What is your favorite alternate history story?
What alternate history would you like to live in?
My answer for both is Guns of the South.
Favorite alternate history story
>counterfactual history
But being serious, Lest Darkness Fall is great.
Alternative history is one of the highest levels of autism.
It's autism but I enjoy it. IDK about many good books about it though.
Where's that chart of alt-how s movies? Have we made one for books yet?
Alt-his I mean. Fucking autocorrect.
Isn't that the one where it's going nice and plausibly until the author stops giving a shit and time-traveling Soviets show up with AKs for the CSA?
My favorite alternate history story. Is that Spain ruled from laCaƱada (land of canyons) to la florida (land of flowers) all the way to la tierra del fuego. (Land of fire). And that all the famous white people in us history started off in the caribbeans and south america. They were looking for spices. So to be accepted amongst the nordics a group of peope left their semitic looking cousins in the south and took their land in the north by inviting the english in. Since the english believed that they and the nordic protestant were gods people to the world because they were born without blemish. And they in turn sided with the dutch and the story begins. So in ply-mouth rock. These people made their story and how they came from the browns.
The protestant church made it a lot easier for them to in breed and divorce. You didnt need to get paperwork. Etc. they helped the french and the french helped them back in respect to mainland spain. With all due respect the french sold them louisianas. However the papers were faked. But the french didnt care because they were now athiests.
If you ask a racist black person...whose ancestors been here for atleast 500 years theyll tell you these pale blonds are experiments and that their slave ancestors told them they were experiments. And started off in south america as a war between two royal dynasty sympathizers. One acknowledged their germanic heritage and the other a mixture of seafaring peoples. Some even go as far as saying they are time travelers sent as an experiment by a geneticist.
It was actually time-traveling South Africans who think that the South winning would ensure white domination over blacks for all eternity. No, I'm not making this up.
Right right. Goddamn that book wasted an interesting premise.
Fire on the Mountain. Terry Bisson.
John Brown's raid was a success.
What movie/series is the gif from ? The actor was in dead set.
Which is a shame, too, because it starts off alright. Brits backed CSA in the Civil War leading to it becoming a recognized nation, alliance fuckery and general unresolved tension make WWI on the US front Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo, including a Custer that didn't die being old as shit and generally doing that thing that old fashioned officers did in early WWI. Slavery ended in the South but a heavily oppressed black population begins to turn to Communism... It was all good until someone spoiled the awful ending and I sadly put it down.
I wish someone would have done that when I was reading this shlock.
This is barely Veeky Forums related but I can't resist posting it.
I bet this would be great to read while drunk.
I picked that up at B&N and tossed it down on reading the lengthy synopsis, the premise is too stupid, even for fiction
This sounds like the greatest early-2000s satire imaginable.
Shame they don't have the balls to write stuff like that anymore.
More like the kenyan islamic gommunist boogeyman turned out to be bland and disappointing and they ran out of inspiration.
is this really a thing
I desperately want to read this
I generally dont and view all of them with revulsion. Especially Harry "What if X had Y" Turtledove.
But I did like "Years of Rice and Salt," and, "Fatherland."
Rice and Salt was amazing, but pretty nothing that happened was justified and we ended with basically a palette swapped modern world for no obvious reason
Race and Salt Sounds interesting. Read the plot summary. In my oppinion its Sounds a lot like leftist/feminist/university fantasy.
Peaceful enlightened scientists not devoping the bomb,heavy emphasis on womens rights etc.