>a single ethnic group expanded and split into literally every ethnic group worth a damn (Hellenics, Italics, Persians, Germanics, Celts and even more)
>nobody is taught about them
>nobody seems particularly interested in learning about them
How the FUCK did they do it?
Why do we give half a shit about inconsequential one-hit-wonders like ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia when we're looking at the closest thing to a master race we'll ever get?
Again, how did they do it?
>expanded and split into literally every ethnic group worth a damn
Horse nomads expanding in a world with less than 50 million people tops is boring
Of course they were an extremely organised empire who'se goal was to modernise the world by being given a holy mission balallallalalllalalal You dude do not have a single idea of what you're talking about.
HOW DID THEY DO IT? do what? who were they? what is you point?
Not OP but i think he refers to the domination of indo-europeans in science,arts and millitary over pretty much everyone else
War elephants
The black pre-indoeuropean natives were a peaceful nation, their language didn't even have a word for "war", but their culture was at the same level as ours currently or possibly even higher
But then the indo-european elephant legions poured down on them laying waste to their glorious empire of science and culture
Celts taught romans ironworking and soap making. Also superior saddles.
Because they split on pretty early. They were a lineage, not a united empire.
The only thing that there is to say about them aside from linguistics is that they had ebbin chariot wheels and horses.
They have similiar mythologies. And some shared values.
Because they were irrelevant horse fuckers if you mean proto Indo Europeans
Kek Iron working was already known by Etruscans, Sicilians, Greeks, Sardinians, Phoenicians, god you are ignorant.
Maybe bronze working celts were the true masters of iron working. And if not introuduced they sure improved the iron working of the romans
>but i think he refers to the domination of indo-europeans in science,arts and millitary
Which time period are you even referring to?
The bronze age? 800 bc? 300 bc? the middle ages? The Modern era?
In the Bronze age it was Semitic peoples and Egyptians who dominated in math and who built the biggest cities, the most impressive architectural wonders of their time too and who had the most advanced technology.
Apart from taming the horse Proto Indo Europeans didn't do much, so I don't get what should we be talking about, they left no writings, built no impressive monuments, no cities, no statues.
If you're talking about the Classical Greeks, the Romans or the Modern era Europeans then they are not the same thing as Proto Indo Europeans, since they mixed with the native population and became something else.
Furthermore modern era Europeans were a Christian people who adopted a culture which was Near Eastern in origins, so they were even more different from the Proto Indoeuropeans.
citation needed
Absolutely false.
Iron working was known in some parts of Italy since the late bronze age, the Celts didn't even exist as a definite culture until 500 bc.
Pic related, the Etruscans got iron working from Sardinians most likely who got it from the Cypriots: academia.edu
Well persians were the first Indo-europeans to conquer them all. Romans also rekt Carthage. With the rise of islam they had a short comeback just to be dominated by persians and turks again.
>a single ethnic group
It is time to stop posting.
Persians weren't Proto Indo Europeans, Proto Europeans lived in 3500 bc ina different location, the Indo European invaders adopted a lot from the more technologically advanced pre existent Middle Easterners
They adopted it, conquered them and proceeded their legacy and advancements
They started out as a single ethnic group and then split into smaller ones as they mixed with natives. Either way, it's pretty impressive that a small tribe of people spread their genes and culture to basically half the world.
>chances are your great-great-great-great-great grandfather was one of those horsefuckers
>chances are you live in a country descended from those horsefuckers
What is that white spot between india and iran?
All Europeans including me also descend to some extent from Western European Hunter gatherers, who were a bunch of berry picking savages whose greatest accomplishment is doing a few cave paintings, that doesn't mean shit.
what do Western European Hunter gatheres have to do with PIEs?
If you want technological achievements, then PIEs invented the chariot, domesticated the horse(revolutionary).
I think you mean Indo-Iranics, just like there are Indo-Germanics, etc...
Your whole argument was that a lot of people descend from PIE, I also said that most Europeans descend from WHG but that doesn't mean they weren't savages.
Pie were Nomadic peoples whose only achievement was domesticating the horse, they weren't a master race of Atlantideans or anything you or OP are trying to imply they were other than horse riders who managed to travel large distances and were somewhat skilled in the art of war.
IE is strictly linguistic.
>He says in an Indo European language
Anything below this post is Atlanto-Thule-Agart-Hyperborean shitposting.
Of course they weren't an empire you aspie, but they were still an ethnic group that had absolutely stunning effects, and I'm asking how events unfolded to benefit specifically them so greatly.
A language has to start somewhere, furthermore, we know that they had their own religion that also spread with them.
They were clearly an ethnic group with a religion and language that exploded into almost every European ethnicity today.
Languages don't just pop up out of nowhere
That is rooted in ethnicity and a linked origin with one another.
Languages are learned.
Some Indian languages derived from Indo-European and yet they couldnt be the same race as fucking Slavs now, arent they?
Might as well say everyone whose writing systems is based off Hieroglyphics is Egyptian or some shit.
And some American and British are black, does that change the shared cultural and ethnic relationship between Anglo-Saxon descendant Americans with their English forebears? No, it doesn't.
They "favored" them because in the late neolithic/early copper Europe had less than 10 million people in total, it wasn't really difficult to conquer.
The Middle East was much more inhabited and so they weren't capable of imposing their langauge there with exception of Iran, Northen India and a few other regions
Niggas have been talking about Indo-Euroniggery here as a RACE. Stop spouting shit about cultural ties.
lol no. but considering just how good they were at what they did I think it's impressive. if anyone is the master race it's them, but like I said they're not superhumans.
I never said that though, don't strawman me nigga. Language families arise from related ethnic groups, not simply just shared cultures.
>india, iran
so basically most of the middle east
>how good they were at what they did
We don't know what they did. "They" were not even a distinct group.
What's so impressive, that they spread over a relatively large area?
So did the Bantu, are they a master race too?
>>a single ethnic group expanded and split into literally every ethnic group worth a damn (Hellenics, Italics, Persians, Germanics, Celts and even more)
i really hope you understand that most of the Europeans today are just european hunter gatherers who adopted PIE and are not actually descendant of proto-indo-europeans
Dont forget greek,armenian and anatolian
Modern Europeans hardly have any hunter-gatherer ancestry
And? We are talking about culture here. PIE were master race because they imposed their culture on everyone else
>Turks: 80+ million
>Arabs: 310+ million
>Jews: 6+ million
>Iranians: 77 million
>Other Semitics: 4-20 million
>most of the Middle East
Also since when was India considered the Near East?
I also said nothing about master races either, again, what's with the strawman?
Anatolians speak Turk and Greeks are in Europe
Include kurds and armenians too.
Yes but they used to be there for a long time.
Armenians are in the Caucasus, not the Middle East and I included Kurds with Iranian speakers. Point was: Semitic/Hasmitic languages dominate the Middle East because of Arabization of other Semitic and non-Semitic peoples outside of Iran and Turkey.
>PIE were master race because they imposed their culture on everyone else
[Citation needed]
That early neolithic component in your graph is already 25% hunter gatherer itself
good at what they did was me implying they were particularly successful in their colonizations/wanderings.
distinct varies but for me the fact that:
they had two distinct haplogroups, a similar europid physical appearance(originally black-hair, pale skin, dark hair, then the mutation for blonde hair and light eyes became common amongst them, which is why it spread), and a religion, makes them a distinct group to me.
If you included azerbaijan in the middle east then you need to include armenia too. They are on the same altitude. And dont forget lurs,balutschis and gilanis.
the bantu might be impressive and worthy of the title if their descendants had done anything.
I don't think Egypt should count as part of the middle east if were not counting india and the areas around it. still, Iran alone is a large swath of land.
And what is that supposed to show?
>Iran, Northen India
so extremely large and important areas of the middle east?
>So did the Bantu, are they a master race too?
another question i was wanting to ask was how most of the Old World eneded up coming from a few areas, MENA from Afro-Asiatics, SSA from the Bantu/Niger-Congo people, and of course our own Indo-Yuros while much of the Americas and select parts of eastern Asia ended up a mess of unrelated ethnicities.
genetics means fuck all to our lives.
we take almost EVERYTHING from the Indo-Europeans, outside of Basque paleolithic Europeans are extinct. done for. there's nothing identifiable about them left.
I think it would be fairer to say that their linguistic legacy far outweighs their genetic one.
That these people are the ancestors of folk from Iceland to India is pretty much accepted, I think, albeit as a small percentage thereof
North Africa is culturally, ethnically, and racially tied with the Near East/Middle East.
Nords have ALOT.
Especially Swedes
the only logical explanation for this, imo, is that they had an advantage as great as that of the first farmers from the middle east, who spread as colonists all over europe, north africa, and iran + india, replacing most of the local hunter gatherers, or that of the spaniards over the natives of the americas.
That advantage was horse riding. Milleniums after this most empires kept getting wrecked by horse archers from the eurasian steppes. The Indoeuropeans were probably the first nomadic horse riders of the steppes.
Europeans are split between the 3 genetic groups
Basques aren't any different from other western europeans as far as admixture goes
He's clearly meming you fuckin' autists.
Its true. almost all major cultures and inventions have come from here or at last inspired from here.
A small tribe of what are essentially black people live there and speak a language that is not like any other language in the world
>Hellenics, Italics, Persians, Germanics, Celts and even more)
What more?
>Some Indian languages derived from Indo-European and yet they couldnt be the same race as fucking Slavs now, arent they?
But they are.
North Indians, Albanians, Armenians, and extinct groups like Hittites and Tocharians.
Basques have barely any Caucasian hunter gatherer admixture which was a genetic component brought by PIE, same with Sardinians, Iberians in general have very few of that, but they have a bit of it
The farmers from Anatolia spread To Europe, the farmers from the Levant to Arabia and NE Africa and the farmers from the Zagros Mountains to Afghanistan, Pakistan, India etc, but those were 3 distinct ethnicities, the farmers in Anatolia were heavily mixed with European hunter gatherers already before entering Europe
No, only to the Gulf Arab region and maybe to a small extent the Levant. North African has nothing to do with the Near East, like Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan.
Higher IQ's, plus adventure is part of the European spirit.
You're a retard.
Why does almost all of North Africa speak Arabic and are Muslims then?
India isn't part of the Middle East you dumbass
>Language families arise from related ethnic groups
Citation needed
He's correct though. Two related languages came from a single ethnolinguistic group, therefore, they are related.
You are the retard here
>Languages are learned.
Languages are created by humans in the case of the Indo-Eruopean languages they were created by a people sharing the same blood-dna-ancestry, the Indo-Europeans.
I'm arguing the Northern Africans have a lot of genetic and cultural relations with the Gulf Arab region, but they have little to no relation with Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan also have little to no cultural and genetic connection the Gulf region.
>only horse
they invented:
advanced metallurgy
composite crossbow
and the modern world
>Advanced metallurgy
>Composite crossbow.
China says hi, they invented that thing, and the idea for crossbows they got from Southern Junglenig tribes who hunted birds and small game with Pic related, which the Chinese took and made a man-killing tool out of.
Horse, already said
>The earliest known production of steel are pieces of ironware excavated from an archaeological site in Anatolia (Kaman-Kalehoyuk) and are nearly 4,000 years old, dating from 1800 BC.[18][19]
>advanced metallurgy
That would be Cyprus, so, false again.
>composite crossbow
>and its successor cultures gave rise to the Indo-Aryan migration. It has been suggested that the Srubna culture (contemporaneous with, and a neighbour to, the Andronovo culture) used composite bows, but no archaeological evidence is known.[9]
The earliest ones found were in China
> Composite bows (and chariots) are known in China from at least the Shang Dynasty (1700–1100 BCE).[11]
>and the modern world
And that anatolian site was an Assyrian colony at the time, so not Indoeuropean anyway:
If the Pontic steppe was the original Aryan homeland, then are the Cimmerians those Aryans who did not choose to migrate? The Scythians?
>imposed their language
ftfy. They actually adopted most of their later culture and technology from the pre-IE people they conquered. Heck, the Hittites even fully adopted the religion of the pre indoeuropean people that lived in Anatolia, while hellenics absorbed the Minoan mythology into their own.
Brahui people and language. And they're Dravidian, not black
>Hellenics, Italics, Persians, Germanics, Celts and even more
>he said in a Germanic language
>vocabulary is language
Worst meme on Veeky Forums
Compounded by the fact that most of those Latin words are medical terminology you will never use.