imply that immigrant importing would not be needed since the equality would make birth rates rise. That world you describe is impossible, though, since total equality is impossible. Not saying that I agree with the position you are arguing against. I'm simply just answering your question.

Who the fuck is this?

jesus christ you're retarded

you never stated the world becomes a single state, immigration is still possible and would still happen

mentally ill faggot

But how come you disregard the Science and Reality pointing out that blacks have lower IQ?

>this is what the left wants

Globalization is happening because of right-wing free market economics that are very much incentivizing immigration,but I'm sure you know none of that because you're too busy identifying anything you don't like as leftist.

I leave you with this:You're dumb.The greatest minds of the world had leftist ideals:from Rousseau to Einstein.NOT BEACUSE HURR DURRR GOMMUNIZM but because they were fucking educated and they read!But guess what?I know you don't read shit.That's why you're so stupid.
You don't know jack shit about economics,political theory or sociology.So how the fuck do you expect anybody that's much more informed than you to respect your opinion?

But you probably think you are so well informed because you live in a self-sufficient bubble of retarded youtubers that spout continious bullshit in your ears.memes=/=reality

2.All others

In terms of IQ.

What the fuck does any of this have to do with history?

When Brexit was happening it was the lefties that were whining about MUH RACISTS and voting remain friend, not the other way around

I barely saw anyone going on about racists, and I know people on the left who voted leave.
You're literally just putting up and us vs them narrative to support your arguments.

Nothing really satan. He just wants attention on the internet. Im a liberal and I disagree with what he is saying. Also, checked.

do you consider yourself racist racistDurr

try harder next time champ
maybe meet some people in real life

No, not really



>if it's on the internet it doesn't count
What, you think twitter posters are bots or something?
If they say these things on their public accounts, not a stretch that they'd say this in real life

Just stop, dude. It isn't funny. You're not funny.

leave side was on average more racist than remain side, because most racists in the UK voted leave, it's just math

why is this controversial to say

That's why they invented paper and....hmmmm....gunpowder.
That's why Asian countries have higher standard than European countries.
That's why Asians are poiring into US and Europe.

small dick detected.
As I said,you can't see ahead.It's normal for liberals not to think of the consequences.
>The greatest minds of the world had leftist ideals
Newton-believed in God,conservative

You evolved on the RIGHT WING principles.In fact,it was FASCIST principles that made us,and every other species on the planet.
If any animal was liberal,they'd die out.

You should highly consider killing yourself,cuck.

Some of them were racists. But John Oliver and people like him painted all leave voters as these neo nazi torch burning stereotypes


Asians invented civilization too, long before whites did, excluding greeks i suppose

but ok

Do you think more racists voted leave than voted remain?

this is obvious bait

or you're a retard

or both

>greatest mind
this is confirmed to be hyper-bait


Mate you're really stupid but here's a (You) anyway

>Asians invented civilization
>invented civilization

But most immigrants have 10+ childs and breed like rabbits anyway you fucking mongoloid out of touch with reality fucking retard.

when did nordics get civilized

Nations and national borders are all but obsolete.

The real power lies with the international banks and corporations, who have no such loyalties nor limitations.

Thus you don't need immigration to grow your economy.

It's not as efficient, but it's a simple matter to setup your labor intensive projects abroad. Yes, the nation so afflicted does get some trickle down, but you're still taking their cheap labor and natural resources to make a final product that you can sell, at a huge profit, to your own people or other developed nations. Meanwhile, the developing nation in question will be glad for it (and if not, you can always get your puppet government to send in the jackals, and replace its government with one more in-line with your interests.)

Now, since it's more efficient to bring in cheap labor, you might *try* to do that, but the social upheaval it will cause may backfire, thus it's simpler to keep with the remote exploitation model. That is, so long as you keep your population educated enough to keep your skilled workers at home - if you fail on that end, you may end up with a poor, unemployed, and unskilled population at home, and have no one to sell your products to.

>you fucking mongoloid out of touch with reality fucking retard

post a picture of yourself

I don't give a shit about nordics.
I'm talking about PRICIPLES.And LEFT,LIBERAL priciples are SELF-DESTRUTIVE.
It is only struggle,and competition that got us where we are today.

You liberals are so fucking dumb that you don't even Know what I'm talking about.

>when he cant argue to save his life
what a moron

im not liberal but i really like molesting pol-fags

asking them when nordics got civilized always works

I don't give a shit about your argument, you just sound funny

Not him but he's largely right about this. We don't demonize social-democrats because Stalinists are voting for them, no?

>really like molesting pol-fags

>We don't
1. I don't, you don't either i assume, but some people do
2. I'm not demonizing anyone by saying the truth, that more racists voted leave, it's a fact of reality.
I am possibly triggering inverse SJW though.


The poster in question likely was referring to those that he believes did demonize the campaign because a minority of racists supported it.

OP is wrong to generalize leftists as people who invariably promote such an angle, but I don't think it's too unreasonable to claim that kind of posturing happens more often to right-wing movements than left-wing movements.

I'm just pointing out that the Left PRINCIPLES are not sustainable and are in fact self destructive.
I never said that every leftist is this or that.
LIFE IS BASED ON INEQUALITY.It is in death that we are all equal.
Equality,in every sense of the word(racial,social,religious,gender,beauty,etc) is the CORE of the Left.And it is against all the laws of nature.And laws of nature are as true and real as gravity is.
They are what got us here.ALL OF THE SPECIES.

I think you are over-exaggerating the extent that leftists actually believe in forced-equality.

The mainstream is providing equal access to services such as health care as opposed to full-on wealth re-distribution.

I think you are downplaying the extent that leftists actually believe in forced equality.

The birth rate changes over time, and varies tremendously in the Western world. The highest, by the glorious France, is around 2; the lowest is around 1.2 in Portugal, and possibly even lower if you include democratic East Asian countries as "Western". France's birth rate of 2 is self-sustaining or near there, and so immigrants aren't, in the sense of a requirement to retain stable populations, necessary, although the French do bring in a lot of immigrants. If every country in the world was France, there would be no need for immigrants because everybody would have replacement level TFR that at the same time aren't explosively growing. Indeed, one can say that if every country in the world was France, the world would be a paradise.

The most conservative states have lower birth rates too, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe which have highly conservative social policies have a much lower birth rate than the more liberal Western Europe and the Scandinavian countries :^)

It might be in the more conservative world that we'd be forced to rely on more immigrants, since things like keeping women out of the workforce nowadays tend to track with lower TFR.

I don't think even most of reddit actually supports that.

I do sympathize with concerns that there is a bit of a crawl where the services are never enough but that's why I feel it's necessary to trend the fine line and repudiate shit like socialized-liberal arts education ( at least as it currently is) while supporting more necessary/practical forms of social services.

In Canada and I assume some Europeans states there has been a fairly successful balance of responsible finance and public services.

>the thing about migration is to make things work better
Better for who? It sure as fuck isn't better for the native people, who should be the ones whose interests are supposed to be defended by the appointed government.

>glorious France
Have you fucking seen their football team?
Have you seen the terrorist attacks?
It's because they're importing blacks and muslims.
>If every country in the world was France, there would be no need for immigrants
>although the French do bring in a lot of immigrants
>The most conservative states have lower birth rates too
When talking about Eastern Europe's low birth rates,take into account the MASSIVE amount of people who leave country.Also,Eastern Europe is NOT conservative.

Western Europe's healthcare would collapse without foreign doctors


They only serve as nurses (with only basic training to boot)

It's just that no one else wants to wipe asses and the like, but if you didn't have any migrants they'd be forced to agree

Im a migrant who's currently a med student in western Europe, my parents are doctors working here.

There are entire departments where not a single native doctor works there for different reasons.

The demand is huge and growing because the population's getting older.

There aren't enough western doctors to cover the population, it's just numbers.

I don't believe in God,and I'm a conservative.
Nietzsche was surely not Left wing.In fact,his views were adopted by Nazis.Kill yourself.

There have been studies done on that too, without the immigrants then French birth rates fall to around 1.9, but that's still among the highest in the world.

Without the immigrants the French birth rate falls to around 1.9, which is still one of the highest in the world and plenty sufficient to attain a near-replacement level birth rate.

Surely they'd be fine,that's why they import blacks and Muslims.

Oops, accidentally double-posted due to technical errors.

>among the highest in the world.
absurdly wrong

I mean the developed world, nobody cares about African countries

forgot pic

BUT THIS IS WHERE THEY GET THEIR FUCKING BIRTH RATES FROM.This is where they get that edge that makes is BARELY self-sustainable.

That's waht more or less every government does though because in the end the poeple in general also care more about the economy.

>Western Europe's healthcare would collapse without foreign doctors

As opposed to the healthcare system in the native countries of these foreign doctors?

>They only serve as nurses (with only basic training to boot)

Pure fantasy.

NTG, but by your map, the among highest in the western world, at least.

(Kinda surprised to see France outpacing the US though - we're so pro-baby around here, I know we're one of the few with a positive birth rate, at 1.88...)

It's mainly Algerians having babies though.

>As opposed
No, 'just like'

>No, 'just like'

Hence they shouldn't leave their native countries should they?

So nobody has rebuttal?
We all agree that Liberalism is self-destructive,and not self-sustainable then?

Meh, mostly Mexicans here, no doubt.

Why not?